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Anonymous No. 16580933

What's your favorite thing about math and science?

Anonymous No. 16580936

all those sexy thick textbooks w/ solutions in the back

Anonymous No. 16580947

it just werx

Anonymous No. 16580969

there are more stars in the universe than atoms in the galaxy

Anonymous No. 16580971

That we can trust it

Anonymous No. 16580981

we do not know what happens beyond the planck length.

the nearest star is trillions of miles away.

Anonymous No. 16580991

They're out there, and we're gonna find them

Anonymous No. 16581045

unless they already found us

Anonymous No. 16581201

that I can make things up and nobody can question me about them

Anonymous No. 16581202

try it faggot

Anonymous No. 16581216

women are more evil than men

Anonymous No. 16581225

post crime statistics men/women

Anonymous No. 16581227

women do absolutely nothing

Anonymous No. 16581231

so how are they more evil than men?

Anonymous No. 16581233


Anonymous No. 16581234

you failed in proving you can make things up and nobody can question you on it. cope

Anonymous No. 16581239

It's a good distraction from the tedium of reality.

Anonymous No. 16581241

you seem to have been mindbroken and defaulted to lashing out while still not questioning the fact that women are more evil than men

Anonymous No. 16581244

you couldn't provide a single piece of evidence like crime rates. what evidence have you backing your statement?

Anonymous No. 16581246

That's the thing with science, I don't need to provide any evidence.

Anonymous No. 16581258

pi r^2 h
that one blew my mind becase it is so graphical

Anonymous No. 16581642

Is science an art or a science?

Anonymous No. 16582308


Anonymous No. 16582310

Do you have evidence that truly evil people would ever allow themselves to be caught and prosecuted?

Anonymous No. 16582313

>truly evil people are geniuses who always avoid crime statistics
I'm not saying women can't be evil. I'm saying they're actions are not worse than men's.
else what does evil even fucking mean? the way they reject you for how it makes you feel?

Anonymous No. 16582314


Anonymous No. 16582317

>I'm saying they're actions are not worse than men's.
But they are more evil and more often motivated by malevolence.

>what does evil even fucking mean?
Why are you trying to form some hateful counterargument when you don't even know what the word means in the first place? You are woman, no?

Anonymous No. 16582319

no you're acting like a woman by avoiding pinning down evil in a way that can be quantified/compared. only women do that shit because they know you'll get them if they try to say anything concrete so they gotta keep it vague and accuse you of bad intentions towards them.

Anonymous No. 16582321

>no, u
Definitely a woman who can't take accountability for your own actions and would just like to pretend you don't know what words mean instead.

Anonymous No. 16582324

how many /pol/ gore videos with whamen doing evil shit?

Anonymous No. 16582326

about 350 especially if it involves torturing cats for likes on obscure forums

Anonymous No. 16582329

how many with men doing evil shit?

Anonymous No. 16582332

Good point, I wasn't factoring in all the men they seduce into corruption along the way.

Anonymous No. 16582986

Broadly, it satisfied my need for cognition.

Anonymous No. 16584334

A history

Anonymous No. 16584341

My favorite part about math and science is that other people figure out the math and science and not me, and i get to shitpost because of it and they smart people can be mad all they want but they started this, not me. I didnt make the internet, but i do use it

Anonymous No. 16585364

I like being able to know what will happen even though I've never done it or anything quite like it before. It's very cool.

Anonymous No. 16585366

Appeasement and attrition.

Anonymous No. 16585368

you'd be caught out very quickly, smith

Anonymous No. 16585568

There are more trees on earth than stars in our galaxy

Garrote No. 16585574

How it has to do with logic and deliberate thought.
How it is so useful.
How its pursue cultivates many virtues.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16585575


Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16585598

maf and sciens in the modern era is a con

Anonymous No. 16585611

volumes and physics

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16585614

.99999r and 1

Anonymous No. 16586937

>>A history
>About 13.5 billion years ago, matter, energy, time and space came into being in what is known as the Big Bang. The story of these fundamental features of our universe is called physics. About 300,000 years after their appearance, matter and energy started to coalesce into complex structures, called atoms, which then combined into molecules. The story of atoms, molecules and their interactions is called chemistry. About 3.8 billion years ago, on a planet called Earth, certain molecules combined to form particularly large and intricate structures called organisms. The story of organisms is called biology. About 70,000 years ago, organisms belonging to the species Homo sapiens started to form even more elaborate structures called cultures. The subsequent development of these human cultures is called history.

Anonymous No. 16586943

it (should) be objective and based on experimental evidence

Anonymous No. 16586964

It is both entirely made up, and still works. At the bottom of everything in pretty much every scientific discipline are a mix of untested assumptions and things we know to be untrue but it makes our math easier. And yet, it still works pretty well all things considered.

Anonymous No. 16587060

This is something I both hate and love.
Like if you go look at the underlying assumptions for statistical physics, you get shit like 'all microstates are equally probable' which is demonstrably false. But it works, so fuck it.

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Anonymous No. 16587088

meth and violence

Anonymous No. 16587498

The invention of the semiconductor.

Anonymous No. 16588957

i like how its so practical and can get the imagination going at the same time

Anonymous No. 16592146

This. I heart science.