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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16582036

How do you cope with the fact that you are always going to be who you are and there is only so much you can improve?

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Cult of Passion No. 16582040

Stop being (You).

Anonymous No. 16582051

>when you set your personal bar so low you could fix it all with a walk

Anonymous No. 16582054

Do you find yourself worrying about not being a professional football player?

Everyone has their limitations and lot in life. If you genuinely put in effort into the things that make you grow and passionate, you'll either reach one of two conclusions. Either you put in your best effort and grow beyond the bounds you thought would hold you back before, or you put in your best effort and come to accept your bounds by truly knowing you've reached your peak.

Anonymous No. 16582060

I had this problem growing up. I look at this way: I wish I could fly. I cannot fly. I cannot (by any means known to me) become a thing that could fly. So the only real problem here is in me wanting to be something that I'm not. If I realize that there's no fundamental "problem" that needs to be solved, I can
>Just be myself
And that takes a lot of the pressure off. From there, you just do the things that you feel like trying and see if they lead to a more desirable life.

Also, this is really more a topic for somewhere like >>>/his/ or >>>/lit/

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Anonymous No. 16582341


Anonymous No. 16582423

>genuinely put in effort
This is the chad larping as the incel
Change is impossible. You either can or you can't. And you can't can't.

Anonymous No. 16582426

If I literally put in just a little effort on myself on a consistent basis, my base level is already good so I'd become a god. Yet, I was born tired so I trade being excellent for sleeping.

Anonymous No. 16582487

I stopped comparing myself to others, instead I simply do whatever I enjoy doing and try to do my best at it.

Anonymous No. 16582632

would you care if you knew others won't judge you from it?

Anonymous No. 16582710

you exist because you have a job to do, the same job everyone else has: be all the way you so nobody else ever has to. A human life is a story, a network of choices, but ultimately a person is an answer to a question. You can't not answer it by existing, so just do what >>16582487 does, because being the answer to someone else's question is retarded.

Anonymous No. 16582716

also don't forget that all moments of your life are accessible to 4th dimensional beings, so even if nobody hears your beautiful guitar music or sees you rape that dog, it still matters that it happened.

Anonymous No. 16582792

By changing.

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Cult of Passion No. 16582835


Yevgeniy Pillman No. 16582884

Worried 4th dimensional beings will feel bad for you after they see you constantly lying online

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Anonymous No. 16582919

I accept it and move on.

Cult of Passion No. 16582922

>feel bad
[appeal to emotions]
>you constantly lying
[appeal to yourself]