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Anonymous at Thu, 13 Feb 2025 13:49:01 UTC No. 16584744
Do you have explanations for the meteoric rise of autogynephilic transgenderism within just the past 15 years? I've only done cursory reading, and it seems most of them are very similar to each other. High IQs, have stereotypically male hobbies or careers, show higher aggression, fantasize about being lesbian
But what caused millions of men to suddenly end up this way?
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Feb 2025 13:51:28 UTC No. 16584746
Social withdrawal
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Feb 2025 13:55:01 UTC No. 16584751
>But what caused millions of men to suddenly end up this way?
psyop, they found a way to fuck with your brain with a concert of methods. it's good for business, you buy more shit, they have you hooked for life. it's always about money and control.
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Feb 2025 15:21:46 UTC No. 16584821
Is degeneracy born or learned?
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Feb 2025 17:00:38 UTC No. 16584888
Newton's 3rd law: "for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction"
there was a boom in hate on trans people, (because some people need a scapegoat to justify their own problems) so the opposition grew as well. the more rightoids hate on it, the stronger it will get. the moment they stop giving a fuck, it will wither out and die like a passing trend
also there's money to be made
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Feb 2025 17:35:19 UTC No. 16584912
There's also extreme opposition to pedophilia and you don't see loads of them knocking about in Google.
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Feb 2025 17:48:24 UTC No. 16584922
This. I can't speak for the whole planet, but I've noticed that in European Universities many students are trans after being basically group pressured into assuming some sort of weird sexual/gender identity. They pray upon males that are not hardened by this world, that are kind and open themselves too much about their own weaknesses to what's obviously the wrong crowd, which in turn projects this strange thing to them until everyone that feels awkward about themselves is because deep inside they are women
>there was a boom in hate on trans people
"Transphobia" was 10x worse in the past. It used to be common place that people with that mental illness would get ostracized and/or committed into a mental institution
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Feb 2025 17:58:27 UTC No. 16584929
it's culturally propagated peer pressure response for unattractive normies to the shame of being alone in a country where opinions about the benefits of marriage are split 50-50 because of the onset of super availability of sex on the internet, you are ostracized for being alone because we live in a world where becoming a tranny is more socially acceptable in the west, compare that with the rest of the world and you can see how delusional white people have become because they worship women, on the plus side trannysism might be the antidote to feminism, if all goes right, they might obliterate each other
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Feb 2025 18:38:34 UTC No. 16584961
it's also supported with chemicals, porn and even laws. all kinds of studies to legitimize the insanity. it's a whole framework that has been built to support it.
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Feb 2025 18:44:04 UTC No. 16584968
Social isolation through childhood, being bullied, seeing the two tier system against males over and over again, not ever really getting taught how to fix anything that's wrong...
that's how their minds get broken. by going "trans" they hope they can be among women; or at least join a Protected Group. Our revulsion at them is now fuel for their spite and vengeance.
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Feb 2025 18:47:44 UTC No. 16584973
Demoralization and pornography
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Feb 2025 19:01:27 UTC No. 16584987
Can confirm, those motherfuckers tried to convince me my (jew-caused) anorgasmia (following a botched circumcision at age 6) is really just me being "asexual".
No shit, I'd be less interested in sex if after all the sweating and grunting I don't orgasm. Doesn't mean I'm "asexual" though, whatever the fuck THAT means.
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Feb 2025 19:34:24 UTC No. 16585028
Have you considered maybe they've always been there and only recently have felt comfortable coming out in the open now that it's no longer cool to beat the shit out of them for it?
There's also the Butlerian theory of gender performativity. Gender is, according to Butler, comprised of repetitious stylized acts over time. Change the prevailing styles of the day, and by their logic, notions of gender will shift with the style.
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Feb 2025 19:36:04 UTC No. 16585030
it's the big autismo/schizo cull brought to you by the world illuminati
basically convincing them that if they just get themselves neutered everyone will accept them as normal and embrace them
as for why there are so many autistos in the first place, pic rel.
glyphosate damages the mitochondria, combine that with heavy carb and onions oil consumption
these together, plus some other minor factors cause children's brains to develop improperly
the body tries to fix it and this results in highly densely populated regions of still dysfunctional neurons, which is why we sometimes see savantism develop in these kids
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Feb 2025 19:39:48 UTC No. 16585033
Correlation of ice cream consumption and rape incidence. Correlation [math] \neq [/math] causation.
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Feb 2025 19:53:15 UTC No. 16585045
>he doesn't know
>"Transphobia" was 10x worse in the past
no it wasn't because there was no internet to globalize such things and there was no transphobia because the very idea of trans didn't even exist until like mid 1900s. crossdressing existed long before that and was more a matter of a joke than genuine dislike
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Feb 2025 20:07:02 UTC No. 16585050
it's the new goth trend for people who want to feel special
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Feb 2025 20:16:53 UTC No. 16585056
>But what caused millions of men to suddenly end up this way?
Propaganda. Just this single word is enough.
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Feb 2025 20:43:23 UTC No. 16585080
I nonironically miss the goths. Sure their music was just postpunk with annoying reverb and gay lyrics but at least they weren't grooming anybody into leaving the genepool. Their own stupid outfits were sufficient for that.
