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🧵 (You) get to reform the education system in your nation to better teach children

Anonymous No. 16582162

What do you do? Money and red tape aren't a concern.

Anonymous No. 16582192

I eliminate it completely.

Anonymous No. 16582211

>more physical activity
>allow kids to stand or sit
>math and meditation
>history and taxes
>self defense and chess

Anonymous No. 16582344

Classes are optional, only finals are compulsory.

Anonymous No. 16582347

what you'd expect happens is lower tier jobs will soon be obsolete taken over by AI robots so everybody deserves good education so they can 2+2 but in reality elites will figure smart people aren't required as they as well will be replaced by AI robots so everybody gotta be as stupid as possible for maximum control.

Anonymous No. 16582353

I kek'd softly

Anonymous No. 16582354

It's a numbers game, the further away you are from 1 student 1 teacher ratio, the worse it gets

Something that comes to my mind, I would make it career oriented, as in, study this, get this job, no fucking around. BUT I'd alse leave a door open for studying for one self, aka u do not pursue a career/job.

Anonymous No. 16582416

This is a great option

But instead I'd hand it over to the based man who ran the homeschool I went to for a couple years and make him Dictator of Education. What will he do? Probably reduce the hours, cut all DEI/woke bullshit out, add lots of western history, literature, classes in Latin and Ancient Greek, and probably racial IQ statistics.
I imagine he'd also try to get the government's sticky paws off education too, so even if you think all the changes are dumb you'd probably get a voucher to send your kid to a retard school if you so wished

Anonymous No. 16582436

Add a course on the history of usury, the impacts of central banking and the federal reserve with an emphasis on surname noticing and etymology

Anonymous No. 16582454

Looking back at my own experiences, the biggest problems were the total lack of discipline, wild differences between students, and the culture of disdain for doing well academically. All of these would be easy to fix. Some kids are too stupid to waste their time in school for more than a few years, so don't force them. Kids behave like monkeys if they can't be punished for misbehaviour, so do punish them. And doing well is not respected if you're not getting rewarded for it: Plaster all exam scores on notice boards for all to see, and give monetary rewards for those who do the best.

Anonymous No. 16582458

I bribe the children with money for good grades and red tape them to the wall for failing grades.

Anonymous No. 16582493

>dat nerd guy swimming in sweets
kinda based

Anonymous No. 16582554

1 year closely monitored and mandatory preschool at age 5 to get kids ready to learn, the objective is socialization, communication and play
at the end there is an evaluation of the child's development - those far below average deemed unfit for school take a second year of preschool
as for the rest of the children, they will be matched based on character types, intelligence and ability to minimize conflict and maximize development - essentially team-building
then small classes of no more than 16 students will be kept as one group from grade 1 through grade 12
years can be repeated 2 times for each 6 year segment, after that you go to an institution for special needs or evening schools depending on the age and situation
if you don't speak our language at a certain level, you will not be allowed to join *any* classes, except the language classes happening separately from all other schools
violent or problematic students will be removed from classes and depending on the individual situation sent to a different school that is more appropriate for them, or if the case is severe to colleges for the behaviorally inept
free spots can be filled by exchange students and those moving, if there is no space, new schools must be created
I think this is a good balance between giving troubled kids a chance, while not harming the rest of the class
there will also be a limit on the number of classes in a school as to encourage personal relationships, democratic processes and managerial diversity in school culture - if something goes wrong, there will be plenty other options, which reduces the chances of leadership fucking up the children's education
a school may focus on a specific age segment, but upon graduation classes will be kept whole
combined academic/science centers and sports facilities will be used by several schools each for advanced studies, projects, materials and spaces, etc.

Anonymous No. 16582556

the way this will work is that students will go to their normal classes on some days of the week and to those facilities on a dedicated day, say sports day and or science day, which could also be used for school excursions, whether that be ESA or the forest
they could also host afternoon clubs, tutoring and advanced learning programs for students from various schools for which they can sign up freely, they may also host some specialty classes or lectures for larger number of students, similar to uni
there will be catering at those facilities, which will be animal based, as it is extremely important for brain function and development
the facilities will also have a resident health professional, an assisting nurse, a psychologist and a social worker, should they be needed, as well as some teachers/directors of higher caliber
on regular days students must bring their own food, since those schools will be kept relatively small
for this they will receive guidance based on nutritional menus focused on maximizing brain function (so that retard parents don't send their kids to school with chips and chocolate)
the curriculum will be standardized across all regular schools
it will focus on the natural sciences and prioritize interactive learning and a good understanding of the fundamentals early on
this will include, math, physics, chemistry, biology and technology/applied science, to which students will be introduced slowly as time goes by, as well as tutoring classes which will be used to teach reading and writing at first, as well as encourage socialization and later will be used to teach various life skills from first aid to how to do your taxes
there will also be language/literature, foreign language, geography/history and philosophy classes

