๐งต issit possible genes determine your looks
Anonymous at Wed, 12 Feb 2025 18:33:07 UTC No. 16583854
will anything in nature that looks like a crab, have somehow similar DNA structure?
eventhough they would seem to be very far away from each other phylogenetically?
I mean, dos change in DNA turn you to look like a crab when you originall were more fish like, more streamlined, shrimp?
Can we somehow find what exactly in DNA is the one that affects the physical manifestation of the body?
Some spiders look like crabs more than others. Some crabs do not look like crabs (DNA reveals they still are crabs anyway)
But could there be a complex 3 dimensional calculation in protein structure that ultimately makes unrelated animals all look like crabs and can we find out what it is, test it on an grasshopper and see if it will also turn into a crab while still being majorly grasshopper?
Anonymous at Wed, 12 Feb 2025 19:55:40 UTC No. 16583919
it would have to be some insane structural meta DNA magic shit that we haven't even begun to comprehend - if you abstract their genomes enough I am sure advanced AI would find some kind of related data structures
but it's not going to be a localized snippet of DNA that can be inserted into the genome of a grasshopper
you would have to purposefully edit various sequences across the genome, something we are not capable of
Anonymous at Wed, 12 Feb 2025 22:27:01 UTC No. 16584047
>schizo who can't even type properly asking incoherent questions about basic subjects
wow, what a unique /sci/ thread, I've never seen something like this before.
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Feb 2025 00:12:06 UTC No. 16584132
only what your born with
then you grow into your name and vices and virtues of your soul
in the long run you get the face you deserve and some of us can see (you)r soul trough it
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Feb 2025 00:13:15 UTC No. 16584134