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🧵 Geology

Anonymous No. 16583589

Is there a more fake science than this? We get earthquakes in Santorini, Greece and geologists don’t have an idea for what to expect.

Anonymous No. 16583592

just zeus being a fag again

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Stop guessing start learning No. 16583630

> geology fake science.

How? Successful educated geologist find oil and other resource deposits all the time. They can also approximate the size of the deposits by taking samples from the ground.

I think you need to study more bud our whole civilization relies off geology.

Anonymous No. 16583658

They drill to find oil etc, guided by sonars. But what’s happening below 10km (the deeper hole humans have digged) is pure theorycrafting

Anonymous No. 16583925

>geologists don’t have an idea
Greeks have only contempt for people with a technical degreee. Real men (tm) in their view are those with a degree in philosophy, divinity, archaeology and the like, so people going for tech are therefore losers in Greece.

So what do you think their geologists are like?