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🧵 let’s settle it

Anonymous No. 16583865

Your personal theories on Oumuamua’s nature?

Anonymous No. 16583866

It's a lifeless rock like the rest of outerspace

Anonymous No. 16583868

I am yet to hear or read any convincing arguments or theses on the change in thrust and significantly altered in trajectory following its fly by

Anonymous No. 16583870

Did the nitrogen iceberg theory get debunked?

Anonymous No. 16583876

So it's just as possible as the theory that it was aliens.
Either way, we'll never know, because nobody cared about it and nothing ever happens. Self-proclaimed experts will always continue to say that it was just gas all the while the inability to prove what it really was makes it a coinflip.

Anonymous No. 16583880

I was there recently.

It's a contact binary, one is 345x188x162 m in diameter, the other 296x204x118m.

Two bodies crashed in a 45° angle so everyone thinks it's a stick like in pic related. They're fooled though.

Material looks like coal but has a reddish tint. Like the stuff they got from Bennu or Ryugu.

Breakdown: >>16583866

Anonymous No. 16583882

Solar sail kick stage for alien recon ship that's inbound.

Anonymous No. 16583885

Contact binaries roll on the long axis?

Anonymous No. 16583888

One question is how much acceleration did it do compared to some theoretical alien solar sail. My impression was that it wasn't all that impressive.

Anonymous No. 16583934

it's Andy Sixx's log (in space)

Anonymous No. 16583941

It was never there.
All astronomers that reported on it are brainless, and it was strictly within margins of error that it existed at all.

I don't believe in Oumuamua, and neither should you.

If people are so retarded they can believe the Earth is flat, why does no one question Oumuamua being real except for the people who think space in it's entirety is fake?

Anonymous No. 16583945

Measurable, and that's enough.

Anonymous No. 16584005

>jewish harvard astronomer says that it's aliens
this is what convinced me that it's just a rock. thank you for clarifying this matter for me, Avi Loeb.

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Anonymous No. 16584020

Anonymous No. 16584084

We can safely ignore it's close pass to Earth.
After all, mainstream news and scientists do.

Anonymous No. 16584099

>i[ts] close pass to Earth
it looks pretty close in that GIF

Anonymous No. 16584360


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Anonymous No. 16584377

Just an space prove looking for potential competitors that must be neutralized.

Anonymous No. 16584378

Everything that seems like it could be aliens just turns out to be some boring shit, so it's just more boring shit.

Anonymous No. 16584511

It's proven that this object tumbles. I've seen that too when I went back from a visit. A roll on the long axis is not stable enough.

Anonymous No. 16584528

aliens don't need to hide in a rock and do a flyby

Anonymous No. 16584538

Coincidence. Now stop talking about it.