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๐Ÿงต how to start learning matrices and determinants?

Anonymous No. 16581891

i really want to start learning about it, but i dont know what knowledge i must have before i start. I know calculus 1 and 2, and i see some people say that it is after calculus 3. What books do you recommend? what knowledge i must have before start learning it? if i must learn anything before, what book you would recommend for learn it? anything will help

Anonymous No. 16581913

>i dont know what knowledge i must have before i start
Just start doing it and look up what you don't understand, i'm getting pretty sick of these
>how do i learn
Bitch it's current year, it isn't 20th century anymore, you have 100s of mathematicians explaining this shit step by step for free a few clicks away, you even have fucking AI to help you look if you're too dumb for google, grow up

Anonymous No. 16581914


can we start banning posters like OP? MODS! MOOOOODS!!!

Anonymous No. 16584157

Most people learn matrices and determinants before and/or during Calculus 3, which uses both matrices and determinants to do Calculus in >1 dimension. You're in about the perfect spot to learn this stuff.

To understand what matrices do, and why they do it that way on an intuitive level, I highly recommend 3blue1brown's "essence of linear algebra" series on Youtube

If I were you, I'd watch that series and follow along with a linear algebra textbook, reading the textbook chapter for each video's topic and doing some exercises in those chapters before moving on. For a first exposure, Sergei Treil's "Linear Algebra Done Wrong" is pretty great. Don't worry about the title, the book is actually really good. The title is just a joke since "Linear Algebra Done Right" is a popular second-semester linear algebra textbook that was published before. If you finish "Done Wrong" and want to keep learning more about linear algebra, "Done Right" would be my next suggestion.