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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16583699

if you could switch Luna, Earth’s moon, with any other moon in the solar system, which would you choose?

also, why did we have to get stuck with objectively the most boring moon in the solar system?

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Anonymous No. 16583701


Anonymous No. 16583703

do you shartyniggers have to derail every thread

Anonymous No. 16583716

>every thread
Only your retarded shit threads

Anonymous No. 16583720

how is it retarded

Anonymous No. 16583738

>le luna
I want to replace the moon with OP

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Anonymous No. 16583749


Anonymous No. 16583759

Is USAID paying YouTubers to say the moon is boring? What's with all the midwits making threads about how boring the moon is?

The moon is hollow. Basic math can confirm this.

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Anonymous No. 16583797

Make it 17-19 cause Mimas is also on the edge. It seems round but it shouldn't be.

Wait nevermind. Replace Mimas and Proteus and add Methone and Pallene. Then we have 18 moons in equilibrium state again.

Oh, and replace our moon with pic related too.

Anonymous No. 16583799

>hold on, Mimas is in OP's pic, so the numbers are off by one.

Anonymous No. 16583806

Ganymede so tides would be much larger, making building along the coast too risky.

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Anonymous No. 16583809


Anonymous No. 16583815

Gotta be Europa. Imagine an ocean right next door.

Anonymous No. 16583833

titan would be cool but wouldnt it just turn into a massive superhot water world given that all the methane and ethane would evaporate and the water ice would all melt?

what’s the likelihood that it would boil over given how thick the atmosphere is too? potentially venusian runaway greenhouse gas situation?

Anonymous No. 16583927

>what’s the likelihood that it would boil over given how thick the atmosphere is too?
100 percent. Gravity is just too weak to contain the atmosphere, and the magnetic field is too weak.

Anonymous No. 16584138

The coolest ones would lose their cool properties if you switched them up. Europa would thaw out/sublimate, Io would lose its volcanism and Titan would have its atmosphere balloon up and get stripped away.
I guess on human timescales it would still be cool though.

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Anonymous No. 16584151