Anonymous No. 16582560

some of these will occasionally encounter topics of political nature or discussions and these will not be graded, neither will any interpretative or opinion-based work be graded beyond anything but basic grammar and structure, the methodology for all grading will be shared with the students
at certain days the school will remain open for students to complete various independent assignments, but there will be no homework as that just simply doesn't work
after graduation students can go on to uni or learn a trade, which will have a reduced curricular workload thanks to the mandatory 12 years of school
there will also be a digital management system/social media for all students and school personnel that will do everything from hosting class chatrooms, providing log-in credentials for school hardware, parent to teacher communication, direct messaging, schedules, tasks, lesson descriptions and networking opportunities from clubs to internships, this system will be the same for the entire country - students are required to use this, but only in the context of education
funding will be per-student and per-category according to the area they are in and it will be federal (some schools need more money for their buildings, but that shouldn't influence their ability to provide say computers or textbooks)
private schools will be eliminated, rich faggots must pay, their kids can take all the same specialty lessons at the community centers but the walled gardens of economic elitism will end
disability friendly or Christian schools, etc. will still be allowed under the new system, given that they teach the entire curriculum
all foreign students except a numerically limited exchange program for allied nations (EU, NATO), will be excluded from our universities
the time of Chinese people attritioning our healthcare system by taking up space and then immediately fucking off back to China must end

Anonymous No. 16582561

the only thing they can study in limited numbers are subjects specific to our country like history and language, which aren't mission critical or have no further purpose beyond intellectualism
I think that's most of it - as always, foreigners, diet, overcrowding, lack of funding/parasitic drain and a severe lack of mindfulness and cultivation are the biggest issue for schools in the west, imo

Anonymous No. 16582566

don't care didn't read

Anonymous No. 16582600

that's a whole lot of text, care to summarize?

Anonymous No. 16582623


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Anonymous No. 16582641

why didn't YOU use it to make a summary of your wall of text vomit?

Anonymous No. 16582787

chatgpt'd it, a bit meh 2bh

Anonymous No. 16582795

You'll never get a chance to fix the education system. The whole thing is pointless. Only neet faggots like you would actually think about this.

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Anonymous No. 16582806

How about... a "education system"... wait for it... for the fucking utopic society to actually function

utopic society is maintained by robots, all infrastructure, all resources, all robots, think of a modern greece, but instead of slaves, you get robots, and we get to be: whatever the fuck we like
so in order to maintain this utopic society, each and every single member of it must be educated on how to
>pirmary resources required to build a robot
>where those primary resources can be found
>how to build a robot with the primary resources
>how to program the robot
>how to provide maintainance
it all would be a mere fail-safe, because the robots would build eachother and maintain eachother and gather the resources, BUT, we must know how to do the whole process, just in case

Anonymous No. 16583521

learn to read nigger

Anonymous No. 16584542

Reading Literature /writing essays
Music or Drawing (whichever of the 2 the student chooses)

Do you need more?

Anonymous No. 16584717

Get rid of most of it. Think of a typical inner city school with a horrible reputation. It's a total disaster, they graduate students who literally cannot read or write. It's a waste of time and a waste of money held up by feelings and momentum.
Many schools are essentially government funded daycares to keep dem keedz off da streetz.

Compulsory education should really only go so far as to reading and writing, beyond that it's all optional and selective.
Filter the smart students into regional schools with accelerated curriculum.
Reduce the load onto higher education so that smart kids can focus on academics instead of needing to jump through hoops and do performative "holistic admissions" bullshit to get into the good colleges.

Basically education isn't that hard, the ancients knew how to do it. You just need to get rid of the idiots who are pulling everyone else down.

