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Anonymous No. 16578331

Is every form of entertainment turning into a slot machine essentially? Loot boxes in games, short form video, news apps (twitter), social media apps, dating apps, image boards.

And does science anticipate the impact this will have down the line?

Anonymous No. 16578371

Makes sense.
A lot of the early arcade game manufacturers in the US also made gambling machines.
Video games started out as an attempt to make a more subtle form of Skinner Box that could be marketed towards children.

Anonymous No. 16578599

gambling analogies everywhere. because it makes things addicting, which is what degenerate greedy fucks want. for whatever reason, they always bring up shareholders but what power do shareholders have. the share price is not the economic situation of the company.

Anonymous No. 16578610

Retards play retard games.
Simple as.

Anonymous No. 16579251

It’s a Push but it by far doesn’t Apple to everything.
And Yes it’s all leading to Techno feudalism

Anonymous No. 16579506

Greed and incompetence. Media is the first to develop it, sooner the harder industry that builds the society falls with growing weight and diminishing strength.
Society is collective problem solving and there are 3 tiers of problem solvings, with descending effectiveness and completeness
1) is teaching how to create tools to solve that problem
2) is teaching just how to use the tools provided to solve that problem, the tool creation and ownership is omitted
3) is doing service for you, no other transfer
Doing #1 and the requester will never ask for it again, he instead will be capable of providing
Doing #2 and the requester will only ask for tools and provide itself and others given the tool, the tool of physical can be bought or leased
Doing #3 the requester perpetually requests
But you can go lower than that:
4) the worse fix requiring more frequent fixing, the requester stuck in the loop of getting help as things boil over
5) realizing fix is not possible or too late, requester stops making such requests to society to self resolve or left to rot.
For any business run by incompetent people, staying afloat requires optimizing profit with #4, but it bleeds over everywhere as problems are not solved while making them markatable competitive as higher echelon looking down seeing one can make mass profit by not solving the problem.

Gambling is one of the method to run type 4 operation without problem being solved by type 3. It hijacks the customer's brain into learning sessions to learn nothing. It effectively arouses the customer with anticipation for many possible outcomes, with very little skill and knowledge required. Reducing the problem to roll it and a very tiny quit button. Every roll is accompanied by things happening to overload the sensory inputs while your brain struggles to tie what it receives to random outcomes. They have gained control over one's input and rewards to permanently change behavior. The thoughts don't matter, all hallucinations

Anonymous No. 16579708

sex with asian girl

Anonymous No. 16580019

Insightful post. It does appear that is the case. We are already seeing negative effects, and things will only get worse.

Anonymous No. 16582660

reddit reply

Anonymous No. 16582668

you'd think that gives you a chance to win when in reality it takes your money like before but most times you're not getting anything for it.
it's like going to buy a car and you have 5% you'll get your car after you pay up.

Anonymous No. 16582678

>I actually love farming
said a million retards at once, I couldn't believe my eyes

Anonymous No. 16582687

>Is every form of entertainment turning into a slot machine essentially? Loot boxes in games, short form video, news apps (twitter), social media apps, dating apps, image boards.
The very nature of Capitalism is to optimize everything into Skinner boxes that maximize resource extraction from the pigeons while minimizing costs.

Anonymous No. 16582692

By the way, the real damage here isn't in the way it makes normies part with their money and time, but in the way it works on a meta-level to condition normies into BECOMING Skinnerian subjects by constructing an environment of Skinner boxes that rewards the participants for conforming with the theory behind them.

Anonymous No. 16583986

Double digit IQ post.

Anonymous No. 16584407

>t. sub zero IQ farmer

Anonymous No. 16584414

>the only alternative to abusing your reward system 24/7 with an endless stream of useless short videos, brainless social media posts and degenerate pornography like a junkie constantly chasing the next high is to be le farmer
Ask me how i know you can't pick up a book and read it for as much as 10 pages without feeling an uncontrollable craving for a look at your phone. Do you really think yourself superior to that guy over there who's plowing the fields?

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Anonymous No. 16584464

gambling is not an investment strategy, but it based and if you don't enjoy it you have no divine spark.

Anonymous No. 16584701

I'm confused, I meant the
>I have to kill 10 scabs with a banana
>pick up 3 red bandais
>so I can unlock the next mission
>so they'll give me woobiedoobie
system which is pure cuckery, what did (You) mean?

Anonymous No. 16584702

poker is a legit career for some, the rest are just no better than the down syndrome inserting coins in the scam machine clicking the green button and watching the thing spin

Anonymous No. 16584887

Don't know what game you're referencing but it seems I've misunderstood your post, apologies. I read >>16582678 and thought it was defending what OP is describing by comparing it to medieval peasant's lives or something (yes, i have interacted with people that dumb before)

Anonymous No. 16585065

no prob dude, half of my family were farmers, noble people

Anonymous No. 16586994

bumping this eye-opening thread.

Anonymous No. 16589329

just a distillation, I suppose.
>hey, what's the most addictive form of entertainment?
>idk, gambling?

Anonymous No. 16590297

interesting observation, but not always true. you choose what music you listen to, choose what movies and tv shows you watch

Anonymous No. 16591136

Zoomers don't really "choose" what music they listen to. They let the algorithm decide.

Anonymous No. 16591235

true, they rarely listen to albums