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Anonymous No. 16583197

reminder that an alcoholic factory worker that's on probation and can't read contributed infinitely more to society than a brightest professor

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Stop guessing start learning No. 16583296

How so? Care to get into more detail

Anonymous No. 16583335

One actually gets work done
One writes endless grant applications to study the homosexual-lensed dramatic themes of North Korean pottery

Anonymous No. 16583341

>can't read
or write.

Anonymous No. 16583351

describes a lot of professors these days too

Anonymous No. 16583362

I CAN read you son of a bitch

Anonymous No. 16583366

We fucking cured Hepatitis C, HIV and are 3d printing organs you stupid dipshit. What has jackass mcgee done?

Anonymous No. 16583424

science is always bullshit until their organs fail lmao

Anonymous No. 16583466

You didn't do shit. I'm not OP, he's a faggot as usual but there is bit of truth hidden in his retardation. The vast majority of research scientists write useless, pointless papers that don't benefit anyone anywhere to get grants. The average scientist is a glorified child playing with toys and begging daddy govt for money for more toys. Doctors at least actually treat people and typically do research on top of that, it's how all scientists should work, do actual shit that matters, then do research on the side.

>cured Hepatitis C, HIV
There's no cure for HIV/AIDS. You're not even a med student is you can't tell the difference between being cured and being in indefinite remission.
>3d printing organs
We can't print fully functional, transplantable human organs yet. Best we can do is organoids that function in a lab setting, and some tissues.

Anonymous No. 16583992

>We fucking cured
Oh, you participated in this?

In that case, "We" built all of the buildings you live and work in, all of the vehicles you travel with, all of the equipment and tools you use, produced all of the food you eat, the utilities you depend on, and literally everything else that makes your life different from that of a cave man.

Anonymous No. 16584006

"You" wouldn't have done any of that at a fraction of efficiency if it wasn't because of scientists.
This whole argument is so fucking childish anyways. I respect workers as much as I respect researchers.

Anonymous No. 16584010

Working men were building cities long before "scientists" figured out anything, back when the best they could do was speculating that all the universe could be described by some sort of esoteric connection to geometric solids simply because that idea was aesthetically pleasing to them. Scientists are able to live like civilized men because of the hard work done by regular people.

But enough about the men of the past. I make materials that are used to construct homes for people to live in. What material contributions have YOU PERSONALLY made to the lives of others?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16584056

God so love world that He gave His Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins on a cross then three days later rose Him from the dead, that we receive the free gift of eternal life. Just look up and ask Him.

Anonymous No. 16584100

Lazy alcoholic teenagers with high school diplomas have a better track record of operating nuclear reactors without incident than guys with masters degrees + in nuclear science

Anonymous No. 16585581

How the hell would Joe Jackass get a job at a factory if he can't even read?