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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16584098

>still nothing available that could possible reverse, halt or even slow down aging

This is so depressing

Anonymous No. 16584121

there's more than ever
but it's a lifestyle and it requires discipline with diet, exercise, fine circadian rhythm tuning and the right supplementation
but here's the rub faggot, you can't have it as a degenerate in an easy pill to swallow

Anonymous No. 16584130

Women mentality.

Anonymous No. 16584180

there is
it's called calisthenics

Anonymous No. 16584185

you just don't read enough, lol. DWS might have come fairly close to curing it by fixing Yamanaka factor technology, or it might still be a recipe for teratomas in a few years (but *probably* not). If you want some better-studied stuff, Astaxanthin, NAC and Glycine are all fairly well confirmed to have marginal systemic anti-aging activity across mammals.

Anonymous No. 16584201

It's the world's first OTC Epigenetic Reset. Occasionally there have been dedicated /CRG/ threads for it the past year, and it's worked for me. The sause is

top tier meme thread No. 16584212

Bryan Johnson has entered the chat

Anonymous No. 16584214

he's speedrunning aging

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Anonymous No. 16584226


Anonymous No. 16584262

If you are, please say something public about Apigenic Health.

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Anonymous No. 16584320

I think he might just discredit it at this point if he does. Imagine he came out and said he's been on it the last 6 months, everyone will think DWS has found *the cure for life extension.* (not the cure for aging, lmao)

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Anonymous No. 16584325

and a followup to this: I'm fairly positive that BryJo's sudden "walling" is a direct complication of his fat transfer operation causing many small surgical adhesions inside his cheeks, combined with such massive dermatology skill issues that he can't break up or prevent formation of said.
>t. has read far more dermatology literature than BryJo, apparently.

Anonymous No. 16584337

How long do you imagine it would it take for this anti-aging method to become publicly available, if it would ever be allowed to do so? How expensive would it likely be?

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Anonymous No. 16584352

>he doesn't know one of them is just a cheap-ass blue dye costing a few cents a dose

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Anonymous No. 16584383

We're talking about Yamanaka Factor/iPSC tier capacities for restoring cellular identity. We get what you have is makes genetic changes but ultimately it's not in the same scope of impact.

Anonymous No. 16584384

They won't figure it out within 300 years. I guarantee it. They never would. It's not something they can figure out. We didn't just miss it, it's been the human condition since the dawn of history. Why would our generation be special? We don't understand our minds on any level deeper than Plato 3000 years ago. No progress. It's the exact same order of magnitude of true understanding. Just as much of a mystery to learned men then as it is now. What a curse and what a blessing. Anyway, see you faggots in the next life.

Anonymous No. 16584391

You sound like you are repeating mantras more than anything.

Anonymous No. 16584394

He is whistling past the graveyard if he does nothing.

Anonymous No. 16584403

The epigenetic reset would be cheap af and while it takes years for your body to catch up to new encodings the severe impacts that turn heads like limb regrowths can reportedly be felt within the first few months at most. The theory is that there is adequate transcription after only a few weeks to do that but nobody really stops there to test that out unless you want to believe some of the leaks have really come from governmental sources and private institutions that have been testing it to that degree. The dude said he was shown pics where they even accelerated the limb regrowths in mice but he doesn't want to believe it's true yet. The fact the theory is so sound and it's still been going around for a year blasts major sirens saying something is up that people need to be looking at. That's BEFORE you hear the story Matthew Newman is telling you.

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Anonymous No. 16584405

That's also cheap enough these days with DWS's protocol, but we shouldn't lose sight of the fact that DWS, Bryan Johnson and Dave Pascoe all put together have scratched like maybe 1% of all PubMed's reported antiaging molecules.
>t. level 900 PubMed wizard

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16584413

Not only is nothing really available but everything is getting more toxic, endocrine-disrupting, inflammatory, physically and psychologically stressful etc by the year. All of these things *accelerate* aging. I honestly think true strong AI is our only shot at pulling out of this spiral, but i'm pessimistic we'll figure that out before humans get too near to being demented decrepit eunuchs.

