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UFO Sun Space Wha....png

๐Ÿงต Spooky Space Shit

Anonymous No. 16582224

What the actual fuck was this?

Anonymous No. 16582234

I hope so badly one of these hits us in the near future and knocks everything offline

Anonymous No. 16582236

An angel.

Anonymous No. 16582237

plasma filament
basically denser, cooler bundles of plasma that are still magnetically bound to the sun. When they destabilise they fly off into space causing a CME.
They cause disturbances in the corona which is what the UFO thing is.

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Anonymous No. 16582242

wut is this? note the number in the corner is counting days that pass by.

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sun sipper.webm

Anonymous No. 16582244

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Anonymous No. 16582245

Anonymous No. 16582246

you could see one with the naked eye during the eclipse last year. It was so fuckin cool

Anonymous No. 16582247

if it was a ship it would be a couple thundered thousands times bigger than earth

Anonymous No. 16582250

>It's a CME
What the fuck is the sphere that is attached to the CME?

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Anonymous No. 16582263


Anonymous No. 16582264

its a gap in the corona caused by the filament

Anonymous No. 16582267

>Pareidolia is the tendency for perception to impose a meaningful interpretation on a nebulous stimulus, usually visual, so that one detects an object, pattern, or meaning where there is none.

Anonymous No. 16582311

>where there is none.
for anyone else but them

Anonymous No. 16582385

its a twister on the sun. it looks weird because gravity works in ways there that humans cant grasp

Anonymous No. 16582497

no UFO can withstand those temperatures
it looks like an escaping gas bubble to me

Anonymous No. 16582513

>no UFO can withstand those temperatures
citation needed

Anonymous No. 16582537

imagine it's actual aliens and they only come here to exploit our sun for resources, not even giving a shit about us as a species because they deem us too stupid to be worthy to interact with.

Anonymous No. 16583099

That's just the Sun Sipper, he just wanted a lil sip

Anonymous No. 16583141

magnetic field from the filament pushed the plasma away

Anonymous No. 16583142

the universe is not locally real

Anonymous No. 16583371

Has this ever been seen before or since? Has this ever been simulated in experiments or computer simulation? That just sounds like a bullshit made up answer on the spot.
>Hey what's that?
>Nothing, your making stuff up, don't ask questions ever again
Fuck off

Anonymous No. 16583375

>Has this ever been seen before or since?
check date on >>16582242 >>16582244
they're about 10 years apart

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God Fear.jpg

Anonymous No. 16583406

>tfw the universe is filled with life but most life coming in the form of Lovecraftian horror born from stars undetectable until we start venturing out into the solar system and begin to encounter them

Anonymous No. 16583420

nah they're here and they've always been here we just can't see them under normal conditions

Anonymous No. 16583432

give me some multi-petawatt fusion reactors, many mountains worth of woven mineral-laminated basalt fiber, and enough copper wire to stretch to Pluto, I could probably build one.

Anonymous No. 16583459

The angle is what's making it look so strange but you ever seen those high voltage electric arcs in power stations that sort of bend upwards until they break?

Anonymous No. 16583571

>note the number in the corner is counting days that pass by
Everyone ITT being fascinated by phenomena that are essentially the same as a flickering fluorescent bulb, albeit on much larger scales of space and time.

Anonymous No. 16583674

this is the kind of confidence i like

Anonymous No. 16583965

This says more about your IQ than the people you think you're insulting.

Anonymous No. 16583968

I like the MIB concept that human thought is a communicable disease.

Anonymous No. 16584004

>language is a disease
Getting off topic, but it was language, not human thoughts, but I can see why you'd confuse/conflate the two.
For most humans, our internal thoughts are built on language, but they're also limited by them. Rarely do people think in terms unsigned thoughtforms, or thoughts that go beyond the limits of human language. I mean sure you can do it, but you'd never be able to communicate the ideas with other human beings and you'd just grow more and more distant and isolated the more you do it. It's language that lets us share our thoughts, but it also shapes and limits them. For an alien species that's telepathic and doesn't use words, this form of limitation is foreign to them. They would in fact likely see it as a form of mental impairment or communicable disease.

Anonymous No. 16584153

big space mosquito

Anonymous No. 16584321


Anonymous No. 16585478


"Human thought is so primitive it's looked upon as an infectious disease by the rest of the universe. That kind of makes you proud, doesn't it?"

I'm not confused at all.

At no point in your nonsensical ramblings did you prove anything beyond how you think.

I've known my subconscious is exponentially faster at solving problems than my conscious since I was a child. I also known my subconscious operates outside of language constraints which is why I learned to push problems into my subconscious and extract the results exponentially faster than normal people. It also gives me a type of intuition as well as the ability to learn exponentially faster than people who think like you do.

Anonymous No. 16585680

how do you do that?

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Anonymous No. 16585684


Anonymous No. 16585698

it do be llokin'n like ayys just refueled and peaced out

Anonymous No. 16586496

looks like sperm

Anonymous No. 16586916

expect a new sun to bud off in about 4 million years form now. they are a highly intelligent long gestating creature.

Anonymous No. 16587093

Think very hard about the parameters of the problem. Think very hard about acceptable solution conditions.

Define the problem in a way that it can be solved--then do something else... this works for more complicated process type problems.

If you need simpler solutions you have to abstract the problem some-what into blocks and wait for something to bubble up.

In general Keep your mind as un cluttered as possible and focus on being present and un-distracted. I wouldn't say I meditate but I can say I keep my mind clear and am good at letting stray thoughts pass through and not find purchase.

Things like probability and math problems in general this method gets me close enough to get a usable answer and it works even better for engineering or anything that has to be built.

Now it's more of an instinctual intuition and the hardest part is accepting that my intuition is right significantly more than it's wrong.

Anonymous No. 16587133

think i know what you mean. i do a very similar thing with simple things like remembering a name of someone or remembering where something is that i cant find, things like that. picture the thing clearly for a bit then wait to see what 'feels' like the right place/name etc. thanks anon

Anonymous No. 16590249

Ever filled your car's tank at a gas station?

Anonymous No. 16590266

Pruned fractal telic recursion.