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๐Ÿงต give me a mathematical definition of life

Anonymous No. 16579850

Anonymous No. 16579871

There isnt one, life is not a rigorously defined concept

Anonymous No. 16579922

anything that's more than the sum of its parts 1+1=3

Anonymous No. 16579928


Anonymous No. 16579929

Correction, I meant 1+1=3

If you think about it, it'll make sense.

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bodhi No. 16579986


Anonymous No. 16579988

Not wanting to fuck a complete stranger that has been shitty to you in the past, was paid to interact with you in the first place, and is probably getting paid for said sex doesn't make you gay.

Anonymous No. 16580011


Anonymous No. 16580288

A spiraling, broadening ribbon on the space of material structures.

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Satella and Subaru No. 16580295

We have made ze dragon himler!

Satella and Subaru No. 16580297

Source: (eye) made it up

Anonymous No. 16580960

well an AI (not the fake chat kind) is basically a self replicating equation so I'd go with that.

Anonymous No. 16580985

life is a solution how to temporarily
go thru a lower-entropy phase
in order to convert CO2 to CH4

Anonymous No. 16581000

You're lacking the evidence to support this claim.

Anonymous No. 16581010

>waiting for anon to realize that c02 to ch4 is a positive exchange, meaning the exchange becomes more disordered until the exchange stops.

Anonymous No. 16581044

>Sean Carroll
why does he have TDS?

Anonymous No. 16581057

what is a barrier between

Anonymous No. 16581185

3-digit iq

Anonymous No. 16581189

>3-digit iq
that's a 2-digit iq statement

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Anonymous No. 16581192


Anonymous No. 16581197

100 is a three digit IQ but it's literal midwit territory

Anonymous No. 16581217

You can view life as optimization algorithm that convert non-organic into organic matter. It employs just about every trick in the book in order to do so: gradient-based methods, heuristic methods, dynamic programming, Bayesian optimization, evolutionary methods, meta-heuristics etc. In principle, it's condemned to eventually discover and encapsulate every computable optimization method, so I suppose its mathematical definition would look like a sufficiently general formalism for optimization, but figuring out how to mathematically express the optimization goal is left as an exercise to the reader.

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Anonymous No. 16583350


Anonymous No. 16583356
