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Anonymous No. 16579676

What is magnetic flux and why is it always conserved

Anonymous No. 16579760

The flux of magnets

Because them magnets be flowing somewhere dummy

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Anonymous No. 16579769

This is literally the simplest concept in electromagnetism. If you're struggling with this, just cut your losses and give up, because it aint getting easier.

Anonymous No. 16579778

This literally explains nothing lmao fucking midwit

Anonymous No. 16579814

>What is magnetic flux
Integral of the flux density :^)
>why is it always conserved
It's not

Anonymous No. 16579822

integral of a field dotted with the field normal

Anonymous No. 16579824

and yet you dont know what it ACTUALLY is

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Anonymous No. 16579933

flux is life

Anonymous No. 16579939

Noether's Theorem