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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16578481

My dad's hairline has receded and thinned but he has an otherwise full head of hair with an intact crown, it is impossible to notice when he combs his fringe down and his dad (my paternal grandfather) had a bald spot on the back of his head before he died

Please tell me this is just age related hair loss and not male pattern baldness

Anonymous No. 16578507

In 2 more weeks hair cloning will be a reality and alopecia will be solved because you'll have an unlimited amount of hair to transplant

Anonymous No. 16578511

>age related
Meaningless term. Hair loss and everything else has exact causes. Age isn't a direct cause of anything.

Androgenetic alopecia (what you know as male pattern baldness) can be considered "age related" because follicles miniaturize over time. That is the most likely cause, though there can be other factors, such as stress, poor nutrition, poor circulation, etc.

It's a pointless thing to ponder anyways. Whether you will suffer from androgenetic alopecia isn't up to you. You can hope for the best and do nothing about it, or start taking preventative measures now. Up to you.

Anonymous No. 16578521

nobody cares retard go back to pol you retarded turd
it's a troll spamming these threads

Anonymous No. 16579006

It comes from your mother's side bro. My grandfather died with a full head of hair at 95. You have weak genes and need to off yourself to prevent them from polluting the bloodline of humanity.

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Anonymous No. 16579134

CDS cures balding

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Anonymous No. 16579154

>[next-level schizo-tier oxidizer enters the chat with a borax buffer]

Anonymous No. 16579158

you could grow the hairs in pigskin
the future truly is here

Anonymous No. 16579215

>It comes from your mother's side bro
Not really

Anonymous No. 16579248

what causes specific hair loss patterns?
Why is the hair at the back of the head so much more resilient than the one at the top and front?