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Feb 2025 21:05:16 UTC No. 16585090
that's the only thing you can say, kys
>Glyphosate inhibited the energy-linked function by 46 % in the mitochondria isolated from rat liver (Olorunsogo et al., 1979[65]) and retarded NAD+/NADH converting process in liver cell by 34.5 % in albino rats (Olorunsogo et al., 1980[64]). It was demonstrated that glyphosate at concentrations up to 5 mM had no effects on respiratory chain and ratio ADP/O. However, 0.5 mM of Roundup significantly depressed the respiratory chain and ADP/O ratio. Moreover, Roundup at concentrations up to 15 mM depressed operation of complex III and uncoupled respiration rates (Peixoto, 2005[66]).
so you see the metabolically damaging compound we're increasingly spraying on all of our food couldn't possible have anything to do with the neurodevelopmental disorder deeply rooted in metabolic dysfunction that's becoming more prevalent at the same rate
your move faggot shill
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Feb 2025 21:07:56 UTC No. 16585094
I think one factor is that transgenderism is a kind of catch all condition for so many mental illnesses.
Depression, social anxiety, generalized anxiety. According to trans people, these are all manifestations of gender dysphoria.
Virtually any mental abnormality can be funneled into a trans diagnosis
What's powerful about this is they then promise a magical cure all. If you just take these hormones, chop off your dick etc, all of those issues will go away.
If you have normal depression, you might just be stuck with your fucked up life, but transgenderism falsely promises a way out.
Then once you go through with going trans, they have a new explanation. Now all of your mental problems are because of transphobia.
You see how this works, and there is enough of a pseudologic to it to entrap autist types. It's like a new canon of lore to learn about.
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Feb 2025 22:08:11 UTC No. 16585155
Okay so first of all, if you think transphobia is a "meme" in the pure sense of the word, you're wrong. It's the standard reaction from most people after they are exposed to a transgender person. It's simply a disgusting thing. It didn't get big because of the internet. The internet just echoed what everybody already thinks (or thought) about trannies.
>crossdressing existed long before that and was more a matter of a joke than genuine dislike
No. What you claim depends a lot about context, and while in SOME societies (especially those hellbent on degeneracy, say, weimar germany) found a few instances of cross dressing humorous, that doesn't mean the whole world thought that.
Anonymous at Fri, 14 Feb 2025 00:24:29 UTC No. 16585310
i remember some cartoon from the 1960's or something showed one of the characters crossdressing for a joke
Anonymous at Fri, 14 Feb 2025 01:56:57 UTC No. 16585369
their autogyneohilia is merely recognizing the pneumatic genius of the Aeon Sophia that lives in the soul of all humans. there is a reason that the ancients associated transsexualism with communication with the Divine. trannies emit from the Monad and are here to save us from the demiurge
Anonymous at Fri, 14 Feb 2025 02:25:13 UTC No. 16585381
>It's the standard reaction from most people after they are exposed to a transgender person
what if i told you that most people just don't care? they might find it weird but ultimately don't give a single fuck
>It's simply a disgusting thing
dogmatic argument
Anonymous at Fri, 14 Feb 2025 03:11:51 UTC No. 16585407
Yes. It is brainwashing by the pedophilic elite. Trump and Elon will bring back true Western values and this will stop.
Anonymous at Fri, 14 Feb 2025 03:31:12 UTC No. 16585413
Dave at Fri, 14 Feb 2025 03:41:12 UTC No. 16585417
>Have you considered maybe they've always been there and only recently have felt comfortable coming out in the open
and you know it
this is just an official party line, soviet union style lol
Anonymous at Fri, 14 Feb 2025 03:58:31 UTC No. 16585423
it's just porn addiction made socially acceptable. that's literally it. as proof, take the fact that males and females troon out for different reasons.
males troon out because they fantasize about having breasts OR they're gay men who want to fuck straight men
females troon out because they got raped almost exclusively
Anonymous at Fri, 14 Feb 2025 04:54:31 UTC No. 16585446
>he really thinks he wouldn't be beat to a bloody pulp for wearing a dress publicly before the 20th century
What living in an isolated first world bubble does to a mothefucker.
Anonymous at Fri, 14 Feb 2025 08:49:22 UTC No. 16585565
Off topic question.
It's seems weird that Wikipedia article about epidemiology of sucide doesn't mention anything about transgenders
Anonymous at Fri, 14 Feb 2025 08:59:11 UTC No. 16585571
Hey, I gots a word for ya. "Comorbidity."
Anonymous at Fri, 14 Feb 2025 09:02:48 UTC No. 16585573
if they were some obscure thing maybe, when there's laws forcing you address them a certain way then it becomes broblem
Anonymous at Fri, 14 Feb 2025 11:15:04 UTC No. 16585666
The amount of AGP could have quadrupled and it would still just be a blip on the radar. The rate of female to male trannies has exploded 40-fold in the last 10 years.
Read Irreversible Damage.
Anonymous at Fri, 14 Feb 2025 12:26:10 UTC No. 16585702
Don't forget the autism factor. Autism is significantly overrepresented in a variety of "deviant" sexual communities, especially the trans community.
Anonymous at Fri, 14 Feb 2025 12:49:03 UTC No. 16585709
>all kinds of studies to legitimize the insanity
Beacuse the academia is a victim of their crusade
Anonymous at Fri, 14 Feb 2025 13:08:56 UTC No. 16585714
Anonymous at Fri, 14 Feb 2025 16:30:17 UTC No. 16585820
Have you tried prostate orgasm?