Anonymous No. 16585022

>Health and Fitness
>Virtue Ethics
>Educational Psychology
>Skills Development (students decide freely what to learn)

Anonymous No. 16585026

>Do you need more?
yes, physics, chemistry and astronomy

Anonymous No. 16585367

Eliminate it completely and replace it with nothing. Reduce taxes accordingly.

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Anonymous No. 16585419

Bring back the feudal system, but with more computers

Anonymous No. 16585460

Based government indoctrination noticer.

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Anonymous No. 16585466

It can't be solved without a caste system and extreme violence to impose it.
The kids that are truly promising deserve to have the best and privileges over the general population. Average kids will get what is necessary to be wage slaves. The rest will be hunted if they make trouble, to be sold as pets, slaves or whatever. Those who don't get sold fast will get culled to avoid overpopulation.

Anonymous No. 16585522

Make it so kids can actually fail out of high school. It would get rid of the shittiest students, improve the value of HS diplomas, and help poor kids

Anonymous No. 16585536

turn schools into a faraday cage with zero wifi

Anonymous No. 16585537

Good idea, now nobody will be able to call for help when there's a shooting

Anonymous No. 16585538

>he calls for help
by the time anyone gets there it's already too late

Anonymous No. 16585552

I would get rid of it so you useless docile submissive book types could get back to working the fields instead of stealing tax dollars through extortion.

Anonymous No. 16585578

Gotta allow the top the room to breathe too. I hated primary school because everything was way too easy and I simply didn't give a shit. Oh, I'm in the next grade, what do I get? To multiply 4 digit numbers instead of 3 digit numbers. Fantastic.
I don't think kid me would have cared much about pocket money or sweets either. I was very badly behaved and constantly in detention for something or other. I laughed when they gave me some award with a ticked box for "following rules", for helping a kid, by breaking rules.
Basically taught me that schoolwork needed no effort, that I'd rather just read books than listen to the teachers prattle, and that you get in trouble for stupid things so it doesn't matter.
I kept topping standardised tests so maybe they let me get away with more, and it got me into a better high school, though that attitude never left even as the content got more interesting. Somehow I only got detention once in high school and I didn't even show up for it.

Anonymous No. 16585579

I'd rather they modelled school after say, driver's education. You take lessons for whatever period you think necessary, then you choose when to take the test, then move on. So if you can blitz through everything you get to skip school 2 days a week and do 3 grade levels in a year. Or if you're stupid then you don't get whipped along to next year's content before you figured out last year's content that it's built on.

So ... nobody will give a rats ass about learning (and by extent school) because all the content will be 100% irrelevant to their lives?

Anonymous No. 16585580

exactly, we need to arm the children and teachers so everibody is safe
t. totally not the gun industry

Anonymous No. 16585582

Good. Most of school was a waste of time and I would've been better off mining coal as a child.

Anonymous No. 16585583

how is being able to sustain an utopic society as a fail safe irrelevant? Other than being ready to step in if something goes wrong, thwy can view the full picture and improve things

Anonymous No. 16585588

you cannot have an utopic society with current form humans. they are doomed to wipe themselves. there's nothing stopping it. even if you had robots policing them they'd still create a fucking nightmare just because some idiot wants more or is just evil/broken.
such utopia may make some sense when everybody's brains contain some necessary supporting structures, which humans don't, and they won't be human anymore if modified to fit such a scenario.
human drive for more is what makes humans a temporary blip in the history of this universe.

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Anonymous No. 16585589


>all this stuff will fail? yeah right
>it'll be someone else's problem anyway
t. everybody in your hypothetical

Anonymous No. 16585593

The highest iq 18 year old males are rewarded with a harem of beauties and it's illegal to have sex if you don't know calculus.

Anonymous No. 16585600

yes I can see a big gap, specially in current "humans" way of thought, to get there, that for me, doesn't mean we should stop pursuing it, what do we want to achieve, mediocrity, conforming, or fucking top tier shit, the way I see it, education can be a good tool
I admit I am an idealist, but fuck if we have to conform with shit tier aspirations and scumme behavior, we should aim higher

Anonymous No. 16585602



Anonymous No. 16585605

that's what some humans are doing, aim higher to get to new form. current one is too chaotic and there's too many broken and fucked up individuals that are fucking it for the rest.
even if you control for everyone's experiences there's still genetics which will explore the most insanely evil avenues.
instead of becoming a dystopian eugenics mandatory experience hell might as well rise above all of this shit, including Earth's environment.

