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🗑️ 🧵 It’s science

Anonymous No. 16578390

And that, gentlexirs and genderqueers, is what science is. The scientific method was used in consultation with native ways of knowing to produce a Grand Science. And that’s science. You’re not an anti scienceist, are you?

Anonymous No. 16578398

It’s just science. What are you, a troglodyte? Legos are cisheteropatriarchal oppressionites injecting white supremastic nazistyle hetero-sex into our minds which used to be queer minds in accordance with Mother Earth. And that’s what the science has discovered, using science.

Anonymous No. 16578411

this is not pol, retarded shill.

Anonymous No. 16578423

You’re denying the lego science. You are a nazi and you need to be punched.

sage No. 16578459

It's a fucking telegraph article, OP is a 2022 editorial that's talking about male/female connectors, same exact throwaway discussion CRT pulled with master/slave branches in git
you fucking mongoloids

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16578492

Science denying nazi, you belong in a mass grave next to the polish officers