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Anonymous No. 16579536

What are some less known practical things you do to increase brain sharpness?

Anonymous No. 16579537

Having a hyperthimic personality

Anonymous No. 16579550

supplementing certain nutrients above standard dietary intake (calcium, thiamine. D3, K1/K2, magnesium - threonate and citrate, amino acids, iodine)
Really does work, think about it.. ever seen a physically healthy person actively suffering with a psychotic illness? Exactly..

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Anonymous No. 16579555

Anon, that would turn you into a far right militant and a white supremacist, even if you are black.

Anonymous No. 16579561


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Anonymous No. 16579565

Anon, your twilight collection is not going to make you smarter.

Anonymous No. 16579797

Stay away from retards like socialists, feminists, democrats, atheists. That trash, they/them are sick in the head.

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Stop guessing start learning No. 16579799

Reading? Suduko? Camping?

Anything besides doing nothing

Anonymous No. 16579800

a 200 grit whetstone

Anonymous No. 16579825


Anonymous No. 16579831

Smoke some weed first thing in the morning and don't get distracted. It helps to prepare the questions and means to write the thoughts down beforehand.

Retard patrol No. 16580854

resistance and cardio training.
Everything else is a scam.
Both of these are proven facts.

Anonymous No. 16580944

do some physical exercises, coffee and maybe weed if available (disclaimer: if over 27 years old) and some focus music. absolutely no normies around

Anonymous No. 16580955

Exercise is a big one.

Some will laugh, but hopefully you have some talent and esoteric insights...
When someone earns there livelihood in something they obsessively love ... it makes you feel less overwhelmed/insignificant/lonely. Like a bias towards a sense of purpose.
Easier said than done.

Anonymous No. 16580964

>Exercise is a big one.
yeah takes like 10 minutes to crack all your joints. feels good for the rest of the day.

Anonymous No. 16580967

cardio and weightlifting basically but there are some other methods that might work. the idea is to increase blood flow to the brain.

EEG biofeedback

flaxseed oil and fish oils. cholinergic vasodilators to increase blood flow to the brain

NIR light therapy

Anonymous No. 16581116

Leave this place. We're nothing but brain rot here. Not even joking.

Anonymous No. 16581226

Ignore all of these idiots. All exercise and motion cause micro-concussions in the brain. Instead of some kinds of brain damage that have an odd to rupture and juice your brain with the savant chemicals, these microconcussions turn your brain into a leathery wrinkled nutsack and gives you alzys

Anonymous No. 16581396


Anonymous No. 16581756

Fuck with your orientation relative to gravity. Balance is such a fundamental requirement for life that your brain is wired to be hyper adaptive to changes affecting it. So if you spend some time with your head tilted at a funny angle your brain switches into a much more plastic state making all forms of learning more effective until it wears off.

You can achieve a similar thing by making yourself frustrated. When you are frustrated your brain gets more plastic

Anonymous No. 16581991

> made up schizo bs not based on anything
nah thanks

Anonymous No. 16582638