Anonymous No. 16584431

Do you have a reliable way to be sure there aren't any more molecules that upregulate Sox2 or Oct4 or is it just speculation? Nobody can name one, and if we have only leveraged 1% it shouldn't be hard to search properly and have additional molecules that are DOCUMENTED to use Yamanaka Factors. I think that would genuinely surprise everybody at this point. But I think that angle is just speculation with this many eyes on trying to prove there is an alternative to Apigenin or RepSox/Forskolin. It doesn't stick.

Anonymous No. 16584438

He thinks there is more to aging than in epigenetic encodings. Unlikely.

Anonymous No. 16584443

You miserable narcissist.

Anonymous No. 16584445

OSKM and OSK reprogramming has been going on with mice for years. Nothing they ever say in the negative is ever going to lead anywhere because we know what to expect already in the outcome. This is just the best delivery of the underlying technology we have and we are pretending we don't know what we are looking at even. It's weird.

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Anonymous No. 16584484

>Do you have a reliable way to be sure there aren't any more molecules that upregulate Sox2 or Oct4 or is it just speculation?

No, it is just speculation.
>Hepatocyte Growth Factor-mediated Regulation of OCT4 in human Mesenchymal Stem Cells

>Effects of topical topiramate in wound healing in mice

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Anonymous No. 16584487

>Scientific observations deliver a method to reaffirm your DNA and regrow body parts after they have been cut off.

Anonymous No. 16584493

You're supposed to age and die
>be 100 years ago
>western Europe is filled with amputated or disfigured men
>be now
>all the amputated or disfigured men have been replaced by intact men
the system works

and no you can't look like a 25 year old until you die

Anonymous No. 16584495

None of this other shit has people reporting back their genitalia and other body parts are slowly growing back because it's apart of the underlying theory. Anybody who doubts that's happening hasn't taken it for several months. You can feel it.

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Anonymous No. 16584500

they're not actually "leading" much besides a control group for Alzheimer's research.

fuck what some schizo said made imaginary sky man happy a century ago, technology will kill the "system" eventually.

>implying an anti-aging treatment is useless if it can't regrow limbs

Anonymous No. 16584501

If we could agree to just giving people another 40 years of youth before they have to start aging instead of them aging from the getgo it would be pretty big. We need it for deep space exploration and we can preserve knowledge and experience longer.

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Anonymous No. 16584516


Anonymous No. 16584604

>They won't figure it out within 300 years
Nope, they'll figure it out right before I die of old age

Anonymous No. 16584737

> and no you can't look like a 25 year old until you die
Why the fuck not?

Anonymous No. 16584814

You're fucking schizophrenic and this is the new 4chan crystals mark my fucking words this nigger is trying to give you cancer
>Inb4 wailing autists screaming

Anonymous No. 16584816

Oh. Now it all makes sense. Anon is a foreskin regeneration schizophrenic. I regret sincerely that I bumped this shit

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Anonymous No. 16585034

Nobody's screaming other than people who come here to FUD it without a single fact to back it up. Nothing about it has ever been known to be dangerous and not one of you can name a single fact of consequence that would tell you it is.

Anonymous No. 16585039

This lady is causing a cramp in my testes.

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Anonymous No. 16585049

look, I modified the "crystals" recipe by swapping out ammonia for hydrogen peroxide and it's literally the best hair and teeth chemo ever.
>y'all just skill issues.

Anonymous No. 16585060

You can take that to the bank. Nothing wrong is ever going to be found with Apigenic Health. If there was a circumstantial cancer risk for products that are this heavily documented to be ANTI-cancer by the GOV and NIH when you mix it with other specific things it would at least be something you could look up and read like you have with other reactions and safety warnings. Do you really think there has not been a single cancer specialist that have seen it at this point? That would be incorrect. If you think Harvard Medical Medical school didn't get wind of the fact their talking head David Sinclair (who used to be singing from the rooftops about his cocktails) got second place in human experiments for cellular reprogramming research then you would also be incorrect. Newman got allot of people's attention. That's the whole reason why people are getting more forceful about it. We are going to keep demanding facts and logic for anyone making claims that Apigenic Health is dangerous when the transcriptic outcome has already been studied and utilized for decades by the public without any hullabaloo. Apigenin's structure was first identified like a hundred years ago and it's presence at these dosages has been enjoyed by people for awhile too.

