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🧵 Hidden Particle Accelerator Facility

SGO No. 16583536

Years ago I had been told about a particle accelerator that was out in the middle of nowhere, either in the USA or somewhere else, and it was a government ran program that started around the early 2000s. The project is likely where billions or trillions of missing tax dollars went. This program however has no connection to the superconducting super collider project, and was created in secrecy. The accelerator is specifically said to be a synchrotron, and runs on its own reactors for power. The synchrotron is said to be under a mountain, likely in Alaska, or Nevada. Why would they build an accelerator in secret, and what particles are they trying to create? How could a synchrotron be used for anything military related when realistically it can’t mass produce anti-matter or be used as a reactor? Do you believe that what I am saying could be true? Also keep a look out for a post I will make regarding strange black tar.

Anonymous No. 16583656

It can mass produce anti-matter.

Anonymous No. 16585240

The glow in the dark coating on my wristwatch can produce anti-matter. It is just small and disappears very quickly.

Anonymous No. 16585775


Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16585794

I updated the Sun in June of last year