Anonymous at Fri, 14 Feb 2025 16:38:15 UTC No. 16585826
A thing that doesn't exist can't increase in frequency.
Anonymous at Fri, 14 Feb 2025 16:42:03 UTC No. 16585830
Maybe in a shitty individualistic society, those used to be rare in the past. Now almost all societies are, and thus trans shit gets normalized as "bro it doesn't affect you lol live and let live". The most midwit opinion there is.
>dogmatic argument
you are going to struggle to find one culture that doesn't see transgenderism as something disgusting and to be ashamed of, sans a couple of bumfuck nowhere tribes. Even the cultures that fucked feminized men saw them as the bottom of the barrel.
Anonymous at Fri, 14 Feb 2025 19:48:01 UTC No. 16585971
>theres chemicals in the water that turn the freaking frogs gay
dont say you havent been warned
Anonymous at Sat, 15 Feb 2025 03:35:39 UTC No. 16586277
Social contagion + endocrine disruptors being absolutely everywhere, which even have the potential to permanently alter brain development during the fetal stages.
There's plenty of evidence of edcs altering brain development. Evidence also comes from the increasing number of genital defects like hypospadias, infertility, low sperms counts, undedcended testes, shorter anogenital distance, etc.
Anonymous at Sat, 15 Feb 2025 07:35:07 UTC No. 16586428
autists gotta be monetized somehow.
Anonymous at Sat, 15 Feb 2025 09:09:57 UTC No. 16586471
Part of it is the increased social accpetance, it is likely more common of a condition than we thought initially.
Part of it is that testoterone is actively bad for your body and it does make you feel like shit.
Part of it is also the fact that a lot of people, especially lonely autistic young men have complicated feelings, that they aren't taught to manage by themselves, so they will misinterpret certain things as other things.
Anonymous at Sat, 15 Feb 2025 10:28:36 UTC No. 16586498
>according to Butler
Ugh... Am I on /sci/ or on /fem/?
Anonymous at Sat, 15 Feb 2025 10:37:04 UTC No. 16586504
"Increased social acceptance" is not a solution to "voluntary rejection of society", a characteristic of all cults btw.
Anonymous at Sat, 15 Feb 2025 10:50:57 UTC No. 16586515
>have stereotypically male hobbies
like football?
Anonymous at Sat, 15 Feb 2025 11:16:01 UTC No. 16586539
>Part of it is that testoterone is actively bad for your body and it does make you feel like shit.
completely false
Low test makes you feel like shit (low energy, confidence, libido), while high test can have negative effects such as recklessness, aggressiveness, irritability and other retarded behavior. Testosterone levels should be within a certain range for a healthy male. Going below or above that range can have the aforementioned negative effects.
As to why low test (and other hormonal inbalances) is more common than before, it's because of increased sedentary lifestyles, obesity, alcohol, unironically a shitload of chemicals in the environment, etc.
Anonymous at Sat, 15 Feb 2025 11:43:29 UTC No. 16586545
>Do you have explanations for the meteoric rise of autogynephilic transgenderism within just the past 15 years?
Financial incentives. There's a whole lot of people willing to pay for:
puberty blockers,
the brands representing gays,(kind of like how the Pink Ribbon brand symbolizes breast cancer and profits off of breast cancer)
and the demand is enough for there to be a supply. There's a whole lot of money to be made by hospitals and big pharma.
Anonymous at Sat, 15 Feb 2025 13:29:43 UTC No. 16586618
Anonymous at Sat, 15 Feb 2025 16:14:30 UTC No. 16586812
>completely false
NTA but children have low testosterone and are generally healthier than adults
Anonymous at Sat, 15 Feb 2025 19:44:18 UTC No. 16587053
I thought this was the science board not the fucking retard board.
Anonymous at Sat, 15 Feb 2025 19:46:12 UTC No. 16587055
Children eat less and have more energy than adults. How do you explain that? You can't. Checkmate.
Anonymous at Sat, 15 Feb 2025 20:00:17 UTC No. 16587084
On top of the good points others have made, I see interesting parallels between how large corporate & government bureaucracies have found trannies to be great bureaucratic drones for very similar reasons as past bureaucracies like the Ottomans or Ming Dynasty China favored court eunuchs. Both trannies and eunuchs would have no children to cause divided loyalties, and being seen as weird/strange by the general population makes them more loyal to the bureaucratic system that shields them.
Anonymous at Sat, 15 Feb 2025 20:29:23 UTC No. 16587122
Yes. It took me a long time to figure it out, but it all clicked into place all at once one day.
Anonymous at Sat, 15 Feb 2025 20:30:37 UTC No. 16587124
Anonymous at Sat, 15 Feb 2025 22:22:08 UTC No. 16587274
it depends where you are
a lot of countries had male prostitutes cosplaying women, so people would probably just try to fuck you
Anonymous at Sat, 15 Feb 2025 22:23:18 UTC No. 16587276
I didn't even know tranies exist before 2016. What "boom in hate of trans people" are you referencing exactly?