Anonymous No. 16585144

My only concern is just that this particular *combination* of molecules has not been tested long-term in humans yet. They might be individually safe and anti-carcinogenic, but they're obviously doing more together than they do individually. There are also many, many other anti-carcinogenic chemicals out there, and an *even smarter* stack may ultimately end up adding several others in.

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Anonymous No. 16585154

The transcriptional outcome has long been documented because we already know what to expect from decades of use. You just have misidentified what's happening with chromatin access because the reaction itself does not change by adding an HDACi.

Anonymous No. 16585158

They keep forgetting Apigenin can move things back to pluripotency all on its own, unaided when in certain enviornments. It's because of all the other things it will do first in the environment that would have to be ready for transcription to occur anyway. They just don't get what they are looking at.

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Anonymous No. 16585175

The Yamanaka Factor upregulation Apigenin would be doing by itself would be causing DNA to become unpackaged. That's why they don't technically need one when they do it directly with cassettes. There is nothing transcriptionaly different between what Apigenin has been able to do by itself in cultured environments and what it's able to do in the body when fortified.

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Anonymous No. 16585176

Well in that case... are some of these so-called "longevity myths" from various esoteric poojeet wizards and alchemists maybe actually just people who stumbled into parsley patches?

Anonymous No. 16585181

Why do we think a leash is what makes a dog less likely to bite you?

Anonymous No. 16585187

>don't technically need one
An HDACi that is

Anonymous No. 16585251

A dedicated employee may be able to do value add type work all day as an engineer but you can also have him out there laying bricks all day too if you want to waste him doing something less specialized. There should be no difference in what's being transcribed just because you have an HDACi.

Anonymous No. 16587212

Accumulation of toxins is the cause of 90% of aging and disease.

All the food you eat has tiny amounts of heavy metals, fluoride, glyphosphate. It is well known the liver accumulates heavy metals, vitamin A and copper into old age, which cause progressive tissue damage.

All this bullshit about looking at DNA and biological clocks is just bullshit. The genuinely reverse age, you got to remove the toxins, and this will cause a healing of all autoimmune disease. Since 90% of all disease is caused by toxin accumulation.

There's tons of research out there as well, on how obesity is caused by the accumulation of toxins. Obesity is the bodies safe way of storing fat soluble toxins. Of course if you didnt eat the toxins (goyslop et al) in the first place, you wouldnt have become fat.

I would put more trust in compounds like glycine and activated charcoal, which genuinely have powerful effects to detox the liver, rather than these bullshit scams like resveratrol.

Anonymous No. 16587239

Protect your skin from the sun
Eat a diet with vitamins that will prevent your body from decaying
Run regularly so your heart and arteries doesn’t become weak

Anonymous No. 16587411

Calorie restriction is the defacto standard, maybe restricting protein intake.

Astaxanthin likely works mildly.
Vitamin C
Hesperetin (orange peel?)
Pineal gland extract
Royal Jelly
Wheat germ (spermidine)
Broccoli, kale, brussel sprouts, broccoli sprouts likely good.
Anti diabetic and antivirals (if sick) probably work. Yogurt, sauer kraut, for gut bacteria

There’s no proof apigenin can keep you alive longer. There’s no proof on humans.
Mice suffer differently. They probably stay alive longer with growth factors that keep their immune function. They get infections. We die from heart disease and cancers.

You want to have low homocysteine and TMAO. So that means adopting a heart protocol. Anti-dementia. Antiviral. Pro immune.

Anonymous No. 16587442

So, some of the things good for mice healthspan could likely progress human diseases (like cardiovascular disease). Royal jelly increases TMAO. Growth factors increase cancer. Rapamycin, which Bryan quit, could cause disease in humans but we don’t know, even if it extend mice lifespan, kills infections, and slows their metabolism and repairs cells. When you rescue cells with some compounds you could end up un-silencing a bad gene, or activate a dormant cancer cell/virus and make it immortal. So there’s no guarantee yet.

Anonymous No. 16587446

Bromelain probably the most under-rated putative life extension drug for humans because of its effects on heart disease and cancer.

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Anonymous No. 16587447

why are you waiting for someone else to invent the thing that will keep you alive forever?
that's not a good strategy if you are counting on living forever.

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Anonymous No. 16587458

there is not going to be a single "thing." it's going to be a cocktail of many hundreds to thousands of small molecules, most likely. the best we can do for now is try to mix some of the most effective shit for marginal potential extra-life gainz.

