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๐Ÿงต Male orgasm research

Anonymous No. 16579186

Hello, we are collecting data to determine the main factors for male cum distance, and cum speed.

This is mainly to determine what the longest distance male ejaculation is possible, however, it can serve other purposes outside of this.

The data is being collected just for research and will not be shared. If you choose to participate please answer honestly.

Anonymous No. 16579199

Please enlighten me on 2 things:
>are you female
>what are you trying to figure out
If you answer my questions so will i yours

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Anonymous No. 16579201

Anonymous No. 16579238

do you live on the east coast? i want to date someone in stem that can get me pregnant

Anonymous No. 16579266

silly you!
men can't get pregnant.

Anonymous No. 16579267

i agree, i also have a functioning womb and a ticking biological clock so hurry the fuck up

Anonymous No. 16579282

As a man, I won't fill out your form, but the longer ride is, the more volume of ejaculation and cum distance. Also dopamine plays role in that...

Speed is proportional to distance...

Also man cum harder if they've got full balls.

Anonymous No. 16579381

As a virgin 26 year old white male, living on the east coast, I should point out that if you're simply looking for someone who *can* get you pregnant, that would be very very trivially easy, as basically, unless one is sterile, there is enough sperm present even in a drop precum to impregnate a person.
Really you should be more concerned with finding someone you would want to date and love and be impregnated by.

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kilgallon2005 Ima....pdf

Anonymous No. 16579390

I remember being bored and horny, so I spent an evening reading papers on cumming. All the studies basically rounded up med students and asked them to jizz into a cup. I do remember one studying how far up their belly they could spurt, depending on how old they were.

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Anonymous No. 16579402

I filled out your form so I hope you are happy now
attached is a picture intended to make the thread less aesthetically pleasing than before

Anonymous No. 16579427

It just sort of squishes out and stays in a little glob on the end of my dick

Anonymous No. 16579454

Who is this "we" you speak of?

Anonymous No. 16580197

if I could afford it, I would come and breed you
but we are browsing 4chan in 2025, which means that 9 out of 10 people here are poor and autistic, including myself
to be honest, I don't know where women would find a good husband nowadays
maybe you can try dating someone from an Amish community?

Anonymous No. 16580201

years ago on this site I saw a video of some dude with balls the size of pears ejaculating for almost a minute
it was fucking freaky to watch and it removed any doubt from my mind that bigger balls = better and longer orgasm
but I wonder if having larger testicles will make you more prone to being gay

Anonymous No. 16580262

No need. Kinsey already studied and published cum distance.

Anonymous No. 16581453

post it please
Also what are the factors in increasing cum volume?

Anonymous No. 16581497

>maybe you can try dating someone from an Amish community?
nta, but I audibly laff'd

Anonymous No. 16581500

every male is disgusted with sex after the ejaculation, that's the post nut clarity.

Men live 99% in lust and 1% of the time with this post-nut clarity. Imagine it were the opposite: 99% of the time men would not even look at roasties and their mind would be pure, only 1% of the time they would be filled with lust.
The world would be completely different.

Anonymous No. 16581511

now the simps will come

Anonymous No. 16581517

breed a succesful researcher that is clearly contributing or doing its best to contribute for a better world for humanity (scarce)

Anonymous No. 16582302

If you are indeed a woman, where is your timestamp?

Anonymous No. 16582334

Fatherless people are the bane of society, instead of trying to find someone that can impregnate you (most men can) try and find a suitable father for your children to impregnate you, don't bring kids without a dad to the world.

Anonymous No. 16582345

Not true. Post nut clarity diminishes with age. After a certain point it basically stops existing for vanilla stuff.

Anonymous No. 16582414

Normies don't deserve "researchers" and a "better world for humanity".
Watch out for your own kids, lest they are taken advantage off and mercilessly exploited by animalistic cannibals.
I know of nutrient intake and diet, sleep, exercise, hydration and also the quality of the ejaculation, for instance, sex causes more and higher quality semen to be ejaculated than masturbation. Then there are all sorts of differences in physiology.
There are a lot of factors that will make it rather hard to tell.
What exactly are you trying to learn from this?

Anonymous No. 16582421

>just let the whole world rot around you
>surely there will be no consequences
>>>>>>>>>>science board

Anonymous No. 16582584

The biggest accomplishment of modern science and the result of your idealism, is going to be the breeding of 4 billion Africans, vaguely hopeful that their societies become productive, before the world starves to death, all in full view of the flames of total war.
It is utterly irresponsible and rests solely on the idea, really on the coping strategy, the belief that people can change for the better, if you just try hard enough.
But there simply aren't enough of you to fix, or manage enough of them to make a difference. We know that a large percentage of IQ is inherited. We know that a large percentage of psychopathy and mental disease is inherited.
I hope that people can let go of that fantasy before out little blue pearl turns into a matchstick.
Scientists should be motivated by curiosity and their own well-being, not by the facile approval of the masses.
"The Society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools." -Thucydides

Anonymous No. 16582601

>approval of the masses.
never implied that

Anonymous No. 16582974


Anonymous No. 16583293

this seems interesting..

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Stop guessing start learning No. 16583294

Why? This sounds like a waste if you ask me

butter No. 16583333

i can cum 2 feet i think