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Anonymous at Wed, 12 Feb 2025 14:45:37 UTC No. 16583678
>Quantum psysichs
So basicaly we cant know the position of the thing but it still has a determined position that it travels trought or does it magicaly teleport around?
Anonymous at Wed, 12 Feb 2025 15:59:34 UTC No. 16583730
> or does it magicaly teleport around?
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Feb 2025 09:47:40 UTC No. 16584506
as long as it doesn't interact with anything...probably.
Anonymous at Fri, 14 Feb 2025 00:04:34 UTC No. 16585294
Essentially, any given particle is far more likely to be in some places than others, but until we measure its position, it could be anywhere. Once the position is measured, we now know for certain where it is. The "act of measurement" forces the particle to "take a stand" and decide where it actually is - the definition of an act of measurement is still up for debate. Is its position determined when it interacts with our measurement device? When it interacts with something else along the way to the measurement device? Can't be certain. On an instinctual level, it's total bullshit and seems like magic, but mathematically, it's well understood and is the reason a good deal of modern technology can function.
Anonymous at Fri, 14 Feb 2025 00:09:16 UTC No. 16585297
a particle is not a real object, it's just a mathematical description of the properties of a state in a given area