Anonymous at Sat, 15 Feb 2025 23:12:55 UTC No. 16587338
you'll think twice before making a post next time
>How do you explain that?
with low testosterone
Anonymous at Sat, 15 Feb 2025 23:16:20 UTC No. 16587341
Medical transition has only been a thing since the early 20th century or so, but people wanting to change their sex, and in some cases presenting as the opposite gender and hiding their birth sex, is much older than that.
Anonymous at Sat, 15 Feb 2025 23:24:12 UTC No. 16587348
makes more sense to brainwash them into accepting their body. that would make them happy with their body, which is all that matters. anything else is bullshit with worse outcomes.
just because it naturally happens in some rare situations doesn't mean it has to be forcefully replicated at large scale.
Anonymous at Sat, 15 Feb 2025 23:29:29 UTC No. 16587350
>makes more sense to brainwash them into accepting their body
The relevant question is whether that actually works.
Anonymous at Sat, 15 Feb 2025 23:29:51 UTC No. 16587351
Utter trash. The number of people who transition per year is about 10,000. The number of people who detransition per year is about 100 with the overwhelming majority of those saying they detransition because of family pressure and not because they regretted their decision in the first place.
You are being lied to and manipulated for political reasons to blow a small problem out of proportion so people can steal your tax money.
Anonymous at Sun, 16 Feb 2025 00:30:47 UTC No. 16587402
you've just answered your own question
Anonymous at Sun, 16 Feb 2025 00:35:25 UTC No. 16587406
Gender affirming care enshrined by obama care and mass propaganda
Anonymous at Sun, 16 Feb 2025 04:26:50 UTC No. 16587572
If you accept Blanchard's theory then the number of autogynephiles should stay roughly the same, what has changed is the number of autogynephiles seeking treatment in the form of transitioning
One easy explanation is that it's just become a lot easier to transition
In the past there was a lot of gatekeeping, sometimes doctors would want you to show up to sessions wearing women's underwear before you even started HRT and if you weren't they wouldn't think you were serious enough
'Real life experience' was a common requirement, you had to socially transition before anything medical happened
This meant the stakes were far higher and so a lot of people were dissuaded, furthermore transitioning back then had a far larger impact on your life, it meant losing your career, being barred from entering a career, losing friends, losing family
Also you might even be married
These days autogynephiles are transitioning at a far younger age and in far greater numbers, usually in their 20s and often at 17-19 whereas in the past it was late 30s to 50s
Anonymous at Sun, 16 Feb 2025 04:30:57 UTC No. 16587575
Also another factor is that for autogynephiles watching slice of life anime and roleplaying as a woman in FFXIV as a teenager is a far stronger factor of autogynephiles developing gender dysphoria than masturbating wearing panties ever was
Blanchard himself has shown this, autogynephilic transitioners are usually far more into fantasies of being seen as a woman or having a woman's body than they are of wearing women's clothing
Anonymous at Sun, 16 Feb 2025 05:34:11 UTC No. 16587606
>classic mechanics explain social, economic and cultural agendas
haha fucking idiot
Anonymous at Sun, 16 Feb 2025 09:45:49 UTC No. 16587705
it clearly works, especially if you chemically support it. add porn on top of that and it becomes easier to mold young brains into it.
problem becomes weird because they made it acceptable for young people to watch filth, while going the other way around is still something normal society frowns upon.
society would have to put huge social pressures on everyone to be straight, and also chemically support it + incentivize them watch straight porn, which is weird at the very least.
you also need a clear ideology explaining why shaping everyone in straight individuals helps society, boosts birth rates, makes for happier life. but the rest of the system has to play ball for that to happen.
right now the system is fucked on that front, and troon ideology is taking advantage of it.
Anonymous at Sun, 16 Feb 2025 12:54:55 UTC No. 16587832
in democracy truth is what is bombarded by the media
from 2008 onward the media has bombarded women and coomers with trannies so trannies became accepted and normal and even used as virtue signaling.
Anonymous at Sun, 16 Feb 2025 23:20:20 UTC No. 16588554
Anonymous at Mon, 17 Feb 2025 00:02:34 UTC No. 16588582
>they made it acceptable for young people to watch filth
Did they make it acceptable, or is there just no good way to prevent it without cutting off their access to the Internet, which at this point they need for school and socialization?
Anonymous at Mon, 17 Feb 2025 00:10:37 UTC No. 16588586
imagine getting your dick chopped off lel
Anonymous at Mon, 17 Feb 2025 02:23:48 UTC No. 16588664
It's the same explanation for everything wrong with western countries.
It starts with J, and rhymes with shoes.
🗑️ Anonymous at Mon, 17 Feb 2025 03:01:52 UTC No. 16588697
That analogy isn't even perfect. Sexual attraction and gender dysphoria is far more complex then that. Even studies conducted to find its correlation with left handedness either find no significant difference or yield counterintuitive results.
Anonymous at Mon, 17 Feb 2025 03:02:55 UTC No. 16588699
That analogy isn't even perfect. Sexual attraction and gender dysphoria is far more complex then that. Even studies conducted to find its correlation with left handedness either find no significant difference or yield counterintuitive results.
Anonymous at Tue, 18 Feb 2025 15:25:33 UTC No. 16590278
>thinks he's above the principles of this universe
Anonymous at Tue, 18 Feb 2025 15:38:20 UTC No. 16590307
Toilet paper.
