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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16579235

>the overwhelmingly vast majority of our energy generation capabilities essentially boil down to a mechanism that has been around in one form or another since 300 BC

we're cooked

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Anonymous No. 16579237

get to work

Anonymous No. 16579435

>Old principle bad

Anonymous No. 16579496

You have to be 18 years old to post here

Anonymous No. 16579510

>90%+ efficiency bad.

Anonymous No. 16579577

Mihil novi sub sole.

Anonymous No. 16579591

Interestingly, eletrical pressure isnt generated, its manifested.

Anonymous No. 16579609

The law of diminishing returns strikes again.

Anonymous No. 16579638

>op is still a giant fag

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Anonymous No. 16579644

most interesting concept i've seen is a fusion reactors that slams two bolts of plasma together and harnesses the energy with capacitators
and the dyson harrop satellite which is just a super solar power machine

Anonymous No. 16579978

Oh wow why series and parallel have opposite properties makes a lot more sense now

Anonymous No. 16579981

Hello, boiler efficiency reporter. There are other components in the system to evaluate.

Anonymous No. 16579995

Have you considered the idea that boiling water is just overpowered?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16580039

fr fr no cap on god

Anonymous No. 16580094

>I don't understand thermodynamics

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Anonymous No. 16580153

You can now fap to this
I do actually.

Anonymous No. 16580710

What am I looking at?
What do you mean?

Anonymous No. 16580748

and that is bad because...

Anonymous No. 16581074

What do we use to heat up the water, tell me.

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Anonymous No. 16581079

>since 300 BC
Oh sweet summer child

Anonymous No. 16581443

That's insane. I wonder if math/physics will help elucidate the mystery of life. It's hard for me to imagine that life had a beginning.

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Anonymous No. 16581816

Like anon posted before me
Life works on the same principle but scaled down since before LUCA
That's more then 4.2 Billions years that lead up in direct lineage to you and me
If it works well don't fix it

Anonymous No. 16581829

It just werks.

Anonymous No. 16581858

Kys zoomer

Anonymous No. 16583312

How can one look at this and deny that we are products of intelligent design?

Anonymous No. 16583343

There's your post, as a counter example of intelligence

Anonymous No. 16583344

>we're cooked

explain why it's bad without just saying it's old

Anonymous No. 16583377

It's already elucidated, you just react to the answer like it's Lovecraftian horror.

Anonymous No. 16584246

Alright honey, driving home from work now. I just gotta refill my ATP-synthamobile at the ol' proton pump

Anonymous No. 16584494

By understanding that turbines are simple as fuck and it's really not that unplausible to assume they emerged naturally. It's literally just a spinny thing. They don't naturally exist on a macro scale because things are less rigid on a macro scale. This is why a lot of stuff at a molecular level looks more "robotic".

Also by looking at all the vestigial traits that would be retarded as fuck to include in any intelligent design but an understandable phenomenon in evolution.

Anonymous No. 16586376

Spinning magnets and copper baby oh yeah, it just works

Anonymous No. 16586383

this shit is my favourite

lowkey wanted to get into weapon design just to design plasma pinch fusion directed energy weapons

Anonymous No. 16586464

Ah, the "everything came from nothing and then turbines and then complex proteins formed which led to billions of years of evolution and finally to the product of evolution finding out about turbines and posting about the similarities on a Mongolian basket-weaving forum and the way was totally not a product of intelligent design" enjoyer.

Anonymous No. 16586586

>everything came from nothing
The Big Bang theory does not say the universe came from "nothing." It only says everything used to be a very hot, very dense, very small singularity.
>and then turbines and then complex proteins formed
Yes, pretty much. Complexity is a function of simplicity. Things that are complex can be broken down into a finite amount of very simple steps.

We already have experiments that directly prove aminoacids can emerge spontaneously in pre-life conditions:
>Miller–Urey experiment
Then it's just a matter of them forming chains to create proteins, proteins folding, then fitting together and we have our turbine eventually.

Evolution is also directly proven at this point:

Anonymous No. 16586649

>1988 1/100000000 sample life time kept in sterilized lab
>confirmed real
söyboys actually eat this up

Anonymous No. 16586658

Sure, let me believe in this messiah from desert land that actually never existed in this other religion, and was born 600 years early in this other religion

Anonymous No. 16586702

>we can directly observe evolution within a controlled environment
>but it doesn't count because it was done within a controlled environment

Anonymous No. 16586772

You don't have to believe in a Messiah whatsoever, but in a supreme creator. Everyone who has seen the beauty of science should in my opinion acknowledge that the beauty of physics and math can't just come out of nothing. Bo one is talking about the big bang. I don't care what before the big bang was, or if the big bang ever happened. It's about who put the first initial energy into this system.

Anonymous No. 16586779

If it ain't broke, etc.

Anonymous No. 16586821

>Everyone who has seen the beauty of science should in my opinion acknowledge that the beauty of physics and math can't just come out of nothing.
But the beuty of an even more complex supreme creator could. Got it. It's always the same shit with you people, read a book.

Anonymous No. 16587144

Truth. That's why futurist nonsense babble about shit like fusion power always makes me laugh. And what are you going to do with nuclear fusion once you can sustain a reaction? Why, boil a tea kettle of course! Humans are stupid primates and are never getting out of this century alive.

Anonymous No. 16587147

>What am I looking at?
Entirely theoretical horseshit that should be the norm but humans will never employ because it doesn't make a high enough profit like child trafficking does.

Anonymous No. 16590125

hmmm we could use the capacitors to boil water, generate steam and get turbines to spin some magnets so we get electricity to the mains

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water boiling bas....png

Anonymous No. 16590145

>life is kettles all the way down

Anonymous No. 16590155

Gas turbines dont boil water and neither does any common internal combustion engine. Most energy used by humans does not boil water. Coal is used for 26% of the global energy use and not all coal is used to boiil water, a lot is used to produce steel and cement