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Anonymous No. 16580460

Oh no no no longevity bros, not like this...

Anonymous No. 16580464

>Not even babies born in 2019 will live to 100 years old
I didn't think it was this bad

Anonymous No. 16580478

Nothing new, only deranged, self-deluded, pseudo-religious messiahs thought different.

Anonymous No. 16580483

old people aren't productive

Anonymous No. 16580486

yeah, because it's more productive to train a baby for 23 years every time an old geezer retires

Anonymous No. 16580613

then don't

Anonymous No. 16580621

I met a 105 yo dude the other day, his trick is walking 20km a day

Anonymous No. 16580669

cancer? heart disease? just eat a bunch of schizo plant enzyme extracts. I'm not convinced this is really as hard as people say.

Anonymous No. 16580696

You overestimate the willingness to solve health problems. The market determines that it's optimal for humans to consume slop and die before they collect their pension or any savings. That's the hard barrier.

Anonymous No. 16580727

>muh productivity cult
lol get a load of the brainwashed slave!

Anonymous No. 16580769

>muh population-based study using the term "lifespan inequality"
I totally believe normies are gonna keep smoking, snorting fent and dying in car crashes even more. I'll stick with the chemicals that your doctors will be talking about in 20 years, if they still remember what chemicals are by then.

Anonymous No. 16581031

they could if they didnt actually age
OP, people will naturally get longer lifespans due to natural selection.
Women are delaying reproduction until their 40s, some women can handle that just fine and have healthy babies, others cant and they get culled.
Over several generations this will change the genepool and women will be naturally fertile in their 40s, this process will continue and they will get fertile in their 50s, 60s, with no limit.
Fertility is correlated with overall health, it isnt like a healthy woman that can have a healthy baby will just give birth and then die of old age. So this is indirectly selecting for women that have a naturally long lifespan,menopause%20age%20was%20related%20to%20a%20longer%20lifespan.
>Conclusion: Young age at menopause was associated with increased risks of all-cause mortality. The later menopause age was related to a longer lifespan.

Anonymous No. 16583507

I'm not productive too and I'm young.
Who cares when AI is soon going to do all the work for us.