Anonymous at Tue, 18 Feb 2025 18:47:04 UTC No. 16590527
There are only half a million Trans women in the US and the reason there are "more" is simply because it has become socially acceptable to be trans, where as before being openly trans was dangerous, could get you beaten or killed, lose your job. So people hid their true feeling.
Anonymous at Tue, 18 Feb 2025 21:29:26 UTC No. 16590724
i think im a 2 or so on the aphantasia scale, i can never recreate that apple exactly in my brain if it's too complicated, as soon as i try and specifically focus on making one exact super detailed shape and rotating it my brain kind of falls apart and can only do parts of it like the leaves
i can imagine the apple and if im not thinking about it too hard it will feel very real looking, same with most things in my imagination really, but i just cant focus on specific things
that technically makes me a 5 so i guess you're right, i wouldnt be surprised if some corn syrup brain defect made me like this
also, trans women on average are higher iq than the general population
Anonymous at Tue, 18 Feb 2025 22:37:24 UTC No. 16590807
You are seeing more of it because of the internet. I see maybe one non-passing transgender person a month and I live in the city.
Anonymous at Tue, 18 Feb 2025 23:40:13 UTC No. 16590891
Yeah I am sure the Americans of the early 18th century were still at the same proportion of today cutting their dicks off and believing they are women. Not.
Anonymous at Wed, 19 Feb 2025 00:48:41 UTC No. 16590931
Isn't it like that with every fashion fad too? Perhaps trannies will be as cringey in 20 years as 80's fashion is now that it's 20 years old.
Anonymous at Wed, 19 Feb 2025 09:18:18 UTC No. 16591218
They won't allow us to find its real cause
Anonymous at Wed, 19 Feb 2025 10:05:47 UTC No. 16591248
generation of spergy, often narcissistic/bpd types, taking amp/mph since they were kids, living online, watching hardcore porn. basically braincels and growing up in a world with ever increasingly fucked sexual dynamics. there are inc*l vids on taking the "pinkpill", transmaxxing, "be your own gf" etc.
Anonymous at Wed, 19 Feb 2025 10:43:22 UTC No. 16591285
Femininity and androgyny represent high-entropy states, whereas masculinity, driven by high testosterone, is a lower-entropy condition. The rising prevalence of endocrine-disrupting chemicals introduces greater chaos into the system, destabilizing the delicate order in the body that sustains testosterone-based masculinity.
Anonymous at Wed, 19 Feb 2025 11:03:53 UTC No. 16591306
It's entirely because of the internet. You're seeing more of it because you're actively visiting places that constantly bring them up. If you try going outside, chances are you won't see one at all. They're very rare, but do indeed exist. However, if you visit 4chan, twitter or wherever else you'd think every second person is one which couldn't be further from the truth.
There was also a change in social perception and culture which allowed people who felt they were repressing their 'true self' to come out more freely due to a more tolerant, accepting culture. Feel free to keep screeching about them pointlessly, I fail to see what you'll achieve.
Anonymous at Wed, 19 Feb 2025 18:45:44 UTC No. 16591679
That's the thing, for the ones who were hiding their true feeling it wouldn't manifest as "cutting their dicks off and believing they are women", it would manifest as "daydreams full of sad yearning about being a woman and maybe occasional private crossdressing without ever telling a soul", which tends not to show up on statistics.
Anonymous at Wed, 19 Feb 2025 20:06:09 UTC No. 16591755
>I fail to see what you'll achieve.
Scaring them away from children before they can mutilate them.
Anonymous at Wed, 19 Feb 2025 20:28:45 UTC No. 16591767
No one (I mean, I can't say with absolute confidence that never once in the history of the world it's happened, because the world is very big and has 8 billion people in it) is performing sex reassignment surgery on children, except for the intersex children who are still getting mutilated to fit into a binary ideal, and who the people trying to ban "child mutilation" always write in specific carve-outs for the continued mutilation of.
Anonymous at Wed, 19 Feb 2025 20:35:02 UTC No. 16591773
Blackrock and Vanguard demanded IT companies hire more women.
IT companies quickly discovered that it was easier to turn men into women than it was to turn women into engineers.
Anonymous at Wed, 19 Feb 2025 20:54:16 UTC No. 16591805
>high IQ
>cuts off dick
yeah I'm thinking you're making shit up
Anonymous at Thu, 20 Feb 2025 00:20:18 UTC No. 16591980
>which doesn't show up in statistics
So you're making shit up. Got it. I mean really, do you think John Doe of Kentucky living on the frontier in the 1770s gave a fuck about thinking he was a woman? No, he was worried about getting his head chopped off by the natives while his nearest white neighbor was a day's travel away.
Anonymous at Thu, 20 Feb 2025 03:46:55 UTC No. 16592129
degeneracy is an opinion, setting that aside most of these people were sexually abused- either directly by Uncle Steve or indirectly by constantly being bombarded with negative messaging about men, masculinity and _especially normal male sexuality_. If they don't have a father to show them otherwise- and over 25% of the country doesn't- they're extremely vulnerable to tranny propaganda.
>opinions about the benefits of marriage are split 50-50 because of the onset of super availability of sex
Every third household in my class growing up was divorced. Not pretty divorces either, the kind where the dad has to fight to see their kids and is enslaved for 20 years because mommy got pussy tingles with her personal trainer. Why do you really think that generation of men is "divided" on marriage?
