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๐Ÿงต Having a balanced life and excelling at your thing

Anonymous No. 16581363

One thing that hurt my ego really hard when I was younger (but still does now), is that most people, who excel at their work (in particular in science/computer science/engineering), are those who have a balanced, well-rounded, normal life. If you go on LinkedIn or Github, you can see all those people, who have masters/PhDs and are really good at their work and they are just perfectly normal people. Meanwhile I obsess over my interest (in my case computer science) and barely do anything else. I'm NEET, have no social life, live as a hermit and do nothing but try to improve in my field of interest, HOWEVER I am still far from the achievements these normal, well-rounded people get. I sacrifice everything just to get a fraction of what people get, who invest far less energy and effort.

How does this work? Can you observe a similar thing in other /sci/ences?

Anonymous No. 16581369

Being a little bit well rounded can be a good thing, you get to see interesting connections or similarities between things. Give it a go, it can only help.

Anonymous No. 16581375

This, also OP probably "obsesses" over computer science for 2 hours tops and then shitposts about it for the rest of the day.
Your >>16581363 problem is probably just related to wasting time online.

Anonymous No. 16582010

Yes, I feel the same way, so I'm not in a position to judge, but I will offer that being alone in one's bedroom is certainly a place to focus, but it's not a place to find problems. And the truth is, that nobody will reward you for doing anything they are unaware of. There is also the issue of scale, most products and projects are done in teams, even if collectively they make mistakes, it is also true that many hands make light work in the ideal case. Another issue is exhaustion, you're probably strung out, I know that feeling, well take some time for relaxation, and that doesn't mean on a computer, do something else, to excite the mind for seeing problems in a different way. If you're losing reason to continue doing something your not getting benefit from doing, then that is completely natural and you shouldn't feel ashamed of it. Trust me, I know that feeling all too well. But remember, neurons literally cannot refire themeselves until they reset and they do in fact saturate themselves. Another thing is that, coming from an engineering background, I've noticed computer scientists are sort of self centered in a way, not a bad way, but sort of a codecodecode kind of way, if you can't tell me why a camshaft and spring system, an audio recording on vinyl, and an analog oscillating circuit can't all apply themeselves to the same control problem (within limits), then perhaps you need to step outside the walled garden of modern digital computers for a second. Computers are, at their core, a means to an end, do you have an end in mind?
If you want to improve yourself then what you're doing is probably fine, probably even very commendable, and maybe you deserve alot more credit than you get. But you won't get that credit unless people care about it. If you want people to care about it, you have to improve the lives and experiences of those people.
Perhaps in the end it is merely your circumstances, maybe it can't be changed, maybe it can.
Unfair? Sadly, yes.

Anonymous No. 16582012

Perhaps in all this "self improvement" what we are really looking for is essentially a religious experience. Perhaps you can be happy just in the knowledge that you are attaining knowledge. But unless you see it that way, you probably won't be happy with it.

Anonymous No. 16582643


the unfortunate truth is that those successful people are some of the most intelligent on the planet whilst also having other strong traits like high conscientiousness which has allowed them to be productive and efficient. They are well rounded because they sont need to take as long to understand things as you would and they are adept at doing the tasks or learning the things they need to do and completing them without wasting time on excess other shit

so they can have a wellrounded life. it isnt like - "trying to be well rounded is a goos thing you should try". its more like thwir talenta naturally lead to that. i guess they also have to be naturally sociallt competent too since tou need that to work well with other people and get jobs

unfortunate truth is that genes are diverse ans chaotic. humans are bred and shit is thrown at the wall. what sticks is the good enough people but for all those people there are loads that just arent quite good enough of enjoy some field but are crap at it or have some good traita but not all of them required to be successful. all these people must be sacrificed for a functioning society. the very bottom dregs hold society back.

