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Anonymous No. 16583488

What are /sci/'s thoughts on what is life? By Schrödinger?
I think i already asked in the past but I forgot

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Stop guessing start learning No. 16583501

Didn't he write this book after his frustrating stint with QUANTUM MECHANICS? He goes on in the book to ramble about some unformoralized version. Of thermodynamics in biology? I can't remember it's been a while

Anonymous No. 16583559

>Of thermodynamics in biology
>He goes on in the book to ramble about some unformoralized version
He doesn't really talk about quantum anything he just says the scale isn't right for biological processes and denies any influences other than DNA mutations iirc

Anonymous No. 16583577

I haven't read this book but I would bet this cunny lover knew what life was really about.