Anonymous No. 16585610

we need to move from "is this marketable/profitable" to "is this good for humanity", we're waaaay short from there, but it is certainly something we should pursue

Anonymous No. 16585623

>we should pursue
"we" don't pursue shit. a few people decide what happens, because they have the power to. because there's a spectrum of retardation.
when everybody is a similar god with higher understanding for everything you can try some form of anarchism.
current forms are centered around excusing their shiftiness because there's retards who'd fuck shit up.
looking at the skies the question becomes, is it possible to ever get out of idiot's grips, or they always end up wiping everybody, before anything makes it out?

Anonymous No. 16585654

wars, even world wars are extremely profitable and convenient for them, so yeah that string should be cut

Anonymous No. 16585688

>What do you do?
Free pre-K and public college, maximum class size of 25, year round free school breakfast, lunch, and dinner, free gym clothes, school supplies provided by schools, school counselors required to have actual training, ending schools using child labor for cleaning and maintenance, ending lottery-backed school funding and banning public lotteries, capping the share of school staff that can be administrators, requiring children be taught in climate controlled rooms outside of PE which isn't to be conducted outside above or below certain heat indices or in rain, require PE adhere to current health and safety recommendations as far as specific exercises used, sport safety, and water availability, require sex-ed starting before puberty, requiring charter, private, and home schools to meet public education standards at a minimum, food, supply, staff, and activity budgets scaled to student headcount with no penalty for expulsions, alternate schooling offered for expelled students assuming they aren't sent to juvie for whatever got them expelled, ban on school safety officers being used to respond to non-violent offenses (bring in other cops if there's thefts or something, shit's not an emergency), elimination of dress codes, require teaching and living conditions in juvenile detention centers to meet the same standards as schools on the outside, free trade school classes, college, high school, and middle school courses on offer in prison/jail, incorporate logic, computer use, social media safety, and media literacy into school courses anywhere they aren't already, and cap backpack load at a safe limit.

Oh, and eliminate contact sports and non-contact sports with high injury rates. Leave that shit to private leagues. There's enough brain damaged fuckwits walking around without schools having football teams.

Schools train you better to be a prisoner than a functioning adult. Kids might actually want to learn if schools weren't hell.

Anonymous No. 16585690

>Virtue Ethics
You meant ethical hedonism, right?

Anonymous No. 16585800

1. Make it Catholic and include moral instruction
2. Make it more rigorous
3. Make kids have to test into high school

Anonymous No. 16585805

>Make it Catholic and include moral instruction
I feel like churning out that many gays would be bad for the overall birth rate.
>Make it more rigorous
As opposed to the vibes based education system we already have. It's not like our system isn't heavily criticized already for teaching to tests or anything.
>Make kids have to test into high school
Remedial schools/courses exist, as does holding students back. Either you don't know that, in which case you're a fucking idiot, or you do know that and are implying kids that can't test into high school should be kicked out of school entirely, in which case you're a fucking idiot.

Anonymous No. 16585815

I would make smaller classes with focus on individuals, add AI to that, and make automated website educate individuals of every age. But not like on Coursera, more like on Brilliant. Also I would teach people on how to be healthy and fit society.

Anonymous No. 16585870

something I wish I was told, your marks, your score will count towards which uni or trades u get accepted. that will also affect on your outcome in society, thrugh your access to the professional field

as soon as the children have their scores count towards their future, right there and then, right before it should be ensured that each and every kid understands this

Anonymous No. 16585931

Lmao I barely graduated, but I got into my first choice college with a 75% scholarship just based off SAT score (2340). Your grades don't count for shit.

Anonymous No. 16585947

>I feel like churning out that many gays would be bad for the overall birth rate.
There are Catholic countries that haven't been innundated with retarded Anglo nonsense (see Croatia, Poland, Ireland (for now)). Most modern faggotry is just due to Angloids and Frankoids being godless hedonist queers for 300+ years and Turkey/Greece existing. Turns out being half-assed about your faith makes you give your whole ass in sodomistic pursuits

>As opposed to the vibes based education system we already have. It's not like our system isn't heavily criticized already for teaching to tests or anything.
Truth is most people don't even need anymore education past high school for getting a job. Higher education should be for researchers and people developing technologies and the like (along with historians/classicists and the like and job training for careers that actually need higher critical thinking skills like doctors and the like). Most people should just get of school after learning algebra, get married and get a job. It's not like they're going to use their college degree.

