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Anonymous No. 16584330

I've done research into male pattern baldness and I read that it isn't caused by a single gene but multiple genes and that you can get male pattern baldness from both sides of the family and that both sides decide whether you go bald or not. Would it be possible to calculate whether I'm going to be bald or not?

Here is my family history:

>I'm 27 and I have a full head of hair

>my father is 50 and when he was 42 I noticed that his hairline had receded and the hair at the front thinned a bit, he is 50 now and it is still the same with no further loss and no hair loss elsewhere on his head. If he didn't slick back his hair you would not know he had hair loss.
>my paternal grandfather (my dad's dad) died in his 70s with a bald spot on the back of his head but he still had most of his hair
>my father's two brothers (my uncles) have full heads of hair

>my maternal grandfather is bald
>maternal uncle 1 is bald and had significant hair loss by my age
>maternal uncle 2 is 39 and is not bald (as far as I can tell)
>one of my maternal grandfather's brothers died in his 70s with a full head of hair
>my maternal grandfather's other brother is in his 70s and has a full head of hair but it has thinned a bit
>my maternal grandfather's father's hair is unknown as I never saw any photos of him as an old man

>my maternal grandmother's father (my maternal uncles' maternal grandfather) died in his 70s with a full head of hair
>my maternal grandmother's nephew is in his 40s and has a full head of hair
>I'm friends with my maternal grandmother's nephew on facebook and every man in his friend's list that has my maternal grandmother's surname has a full head of hair even the old men

Anonymous No. 16584331

chlorine dioxide regrows hair