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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16578847

why is /sci/ the lowest iq board on this website?

Anonymous No. 16578875

The curse of topic-specific boards. /sci/ sucks at science&math, /mu/ has shit taste in music, /lit/ is full of angsty teenagers who think Dostoyevskiy was a philosopher, /ck/ posters canโ€™t cook and post about fast food, /v/ is about videogame company politics rather than games, etc.

Anonymous No. 16578942

Most of the board is retarded, but every now and then someone posts something incomprehensibly deep and brilliant. I'm pretty sure Ed lurks here.

Anonymous No. 16578980

because of me

Anonymous No. 16578985

There has been a generational turnover in 4chan's userbase.
When this website started, it was overwhelmingly millenial.
Now it's overwhelmingly zoomer, and zoomers are retarded faggots.
Common core has created a generation of literal white niggers.

Anonymous No. 16578987

*tips fedora*

Anonymous No. 16579037

Who is Ed?

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Anonymous No. 16579137


Anonymous No. 16579149

Sadly the best science posts were space elevator threads on /pol/. While there are many contrarians and low effort trolls there, due to the larger number of users, science topics that are not all that political end up attracting more anons that actually know something about the subject matter than threads one /sci/ do. The Namibia terraforming threads were good too but haven't seen one of those in years.
This board also has a tendency to attract the karens of IFLS! that want to police ideology in science. That sometimes also leaks up into the moderating. It will be very interesting to see if things change now that the USAID pipeline has been shutoff.

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Physicist or Ghos....jpg

Anonymous No. 16579151

His big brain image disappear from the sticky for some reason. Wonder if someone affiliated with Witten contacted the mods demanding his image not be connected with this site.

Anonymous No. 16579153

4chan is CIA and so is Witten, so it wouldn't be hard to pull some strings.

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Anonymous No. 16579385

>It will be very interesting to see if things change now that the USAID pipeline has been shutoff.
some things won't change anytime soon

Anonymous No. 16579404

Hmmm... Maybe even r9k is better for science, just no replies and that's why it's better. Not complaining.
/pol/ wise, even if you agree to any given conspiracy, and do the thing with jews and the niggers it's still filled with bloated egos who are probably old enough to know better.

I remember one guy saying relativity was wrong because he has a better theory. This is my theory, he said


Random letters right, which is what he thought that physics theory was also. Others just haven't noticed it, and they don't twig like he does.
It's just letters. That's why Einstein is a jew or something. Great insight no joke.

Anonymous No. 16579414

believe it or not, i knew it