Anonymous No. 16582674

>Computers are, at their core, a means to an end, do you have an end in mind?
I don't think this is entirely true. Certainly computers are a tool for many people, but I do programming for the sake of programming. When you learn your first programming language, you get told that you should learn a language based on what you want to do with it, but I lost the goal I had back then rather quickly and concentrated on programming itself, not the outcome. From graphics, over chess to networking tools I have tried doing it all at some point, not because I was so much interested in each of those things, but because they seemed like good projects to have fun programming.

I am no mathematician, but I can imagine it being similar to math. Math is in my most cases a means to an end, but for some people doing math itself is the goal, and that's how I think of computers.

Anonymous No. 16583000

>If you go on LinkedIn or Github, you can see all those people, who have masters/PhDs and are really good at their work and they are just perfectly normal people.
have you not figured it out? the point of these websites is to present an image of yourself others will find appealing. it's puffing out your chest. it's fabrication. and you engage in it by making up pathetic little stories in your head about how rad and awesome everyone else has it because it takes no actual effort but makes you feel good about yourself.
do yourself a favor and get the fuck off the internet

Anonymous No. 16583018

Being well rounded is a meme. ChatGPT is well rounded and it's useless.
Nobody cares about whatever shallow connections your well rounded brain can come up with. Deep ideas is where it's at.

Anonymous No. 16584102

My old roommate, who completed his phd before me (in mathematics) once told me that he noticed the best mathematicians were very often very "normal" people. Normal being a bit relative here, since mathematicians are generally a bit off, but I've been able to see this in my own program in my math phd as well. The most well regarded and famous professors are very approachable and socially keen. So are the best grad students. The claim is that math (or any other hard stem work) has the ability to warp a person if it's too much for them. Those who resist are then naturally more inclined to follow the path and retain themselves versus those who have to pay the price of giving up a normal life.

Anonymous No. 16584579

The harsh reality is that you are simply less intelligent

Anonymous No. 16584597

Resource management.

They actually aren't that bright.
They need that stuff to feel smart.
You are smart. You don't need the feeling.

Harsh truth, degree babies won't face.
(Imposter syndrome isn't just a syndrome.)

Jobs hire people who check boxes.
Those people check boxes.
Doesn't mean they are innovatively intelligent.

Just because a monkey can pass a test about architecture knowledge, doesn't mean they can build a cathedral.

If they have something you desire, for whatever reason, figure out how to allot your time to get it too.

If you decide you don't really want that shit, don't.

No one is forcing you into the "be a perfect human" rat race.

You are free to be whatever you want. After all, you are just a primate. Everything happening around you isn't really relevant to how you feel about yourself. You adjust your own reference frame of reality.

This makes achievement grinders seethe.
A person on the bottom of this imaginary achievement podium (You) is capable of even higher levels of happiness and feeling content than they can ever achieve. They are plagued by their anxiety, stress, and problems associated with having to meet the standards expected of them.

No one has any expectations for you. To them, you are free. They are in chains.
They will feel better than you, temporarily when they purchase something with money that they are able to acquire, but it's fleeting when they have to wake up and toil in society again the next day.

Never forget what it means to truly be free, comes from within.

Now that you armed with this, you are more powerful than they can ever become.

Just imagine, what could (You) do, with this freedom, if you go achieve equal footing to them, by finishing your degree and getting a job?
You will immediately be superior to them...
But will you still be happy?

You probably need to eat some food and jack off. Your post reeks of anxiety and a lack of post nut clarity.
Have a snack, have a jack, revisit your thoughts.

Anonymous No. 16584710

>balanced life
>excel at work (reality is that OP means they excel at wageslaving in some worthless position for big corp)
Top kek. Go back to facebook.

Anonymous No. 16584735

>unfortunate truth is that genes are diverse ans chaotic. humans are bred and shit is thrown at the wall. what sticks is the good enough people
This is the uncomfortable truth, that your genes have more to do with your success in society than anything

Anonymous No. 16584736

I observed this in high school. The academically successful students all had gfs and rich parents.