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Anonymous No. 16587943

>Most likely
Please just stop. We know you are looking to FUD a very specific cocktail and you look stupid.

Anonymous No. 16587947

if anyone really was close to solving aging there would be so many intelligence agencies on top of them

Anonymous No. 16587957

Newman is fucked.

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Anonymous No. 16587965

Why anyone would think you could do that without the masses killing you is beyond me. Even if he "wins" and gets people to admit wrongdoing (not with this admin, sorry) the people kill him ghadafi style in either decades or centuries. Nobody is going to want someone walking around thinking they are actually here to help. Humanity never wanted any of his stupid shit. I'm going to hate anybody who tries to keep me alive longer.

Anonymous No. 16587969

>I'm going to hate anybody who tries to keep me alive longer.
nobody IS and nobody will. it's just nice to have the option.
do you agree for your posts to be shown on your deathbed when you ask for extension?
>anon you said it clearly right here you don't want it

Anonymous No. 16587971

It's because it doesn't conveniently only work for whites or the high IQ. Which is what the whole half-assed censorship has been about. The US Government only wanted to get it to certain people but not everybody. Just look around.

Anonymous No. 16587973

>What is e*******
you don't even deserve to know, defeatist faggot

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Anonymous No. 16587977


Anonymous No. 16587985

Be sad no more!
This video is from ten years ago, since then the price of the procedure dropped from about a million usd to few tens of thousands.

Anonymous No. 16587989

>or even slow down aging
Stay the fuck out of the sun
Don't drink or do drugs
Low stress and light exercise

Anonymous No. 16587991

>Stay the fuck out of the sun
but also do take it for like 5-10 minutes a day if possible, it's healthy

Anonymous No. 16588319

>extends your health by 2-4 years at most
>does not extend yourh
So, nothing

Anonymous No. 16588327

T. Coper

Anonymous No. 16589697


Anonymous No. 16592875

Avoid alcohol and smoke
Training cardio and weight
Sun exposure

Anonymous No. 16592936

You might be right. And you could find out by eating pineapple

Anonymous No. 16593609

not really, just somewhat skeptical DWS has actually found the ultimate procol here instead of just taking a big step towards it. even if DWS deserves a Nobel prize, it's not like it's just time to abandon the research now.

pineapples taste good but don't have very much bromelain.

Anonymous No. 16595439

Eat precisely one square of dark chocolate every day.

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Anonymous No. 16596133

Chemically induced reprogramming to reverse cellular aging

>A hallmark of eukaryotic aging is a loss of epigenetic information, a process that can be reversed. We have previously shown that the ectopic induction of the Yamanaka factors OCT4, SOX2, and KLF4 (OSK) in mammals can restore youthful DNA methylation patterns, transcript profiles, and tissue function, without erasing cellular identity, a process that requires active DNA demethylation. To screen for molecules that reverse cellular aging and rejuvenate human cells without altering the genome, we developed high-throughput cell-based assays that distinguish young from old and senescent cells, including transcription-based aging clocks and a real-time nucleocytoplasmic compartmentalization (NCC) assay. We identify six chemical cocktails, which, in less than a week and without compromising cellular identity, restore a youthful genome-wide transcript profile and reverse transcriptomic age. Thus, rejuvenation by age reversal can be achieved, not only by genetic, but also chemical means.

Anonymous No. 16596582

That is how cancer begins.
Afaik, we (human race) still cannot safely change epigenome. We can safely change genome though.

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Anonymous No. 16596971


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Anonymous No. 16597055

>Afaik, we (human race) still cannot safely change epigenome.
It sort of depends on your definition of "safely" but there are already many epigenetic-modifying drugs approved:

A lot of random foods and other environmental chemicals do it too, even eating vitamin C and the effects of its metabolites on picrel protein is an example.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16597107

Exercise beyond 60 minutes a week has not shown to increase longevity.

Anonymous No. 16597374

> depends on your definition of "safely"
It means no or minor side effects.
> approved
That literally doesn't mean a thing, other than they had enormous ammounts of money to afford that sort of licensing. I hope DOGE shuts FDA down all and at once.

Anonymous No. 16597424

Well, the fact you deny it doesn't mean there isn't. Because there is.