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Anonymous No. 16579015

Are we going to need nanobots in order to cure aging?

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Anonymous No. 16579047

Don't know but if we could stop aging then i'd just waste the rest of my next centuries with fucking so many butts until my cock falls off

Anonymous No. 16579058

I think bioelectrical engineering is more a likely path. Addressing the problem at the software level rather than trying to address it by physically reconfiguring the hardware.

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Anonymous No. 16579109

body is already full of them anon

Anonymous No. 16579111

software and hardware are the same thing in human body.

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Anonymous No. 16579113

I think we're reasonably close with *very large* cocktails of small molecules, but guys like Bryan Johnson and Dave Pascoe are still taking midwit approaches. Siim Land is an even worse midwit honestly and yet somehow beats them. The published medical literature is pretty much all on short-term trials of one or two interventions, not pharmacy-sized supplement stacks.

Anonymous No. 16579464

You don't need to take much fortified apigenin for very long before you can stop.

Anonymous No. 16579540

idk but i hope so, aging fucking sucks

Anonymous No. 16579554

Hasn't he been working on becoming immortal for a while now?
He doesn't look like he's got a lot of time left. How old is he?
He better pull his finger out cuz times ticking now
He'll give up the ghost just as he finishes brewing up the final elixir of youth, then some utter bastard will snatch it away just at the wrong moment. Now that is a haunting thought for the likes of an aspiring immortal.

Anonymous No. 16579576

Permeant changes are pretty much noticable after a few months. Depending on how old you are it may take a year or two but you DO NOT want to try reprogramming your cells all the way back into your teenage years. Eventually you have to stop with that stuff or you get to be the first to see what it's like to go through puberty in reverse.

Anonymous No. 16579775

Idk what this «nanobots» idiotic concept comes from, we can barely drive cars from point A to point B what makes you think a microscopic robot will be able to travel around your body and know how and were to fix shit?

Anonymous No. 16579872

Good post anon. I like the cut of your jib.

Anonymous No. 16579877

Nanobots or tailored viruses (which are just organic nanobots anyway) since we will need to systemically replace old dna with fresh dna to permanently stop aging

Anonymous No. 16579894


Working on it

Anonymous No. 16580175

>Working on it

Anonymous No. 16580181

U only need finasteride if your a man

Anonymous No. 16580187

even if we had nanobots today we wouldn't be able to cure aging. there's still so much research to be done, it makes me hopeless

Anonymous No. 16581886

I have found the cure to drastically preserve lifespan.

no i'm not sharing it.

Anonymous No. 16582097

whats the appeal with anal for you, tight pussy feels good with no chance of getting poop on your dick, have you ever fucked a tight pussy?

Anonymous No. 16582125

this guy isn't curing his hypothermia
he won't live a day longer than 60

Anonymous No. 16582146

is no one actually a scientist on this board, there is no "curing" aging, there is life extension and health span, maximizing years without chronic disease that depends on low hanging fruit that no one bothers with out of sheer laziness but we all know those boring basics. But to get close to "curing" aging we need to do one thing
>refute the vitalist hypothesis
all the current research is built on shoddy ground because we fundamentally don't understand how cells work, if we can create a cell, a single most primitive cell, would guide us for everything else as a reference implementation for how our own cells work. Until this is done, don't bother with snake oil. Sure we'll figure out how to be healthy at 90 and live sickly until 140 for more people but that's only by min maxxing everything boring first and unfortunately no one cares for this, not even anyone reading this right now because you know browsing the internet like this site is net negative on your mind and health (blue light disrupting sleep to the ideas here encouraging bad thinking)

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Anonymous No. 16582214

>lung so weak he needs a P100 organic vapor filtered respirator for code orange poojeet air
>brain so fried he doesn't even know what that is, and brings an N95
>chud lines so bad the right kind of respirator won't even fit anymore
>ack-shilling 2,000 & 50/2

Anonymous No. 16582222

Huberchad just went over one of Bryanna Johnsonless's skill issues: not enough copper.

Anonymous No. 16584231

Not sure if we can "cure" aging, or if we'd want to. The genetic mechanism by which we age once we finish adolescence is the gradual shortening of telomeres (appendages attached to our chromosomes), and they get a little bit shorter every time our cells divide. When a cell cluster stops snipping off bits of the telomeres during cell division, we tend to call it cancer.

Anonymous No. 16584234

I dont want to live another year, much less 100
people obsessed with mind uploading, anti aging, etc. crap are manchildren.

Anonymous No. 16584260

Posting that Apigenic Health is going to be the best anti-aging measure you are going to get anytime soon. There is a reason there are no takedown videos.

Anonymous No. 16584509

I don't care what you think, you can do whatever the fuck you want with your life and body. You'll never make suicide cool.
But you and your cult can kys any time you want.

Anonymous No. 16584515

I don't care what you think, you can do whatever the fuck you want with your life and body. You'll never make living forever cool.
But you and your cult can kys any time you want.

Anonymous No. 16584530

>t. suicide cult drone

Anonymous No. 16584534

religion says you burn in hell if you kys

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Anonymous No. 16584592

then just make a new one where you go to heaven, duh.
>or better yet, become your own savior.

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16584596

Just die, you'll feel refreshed and you'll be in a new world. There is afterlife. Immortality is dangerous and dumb.

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16584601


We don't need to become immortal, death is like sleep. It's healthy to die.

Anonymous No. 16584603

Cells are individually immortal.

We just need something that rebuilds the telomeres.

So I'm going to say "Yes". It's the fastest easiest way that might happen in the current generation's lifetimes.
(There are other ways, but I would guess nanotech is going to be the solid front runner.)

Anonymous No. 16584608

>Just die
suicide death cult inbound. some other living weirdo is telling you to kill yourself. holy shit some people are legitimately fucking insane

Anonymous No. 16584609

you can do it, why would you feel the need to make others do it? that's really fucking weird.

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16584610

Die naturally.

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16584611

Kys faggot no-one cares if you want to live forever moron there's no point to you. You add nothing. It's better for you to die so there's less waste.

Anonymous No. 16584613

don't care what you think you psycho. go fuck yourself, eat shit and fucking die

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16584617

>Throws a bag of dog shit at you that curls round your chin

Eat shit and die faggot

Anonymous No. 16584618

lmao you sad piece of shit

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16584625

IQ: 65

Anonymous No. 16584629

It also warms against hubris. But I seriously doubt you have ever read the bible.

Anonymous No. 16584631

I did. if you can live and choose not to it's suicide. good luck with that anon.
>assumes he did but others didn't
you're a fucking joke anon

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16584636

Survival includes death because death is just a stepping stone unto a new place and time.

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16584638

You're the evil one who believes death equates nothingness without any evidence.

Anonymous No. 16584639

stop replying to me you crazy fuck

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16584658

Crazy fuck? You're the air head hyping immortality like it's necessary to survive.

Anonymous No. 16584662

stop talking to me you deranged psycho brainlet

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16584663

Fart in my mouf

Anonymous No. 16584693

I'm not a Christian. Try again babe.

Anonymous No. 16584695

did you just deny your worship of Christ to win a 4chan argument? that's a no no anon

Anonymous No. 16585908

That is how to get cancer. Better would be to become a single giant cell but with a human intellect, then there can be no rogue cells.

Anonymous No. 16585980