The rest of your retarded post can easily be addressed by what I've said. There's too many people in school and none of them really need it past reading, writing and doing enough math to do basic business/financial management. Stop acting as if being a white collar retard is a good or fulfilling way of life compared to actually making or catching something with your hands like farmers, fisherman or most craftsmen do. They may not be educated, but these people aren't retarded like middle class fuckwits like you are.

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Anonymous No. 16585950

More focus on applied knowledge.
Teach kids to write novels instead of useless thesis.
How to solve actual problems with math tools, instead of useless textbook problems that will be forgotten the second they stop. Kids should be taught what to use when the needs arises, so they'll know what to look up to solve a problem. And just let them use the fucking calculator for fucks sake, what kind of lunatic solves calculations by hand like sucidial retard? There's a reason we use excel and programming to handle the big numbers ffs.

Prevent teachers of useless things like history and other meme subjects to cast actual votes, beside behavioral ones. You just need to broadly know the course of events, forcing kids to recall dates/years and other menial retarded shit, is objectively torture to make them hate history.
If the kid wants to become a historian he will pursue the subject on his own.

How to file taxes, and the other practical basic society stuff that academic retards don't have the IQ to realize that it needs to be taught before someone can know it. Which is way more important than calculus and other bullshit.

Stop asking degrees for things that have barely any real life connection to the work they're asked for.

Teach useful shit for a goddamn fucking change. How is ti possible that 90% of what you learn in school is utterly useless and is forgotten within a decade?!
Fucking absurd.

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Anonymous No. 16585954


Anonymous No. 16585966

>croatia, poland and ireland
oh, sweet summer child

Anonymous No. 16585970

Thank you for the non-rebuttal and generally useless reply.

Anonymous No. 16586145

Big focus on mathematics where the teacher is assisted by an LLM for basic stuff so every kid can self-learn (make sure the LLM is fine tuned to not give the solutions directly). You should be proficient in calculus, linear algebra and number theory/proofs by the end of high school. Then, by order of time investment: Physical ed: swimming or gymnastics/light work out + basic dieting (with a focus on negative outcomes of over consumption of certain food types, basically scare tactics), Pop science + biology (memorizing facts) then transition to rigorous science (chem and physics) when they have a grasp on functions in mathematics, "culture class" where you learn about movies, books, fashion, art as a common societal language and less as actual disciplines, free time (should be at least 20% of school time so people don't get as demotivated), contemporary world (basically the state of the world, geography, recent disasters, a smidge of economy and politics with focus on humanitarian efforts; biases dissolve with depth). Then, you make one extracurricular mandatory and give enough options for them to personally get invested (hobbies make you a more balanced person). Make sure to have dedicated personnel to help with class behavior so teachers can focus on maximizing learning. Free lunch, 3 school trips per year, bi-yearly personal planning 1-on-1 with someone to draft a plan for your future life with realistic options (can change throughout the years, basically a 2-3 hour focus on introspection), no uniforms (but a dress code) so people can express themselves. I could go on for hours on how to incentivize children to perform well, but I'm not a behavioral psychologist so I'm not sure what is detrimental or not, but that should still be a focus. Make it so classes sporadically turn into free time periods on a weekly basis to not over-fit too much on a schedule and alleviate negative feelings some students harbor towards certain classes and days.

Anonymous No. 16586705

>Your grades don't count for shit.
over here they do, 100%, specially if your uni/choice is in high demand

Anonymous No. 16586721

I would increase teacher pay but also make it significantly easier to fire them. A good teacher is worth the extra money and the system gets slogged down by the deadweights. Every classroom would have a teachers assistant so the teacher can teach instead of make copies or other bullshit. More pressure on parents to actually raise their children instead of dropping off their feral animals for us to babysit, I would make traditional public schools a privilege and not open to those who are a behavioral problem. More emphasis on trades, more and earlier life skills classes. School for kids would be 4 days a week allowing teachers a planning day. School would run in the summer but have the winter off

