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๐Ÿงต Aliens as our descendants?

Anonymous No. 16583824

What if aliens (specifically greys in particular) are actually the next step in our evolution? Before you dismiss me as a schizo, think about it, our ancestors have one thing in common that they have, which is that the further you go back, the more hairy and "animalistic" their body looked like, we had more body hair, but as we evolved, only our head, legs and genitals have any hair left, and as we keep evolving we will eventually lose those parts too, essentially becoming hairless beings just like the greys.

What I'm saying is that, from a scientific point of view, is it plausible that our appearance is eventually going to become akin to hairless, gray-skinned creatures with bulbous black eyes?

Anonymous No. 16583950

Most people reach this stage of postulation around the age of 12-14 OP.

>Woah guys aliens could be us from the future!

Yeah, we get it...

It's not at all interesting until we have samples.
Welcome to science. An evidence based discipline.

Enjoy as much conjecture as you like, it's free, but you exist in a world of 8 billion fellow primates.
If you even have the remote chance of coming up with an original viewpoint, we'll let you know, champ.
But it's not today.
Now go talk to an LLM for a while about this, and don't come back until that thing is impressed by your idea, first.

Anonymous No. 16584496

>our appearance is eventually going to become akin to hairless, gray-skinned creatures with bulbous black eyes?
depends on the environment. shit becomes crabs in ours.