Blaming sex is just a (feminist|theocrat) dogwhistle for blaming men for wanting sex- now read the first paragraph again.
>Blaming porn is just a (feminist|theocrat) dogwhistle for blaming men for wanting sex- now read the first paragraph again.
Last time I went to a church there was a man in a dress there who pretty much only interacted with children
Anonymous at Thu, 20 Feb 2025 03:47:17 UTC No. 16592131
Trend-sexual is what I call it. It's trendy to be a tranny.
Anonymous at Thu, 20 Feb 2025 05:16:09 UTC No. 16592172
we call them trenders on /tttt/
Anonymous at Thu, 20 Feb 2025 09:37:48 UTC No. 16592366
imagine if being emo or being a hippie or being a furry was suddenly argued to be inherent and free from discrimination. And politicians and academia suddenly sided with them overnight. And that the subculture constituents gaslit each other into killing themselves if society didn't accept them. The fetishists spearheading the troon movement were so hellbent on living out their ultimate fantasies without judgment that they co-opted the mentally ill to create a train that you just can't hop off.
I watched an old friend of mine fall into this trap and it killed him.
Anonymous at Thu, 20 Feb 2025 10:39:25 UTC No. 16592453
Troonism is offered by nefarious (((educators))) as a snake oil cure for all symptoms of childhood depression, anxiety, antisocial behavior, etc.
Sad? Bummed about the same shit that every other child goes through? Unmotivated? It's probably because you were born with an incorrect composition of sex organs. Teachers are seen as voices of authority and better judgment so a child's inclination is to drop their critical guard and put their trust into everything the educator has to say.
This is how troonism spreads. Without (((educators))) offering the double whammy castration + cross dressing "cure" for what amounts as the regular motions of life, such an "ailment" would hardly express itself in polite society.
The pre-trooned victims of troon-enabling only come to believe that they have "cisgender-based" problems because they are gaslit by sheep-clothed wolves into believing the worst ideas that have ever been concocted in history.
Anonymous at Thu, 20 Feb 2025 18:34:13 UTC No. 16593364
demonic possession
Anonymous at Thu, 20 Feb 2025 20:33:53 UTC No. 16593730
No, and anyone who pretends they do, beyond vague possibilities, is lying.
Anonymous at Thu, 20 Feb 2025 20:35:11 UTC No. 16593732
seems like you really need people to not figure it out
Anonymous at Thu, 20 Feb 2025 20:41:10 UTC No. 16593753
Couple of obvious logical reasons
1. Money. Lot of money to be made and a lot of money being made here. Very loud and clear incentives for the medical industry to promote such things. No matter how you feel you can't deny this. Is it cynical and immoral? Seems likely.
2. Trends. Pretty self explanatory. Trends come and go. No real explaining it beyond people crave new thing to get attached to. Transgenderism is not merely a medical or psychological procedure it is a fashionable sub-culture. People don't treat hip replacements the same way is what I'm saying although it may be just as life changing.
3. Cultural shifts regarding women. It's no secret that MTF is vastly more common than FTM. So it begs a simple question. Why do men want to be female so badly but not the other way around? The natural conclusion is that in modern society men feel somehow disadvantaged and women are perceived as having more advantages.
4. Pure sexual fantasy. Might be difficult to believe something so simple could lead to such extreme measures but I don't think it should be underestimated.
Anonymous at Fri, 21 Feb 2025 00:57:37 UTC No. 16594222
>It's no secret that MTF is vastly more common than FTM
another retarded chud who spewing "facts" he got from /pol/
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 02:37:57 UTC No. 16595871
Too much satyr cum in the moonwells
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 04:00:41 UTC No. 16595910
is it really so hard to believe that ~0.5% of the population is naturally trans due to normal variation in womb hormone exposure, resulting in lack of masculinization in sex centers of the brain, which has existed for all of human history? There's plenty of examples from hundreds if not thousands of years ago of individual males who describe gender dysphoria and either see themselves as women internally or seek to become women medically, and there's plenty of examples of civilizations thousands of years old in which there were particular social structures that allowed homosexual males to castrate themselves, grow their hair long, wear makeup, jewelry, and women's clothing, and take on women's social roles.
Is it such a shock that nowadays when medical science allows for bioidentical hormone therapy rather than castration and perhaps pregnant mare urine and herbs for estrogen, and plastic surgery allows for the face and body to be reshaped to be more feminine, and society has progressed to a point where even just knowledge of the existence of trans people is not violently suppressed, that we would observe something closer to the true proportion of trans people in society transitioning?
yet there's always pseuds in these threads who think that normal heterosexual men can be convinced to self-castrate and dress as women if the only watch enough porn and anime, that certainly straight men are just chomping at the bit to grow boobs, shrink their dick, and be part of a hated minority group just because their bank put up a rainbow flag. And these wonderful science-minded rightoids certainly love talking about all the brain differences between men and women, between blacks and whites, at least until science discovers that transsexuals actually have feminine sex centers in their hypothalamus as a result of lack of prenatal androgen exposure. Then it's all "da joos", "trust le soience", "think of the children!"
sage at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 04:05:21 UTC No. 16595914
>is naturally trans
No one is actually transgender or transsexual. Being transsexual is biologically impossible. As for transgender, how does anyone even "know" his or her "gender"? If gender means sex then see a few sentences ago. If gender is something else, then it's meaningless because it's tied to qualia. People can't compare internal feelings with others so it's a meaningless term. It's about making people feel better. The rational is NOT the real. Hegel was wrong.
