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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16578618

Every dentist I've been to says something different.

For example some of them tell me I have to get a cleaning every 6 months, others tell me my teeth look perfectly fine and I can wait at least another 6 months because I don't need a cleaning.

In addition one of them said based on my x-ray I have bone loss and periodontitis, another said I'm perfectly fine

Anyone know wtf is going on??? All of these dentists graduated from the same university

Anonymous No. 16578650

congratulations, you have noticed that no 2 experts ever have the same opinion on something. pick one dentist that you trust most, or is the hottest milf you like coming back to or whatever.

Anonymous No. 16578665

This is why you always get second opinions for important shit.

Anonymous No. 16578668

I've gotten 5 opinions and they're all different I'm sick of this shit

Anonymous No. 16578671

Post xrays or whatever and the issue you're having. I'll give you my non-dentist opinion :)

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16578681

I did though. Also why would I want a non dentist opinion lol

Anonymous No. 16578698

the trick is to chew sand

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Anonymous No. 16578760

in real medical science they have this fancy rule for diagnosing patients
>if patient doesnt feel any symptoms (fever, pain, cough), then do not trust lab tests because its called false positive. this rule has been widely breached dhring covid games and it severy inflated the numbers by false positives, where doctors said to perfectly healthy individuals they gonna die from corona cause the chink test showed positive.

ofc, this is only general rule, for example cancer testing often breaks this rule, because when cancer finally starts to show symptoms the patient is beyond saving.

for dentistry though, if your teeth dont have visual defects and or holes and dont hurt, then there is no problem no matter what xray says. remember: they want to make money, they dont give a damn about your health.

Anonymous No. 16578964

there's some people that have never been to a dentist before and never had problems with their teeth

DoctorGreen !DRgReeNusk No. 16579010

>Anyone know wtf is going on??? All of these dentists graduated from the same university
it's all a big scam. these frauds get away with it because your body will recover the 80% of cases

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Anonymous No. 16579131

take vitamins and brush with chlorine dioxide. pretty much all you need to do for optimal oral health.

Anonymous No. 16579171

nice golden ratio digits
same here, i go to a different dentist every time now and only get work down if 2-3 spot the same thing.

things that creep me

>when the hygenist or receptionists asks if i have insurance before they diagnose me teeth
like why should it matter? less guilt if you charge the big corpo?
> dental offices in areas with obviously jack high rent
like why would i be paying for ambiance in a dental office, the addage is true, the best noodle soup is in the dungiest of low density strip malls.

Anonymous No. 16579204

Its goof for you to have a cleaning and general inspection every 6 months. Cheaper too than letting all your teeth rot and then getting jaw surgery at 45

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Anonymous No. 16579220

>[also does both hair and teeth chemo]

Anonymous No. 16579269

>Dental associations should review their guidelines
Good thing the dental association is literally completely useless, has no guidelines at all and doesn't punish anyone for anything (there's not even a report button or option anywhere on their website)

That's definitely genetics. I didn't go for 3 years and now my teeth are much worse. My friend hadn't gone in 7 years and his teeth were fine except for his gingivitis. He didn't have a single cavity. He also never brushed his teeth. I know it's genetic cause his dad was a smoker and basically didn't have any teeth issues.

Which digits? Do you mean 10 and 20?

I'm convinced literally every dentist is a psychopath. There's no fucking way you can be okay with inflicting pain on people for a living if you're not. Which means that by definition, none of them can be moral, and none of them can be trusted.

That's what I've been trying to do, but no body even gives me an x-ray. Half the people want my teeth to rot out (to make more money later), the other half want to give me unnecessary treatments to make more money.

Anonymous No. 16579270

*The dental association where I live

Anonymous No. 16579275

The dentists assistant will just clean your plaque and do an assessment for cavities. This doesnt require X rays
You just go through life like this, cleaning and an ocassional filling now and then. The important thing is to clean your teeth properly at least before going to bed, dont just brush the front but also between the teeth in these gaps where food lodges. You cant use a normal brush like that, it wont work. Flossing not effective, you need a proper brush for interdental spaces. It will also clean out any nascent plaque
If you do this at the 6 month cleaning the assistant wont find anything

Anonymous No. 16580868

do we have a new "oxygen singlet" schizo on this board?

Anonymous No. 16580945

>All of these dentists graduated from the same university
How poor is your country?

Anonymous No. 16580951

just eat animal foods, avoid grains, avoid drugs, avoid processed foods and don't use tooth paste
you will never have a cavity and you will never have to visit any of those scammers ever again