Anonymous No. 16586723

Oh and no state testing, or at least severely reduced

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Anonymous No. 16586801

here's a redpill from a learned elder of Hyperborea

back when I was a pre-teen, I went to a public school it was a big ass building, neoclassic-like decoration, old, good teachers, except for a bad apple or two
we, the kids were good at maths, our teachers asked us a lot and they got a lot from us at maths
skip forward a year or two, new law, le based rite wing nationalist government passes a new law
>all kids from a neighborhood will have to attend by mandate the nearing schools
sounds good right? the kids can now go to a school near them instead of getting spread around public schools around the whole city
wrong, you forgot to factor in the ghetto neighborhoods and immigration, what happens next? my previously semi-elite school is now flooded with moroccans, dominicans and blacks, they barely know the language
and just like that, public elite primary schools ruined

food for thought

Anonymous No. 16587047

Make it the death penalty for nerds who were good in school to complain school wasn’t good enough for them when all they had to do was shut up and do the “easy” work.
They’re really mad about being born into a world full of retards.

Anonymous No. 16587066

You are one of those retards.

Anonymous No. 16587106

High school teachers need a PhD in their field to teach. Salary is increased to 100k minimum for lowest COL areas. Higher for more expensive areas.
Remind me again why they have to go?

Anonymous No. 16587157

double shifting
Group A goes to school from 8 to 12
Group B goes from 1pm to 5pm
Teachers work the whole day with no extra pay.
Teachers get fired during summer break.
Teachers get regularly kicked in the tits/balls (i fucking hate these kid torturers)
All teaching staff must ne 50/50 male and female
Disciplinary boards where pupils can accuse their teachers abusive misconduct (death penalty in an ideal world)
Gamify learning as good as possible, keep standardized testing though

Anonymous No. 16587159

Copy the Chinese system

Anonymous No. 16587160

>lower tier
Yeah lowtier jobs like lawyer, artist and author lmao.
You know ever sknce the first mechankcal harvester was introduced theyve worked on eliminating bricklayers and carpenters, they couldnt though because they were so arrogantly thinking of them as lowtier jobs that they didnt understand them

Anonymous No. 16587173

Everyone who went through the current chinese system needs glasses, the older generations have a normal occurence of bad eyesight, also their system literally kills creativity and out of box thinking and replaces it with some shitty poems that dont even rhyme but have the proper count of syllables?
Either way the shit you learn in school is not supposed to be remembered but to help you be able to learn actually important things and give you a feneral understanding of the world.
Creativity is the most important skill and it is not what blue haired faggots that that shit on a canvas think it is.

Anonymous No. 16587177

>Creativity is the most important skill and it is not what blue haired faggots that that shit on a canvas think it is.
No, practicality is the most improtant thing. The West idolizing creativity over practicality is how you get 1000+ genders and people who smear shit on a canvas for a living.

Anonymous No. 16587178

>High school teachers need a PhD in their field to teach. Salary is increased to 100k minimum for lowest COL areas. Higher for more expensive areas.
How many hours do they work how many days off do they get? How will they be punkshed for torturing children from their position of absolute power?
It doesnt take a smart person to teach the bullshit taught in school (thugh a phd does not mean one is smart) but it takes someone who isnt a fucking subhuman asshole. And its hard to find someone like this because just like in ancient greece faggots were drawn to the job of sculptor, these lowly lazy scum people are drawn to cushy jobs with no resistance.

Anonymous No. 16587181

>they couldnt though because they were so arrogantly thinking of them as lowtier jobs that they didnt understand them
they're general purpose dexterous monkeys. humans are still better than machines at it, but not for long.

Anonymous No. 16587184

I said specifically its not zhis jewish understanding of creativity where every new type of perversion is called a cultural achievment.
Creativity is a form of intelligence and intelligence describes the ability to solve problems.
Heres some examples of what i mean.
>joseph monier the gsrdener inventing reinforced concrete
>that american barber inventig the oil pest cure by putting cuttoff hair in a lady stocking
This is what i mean by it.
I am not really sure what you mean by practicallity though but id like for you to explain.
Btw in german we still call the concrete reinforcement "mounieriron" even though we use steel today.

Anonymous No. 16587186

Replace 90% of coursework with trades training and labor. Apprenticeship starts young and you rotate so as to get exposure to a wide variety of skillsets.

The only mandatory in-person class work you have to do is learning math, sciences, and how to read and write. Cut everything that does not pertain to these goals and make them optional extracurriculars.