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 04:09:19 UTC No. 16595917
i like to post this whenever someone tries to force the bipolar argument
but then most of those people have no idea what they're actually looking at
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 04:14:30 UTC No. 16595919
>No one is actually transgender or transsexual. Being transsexual is biologically impossible
pretty sure androgen insensitivity syndrome basically qualifies if it is complete; XY genotype but XX phenotype minus reproduction.
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 05:57:53 UTC No. 16595967
>Being transsexual is biologically impossible
quibbling definitions
being transsexual has a medical reality
>As for transgender, how does anyone even "know" his or her "gender"?
>People can't compare internal feelings with others so it's a meaningless term
how do you know what "sad" and "happy" feel like? You can't see in other people's heads, but non-autists have the power of empathy. People "feel" a certain gender based on the differences between male and female social roles, and how men and women tend to act in society. A standard example of a gender dysphoric person has two aspects to the dysphoria, the first being anatomical in that they are unhappy with physical male-ness and prefer physical female-ness, and the second being social in that they have the subjective experience of being feminine compared to men and relating more to women, while also being unhappy with social male-ness and preferring social female-ness.
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 06:02:45 UTC No. 16595969
this, psyop with a lot of ramifications, probably only a few of which are known or noticeable now
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 06:13:18 UTC No. 16595975
>Sex isn't binary because freaks of nature exist.
A binary that works 99.98% of the time is a pretty darn good binary. Exceptions are exceptions, and are almost certainly not the rule.
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 06:18:12 UTC No. 16595976
I always feel sorry for poor deformed intersex people who are constantly used as an unwilling crutch to validate fetishists. Imagine if albinism was used a an argument by “transracials”
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 06:28:14 UTC No. 16595982
I remember when Sean Carrol posted that SciAm infographic and got torn apart by biologists and locked his replies. He's since fled to bluesky.
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 06:30:38 UTC No. 16595986
>the poor intersex people who I pretend don't exist, how dare you use them as example to prove me wrong
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 07:48:25 UTC No. 16596013
Lol, they even label klinefelter syndrome as intersex
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 07:50:40 UTC No. 16596014
klinefelter's is XXY, it's as intersex as you can get
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 08:05:15 UTC No. 16596018
Autogynephilia is the same as bio female sexuality. Humans have this latent pathway in their brains since male and female DNA are very similar. Due to the hyper socialized and xenoestrogen laden environment nowadays these pathways that typically only would be activated in bio females (both via hormones and socialization) are enforced in the brain of both boys and girls.
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 08:07:48 UTC No. 16596019
You have an infantile view of humanity and history. Thousands of years ago people did 'perverted' sexual stuff like gay sex and crossdressing. Look at bonobos who have gay sex and are considered wild animals.
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 08:12:57 UTC No. 16596020
Bullshit. Klinefelters isnt intersex. Its a male chromosomal disorder. XXY still means XY with an extra X. Not some halfway between sexes deal. You dont get ovaries. You dont get ambiguous genitals. You get dudes with smaller balls. Maybe some gynecomastia. Calling it intersex is a stretch. Its just a genetic hiccup in an otherwise male setup.
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 08:14:13 UTC No. 16596021
What's with people trying to deny the validity of trans existence?
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 08:24:17 UTC No. 16596023
The difference between klinefelter's and other forms of trisomy like down's, is that klinefelter's means intermediate SEX chromosomes, having both XX and XY chromosome configurations simultaneously. So the sex chromosomes are abnormal and intermediate. The penis is smaller, the testes are smaller and often infertile. Abnormal primary sex characteristics. People with klinefelter's are less muscular, have less body and facial hair, often develop breasts, have wide hips and narrow shoulders. Abnormal and clearly intermediate secondary sex characteristics.
Furthermore, people with klinefelter's are more likely to be transgender than the general population, and often have cognitive impairment, so that's indicative of intermediate or abnormal sexual differentiation of the brain.
It would be ridiculous not to classify this as intersex, unless you want to say that only specific genital abnormalities count, which would be silly in the face of chromosomal abnormalities. Do you think hypospadias is an intersex condition?
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 08:27:47 UTC No. 16596026
Even President Biden told you outright that /pol/ is and always has been right about everything, why do you still not get it?
Here is the religious background behind tranny ideology:
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 09:49:52 UTC No. 16596084
>trans people:
>nu4chan incels:
>bro listen trans people aren’t even real ok and here’s why. first of all, words. yeah words. u ever think about that? like ‘woman’ means woman because that’s what it means. checkmate. if u change the meaning of a word then reality itself crumbles and the universe explodes. do u want that??? no??? then stop redefining words!!! the dictionary is basically the bible and was written by god himself in 1854. and before u say anything, yes, words change all the time but NOT THIS ONE. this one is special. don’t ask why. it just is.
