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The Philosophy of....pdf

🧵 The Philosophy of Ejacstinence

Anonymous No. 16581111

Anonymous No. 16581158

I'm not reading that

Anonymous No. 16581159


Anonymous No. 16581161

i hate when NPC don't reduce the interline space.

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Anonymous No. 16581163

This is what hedonists like women keep saying. Womens’ entire lives revolve around sex and things related to sex. Their mental landscapes consist of who had sex with who, the juicy relationship drama between such and such and so and so, how Chad is such a hunk and his gf is a whore that doesn’t deserve him, and so on. For women, sex is like the Sun of their inner solar system, the most important part of life around which everything else such as relationships and drama and dating and children and weddings and divorces revolves. Men on the other hand, value sex as all animals do, but can also get really into stuff that has nothing to do with it such as model trains or video games or woodwork or something like that. Why are most fake fans of anything (sports, music, etc) always women? Because men can have genuine interests outside of reproduction and breeding, but for women everything else is just a distraction.

Anonymous No. 16581382

This is why I always tell guys to get good at sex if they want to keep a woman. They just argue with me kek