Give the kids who perform exceptionally well financial rewards.

Anonymous No. 16587187

One day i will make a meme about all the attempts at replacing bricklayers with some bullshit that ultimately failed. It will feature a cartoon consteuction worker, shirtless and tanned with a white patch in the shape of his hand and a beer bottle on his beer belly and him crossing one more
>job threat
Off the list.
It will be so shitty because im a bricklayer and cant do graphic deisng

Anonymous No. 16587206

>I said specifically it’s not zhis jewish understanding of creativity where every new type of perversion is called a cultural achievment.
The division between the two in the West has been broke down so much it’s impossible to distinguish the two. That’s why “freedom” now necessarily includes freedom to fuck each other in the ass, freedom to produce porn, freedom to spread degenerate ideals and idolize criminals, freedom to spread AIDs and consensually chop off each others genitals. The West made an idol of expression and creativity and these are the fruits of that.
>Creativity is a form of intelligence and intelligence describes the ability to solve problems.
Sure, but you can’t teach creativity. It’s innate like IQ. The idea that you can’t teach creativity make somebody innovative who can barely spell is liberal loony nonsense.

Anonymous No. 16587214

sure buddy, until they get replaced. keep the super-copium on full pressure flow

Anonymous No. 16587216

Implement "Yes children left behind", a program to ruthlessly sort children out by intelligence and aptitude. The world needs ditch diggers and it's best to identify them as early as possible so resources aren't wasted on the fantasy that they can be rocket scientists.

Anonymous No. 16587229

Your questions are in bad faith.

Anonymous No. 16587240

It's no use, we are doomed.
Making a bricklayer robot seems like an overly complicated and costly task for it to ever be feasible. What you just posted is a hypercustomized anthropomorphic vanity project.
Would you rather:
>Shell out 200,000$ for Brickbot
>Incur extra costs in charging Brickbot.
>Extra costs in repairing brickbot.
>Making infrastructure for brickbot to be able to do its job.
>Hire some Mexican for a fraction of the cost and get about the same quality of work.

Anonymous No. 16587244

>Would you rather
anon this is pushed by different powers than the ones hiring illegal mexicans and paying them shit.
at some point they'll get cheap enough that it'll be worth it. that's how this shit goes, it won't stop just because you hate it, or you have some philosophical views on the matter. robo doesn't care about that. doesn't get sick, higher reliability, lower liability. works non-stop. doesn't give you lip. can take abuse.

Anonymous No. 16588943

>repeat what i said
So you do understand the distinctiln that i am talking about to you. Good.

>Sure, but you can’t teach creativity. It’s innate like IQ. The idea that you can’t teach creativity make somebody innovative who can barely spell is liberal loony nonsense.

>creativity is godgiven and cannot be taugt
>creativity cannot be taught to someone who can barely spell
So not being able to spell does not hinder their creativity. Youre kinda strawmanning there snd also youre wrong. You probably still believe ((((IQ))) is a measure of intelligence.
If so why dont these super iq jews ever invent anything worthwhile?

Anonymous No. 16588947

How so?
Teachers are evil. And even if you think theyre now how do you protect your system against evil teachers?

Anonymous No. 16588951

A rude answer to a humorous post, maybe you should go off yourself.
Also, when will they get replaced then you stupid basement dweller?
Does (((your tribe))) need to inflate the housing market by a thousand fold first so their primituve shitty machines can be used cost effectively? Then whos gonna buy them? Lmao youre retarded

Anonymous No. 16589009


Anonymous No. 16589896

focus on theology math and music
those who fail can learn history literature and combat
those who fail even that are send to child labor.

Anonymous No. 16589900

Am I missing something here? This would just be beneficial to the kids who can understand and game the system. Kids who would've been high achievers or even kids who are just coasting would be able to navigate this structure. But a kid who couldn't care less or is how you say, stupid, wouldn't get the attention they would need to learn and facilitate the growth required to get out of the 'stupid' category. Why not create a dynamic system that accounts for student's personal learning rate and capacity? Is it worth having a kid choose whether or not to be in an educational environment so early in their mental, physical, and conceptual development..seems like an important decision to make at the age of 14? And then rewards just reinforce attachment to external rewards, instead of developing internal systems that facilitate internal goals. The latter which is much more stable and rewarding long term.

Could be that I misunderstood you, too, so my bad if that's the case