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Anonymous No. 16583445

What causes rape fantasies in men?
Last thread was deleted for no reason, probably because the janitors gf has rape fantasies with another man.

Anonymous No. 16583447

in women*

Anonymous No. 16583470

>What causes rape fantasies in women?
My bet is on generations upon generations of rape that led to modern women being born. Modern society that reliably protects women from rape and allows them to abort their rape babies is but a grain of sand in the vast desert that is human evolutionary history. Evolutionary speaking, women that were receptive to rape and raised their rape babies were obviously very successful in passing on their genes. Women that avoided rape/struggled enough to be killed and/or didn't take care of their rape babies on the other hand must have been much less successful.

Anonymous No. 16583543

Basically this. Whatever trait encourages gene propagation will dominate a genepool and being receptive to rape is obviously such a trait