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Anonymous No. 16581917

Ok, but how do YOU (yes, you) know this isn't true?

Anonymous No. 16581926

Nigga wtf yo ass yappin bout lol

Anonymous No. 16581934

Someone in Hawaii cannot see the Eiffel Tower in Paris with a telescope.
Flat Earth nonsense is beyond ridiculous.
Why is TT being posted in /sci/ of all places?

Anonymous No. 16581954

>Someone in Hawaii cannot see the Eiffel Tower in Paris with a telescope.
have YOU ever tried that?

Anonymous No. 16581969


Anonymous No. 16581977

Because I've seen ships sailing away from the beach before? I mean, it doesn't take a genius to watch the curvature of the Earth in action as things move away from you. Derp.

Anonymous No. 16581978

I have never been to, or in, Hawaii.
But I was "in" the Eiffel Tower before!
And, needless to say, I didn't see any Hawaiian volcanoes.

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Anonymous No. 16581980

Because I observed a lunar occultation of mars on the 9th.
I had to drive 90km in order to observe it because the moon wouldn't pass in front of mars from my position back home due to parallax. You can use that parallax to calculate the distance to the moon and I would love to see you to create a flat earth model with the moon circling 385 000km above it.
Also the telescope mount I'm using can't work on a flat earth model.

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Anonymous No. 16581982

In order to view the occultation you had to be north of the upper red line which is why I had to take a drive.
If you were on the lower red line the moon would just barely touch mars and not occult it.

Anonymous No. 16581993

I don't know it isn't true. Flat earthers aren't entirely wrong. When you press them hard enough, you end up going down an epistemological rabbit hole where nothing we think we know is certain. There's no arguing your way out of that rabbit hole. Philosophers have tried and failed for millennia, since Plato.

Anonymous No. 16581994

"An occultation of Mars occurs when the planet disappears from view directly behind the Moon and reappears on the opposite side. On January 13, Mars will disappear behind the full Moon at 5:51 p.m., PST for one hour before reappearing from the opposite side at 6:45 p.m."

Anonymous No. 16582003

Flat earth = jewish psychosis

fishy No. 16582008

>>16581982 says, that Uppsala and Gävle are about 111 km apart, when using a bicycle.
Thus the distance between the two red lines is about 111/3 = 37 km.
Why did you write, that you drove 90 km?

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Anonymous No. 16582017

>FE assumes sun to be local
>in particular it is much smaller and much closer to the surface
>that puts an upper bound on the possible length of a shadow an object can cast
>with some reasonable assumptions compute that a shadow shouldn't be more than 3 times longer than the original object
>this is clearly false

Anonymous No. 16582029

Which of the foregoing posters needs to be told to:
and GTFO
ta here
with your propaganda

Anonymous No. 16582032

Also Flat Earth is a smoke screen, the real discussion is aether as the source of free energy.

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Anonymous No. 16582033

There has been 2 mars occultations this year. One on January 14th (universal time) and the latest on February 9th.
>Why did you write, that you drove 90 km?
Because I live south of the lower red line. I never wrote that I lived on it.

Anonymous No. 16582037

its more than obvious this is a jewish psyop to make other conspirancy theories less believable.

Anonymous No. 16582101

>There ha[ve] been 2 [M]ars occultations this year.
The technical image proves it.
>Because I live south of the lower red line.
Oh, ok.

Anonymous No. 16582128

I've seen the curvature from a plane

Anonymous No. 16582130

it's called "well poisoning"
something they're quite familiar with, both figuratively and literally

Anonymous No. 16582138

what's below the disc?

Anonymous No. 16582181

That is because light is accelerated upwards

Anonymous No. 16582490

>what's below the disc?
according to flat Earthers, Earthlings live on only one side of their disk

Anonymous No. 16582590

northern circumpolar rotation is counterclockwise
southern circumpolar rotation is clockwise
doesn't work on the pizza, just like many other observations don't make any sense

Anonymous No. 16582706

I don't get how flat earthers think they are truth seekers but still believe in supernatural friends.