>now biology. bro it’s literally just xx and xy. that’s it. open and shut case. yes, i have been informed that intersex people exist but that’s just like when u get a deformed m&m, it doesn’t count. biology is supposed to be simple because my brain is smooth and if it was complicated then i’d have to think and i don’t like doing that. and don’t even get me started on ‘brain sex’ or ‘hormonal development’ or whatever nerd stuff ur about to say. i passed high school biology (barely) and i’m pretty sure that makes me a scientist.
>also, gender was invented in 2015 by tiktok and before that everyone just knew what they were and shut up about it. don’t talk to me about two-spirit people or hijras or roman emperors running around demanding to be called she/her, those were all just silly little mistakes in history. doesn’t count. i am the one who decides what is real and what is not.
>and here’s my biggest proof that trans people aren’t real: if they were real, why do i get so mad about it??? like seriously if they existed in a normal way then i wouldn’t feel the overwhelming urge to write deranged facebook posts about them 24/7. explain that. oh wait, you can’t. debate over. science wins again.
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 09:58:34 UTC No. 16596092
just because you can build some shit doesn't mean you should build it
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 10:36:08 UTC No. 16596149
Rightists know they exist, but think they should know their place as essentially mutations of what humans generally are I:E men or women. Unlike leftists who will assume all people are equal, we don't think that a 100 IQ white person is the same as a 60 IQ African or a person with down syndrome. Because they aren't, on a genetic or intellectual level, and putting them on an equal standing at the wheels of society is the stupidest thing you could ever do and puts us well on track to fall as a civilization. People with intersex conditions exist. Its not good that they exist because 1. They are essentially markers that genetic quality is going downhill really fast, and 2. If they manage to procreate they can pass over fucked genes to the next generation. So trying to pass them off as "Just the same as cisgender people" is laughable.
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 10:50:39 UTC No. 16596174
well this seems to be a bunch of moral claims about what you personally think is good or bad for society, which has nothing to do with science
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 11:48:45 UTC No. 16596236
>Jewish media bosses tricked me into cutting off my own dick
>Parents don't want to give me unrestricted access to their small children during Perverted Weirdo Story Hour
>These circumstances cause me so much anguish that I now post endless walls of text with strawman arguments against the people who are disgusted by me and ridicule my poor decisions
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 11:50:21 UTC No. 16596239
>enter social sciences thread
>hundreds of posts
>it's all /pol/-tier ad-hoc speculation with no real data to back it up
>every single time
Why do we even allow social sciences here?
It's always a /pol/ thread in disguise.
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 11:52:53 UTC No. 16596241
considering the amount of shit these retards managed to stir, for how few of them there are, and the fact that they started to go for the kids, and those kids don't seem happy with what they've been brainwashed into doing, I'd say it's a pretty good argument against them. troons are artificially manufactured for political, power, control and financial reasons. none of which include their personal happiness. if anything they seem more miserable.
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 12:36:39 UTC No. 16596274
Half of all social science studies cave to excessive confirmation-bias by investigators whom cherry-pick and p-hack numbers into validating their own quirks and assumptions, even more egregiously if it’s politically charged. In 2020 during the George Floyd zeitgeist there was a slew of papers that published apparent proof of heckin’ racism in the medical and corporate fields, that were quietly retracted years later when people decided to actually check the math after the dust settled.
The only studies I will put a shred of faith in will be the ones written 20 years from now when transgenders have been placed on the back burner in lieu of some other new sweeping social justice fight occupying western society’s attention. All the trans facebook-mom-group kids and bandwagoning teenage angst will be grown up by then and I have a hunch the data just might look different from numbers we see today.
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 12:42:08 UTC No. 16596281
>Half of all social science studies cave to excessive confirmation-bias by investigators whom cherry-pick and p-hack numbers into validating their own quirks and assumptions,
>In 2020 during the George Floyd zeitgeist there was a slew of papers that published apparent proof of heckin’ racism in the medical and corporate fields, that were quietly retracted years later when people decided to actually check the math after the dust settled.
Can you substantiate both claims?
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 13:15:20 UTC No. 16596300
This. They are culling down any research that might challenge their beliefs.
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 15:23:38 UTC No. 16596418
If you look at past instances of transgenders arising in societies, two things become apparent:
1) there's something consistent throughout time that causes them to reappear after long periods of absence
2) they're incapable of fitting in or dealing with society in good faith. Eventually everyone tires of them and they get wiped out, almost always through violent means.
In the modern world, there seem to be two exceptions: Iran and Thailand.
Iran deals with it by requiring being 100% in. If a man thinks he's a woman trapped in a man's body, the government pays for the man's genitals to be removed, after which he lives the rest of his life as a woman. There's no fluidity. You're a man or you're a woman. If you switch from being a man to being a woman, you must abide by all society expectations of a woman. As far as I know, there's no support for females that want to be men.
Thailand allows males to be lady-boys but everyone is clear that they're males posting as women, not real women. Their place in society is very restricted. This means most people never have to deal with transgenders unless they seek them out.
Neither country tolerates grooming children into trans ideology.
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 15:25:17 UTC No. 16596423
>well this seems to be a bunch of moral claims about what you personally think is good or bad for society, which has nothing to do with science
Science informs policy, you should know this if you are actually fully informed about the subject. My moral foundations come directly from the science of genetics (eugenics, race, sex) and mathematics (group stats, economics). Yours meanwhile seem to come from vague post-modern social science jargon that already presumes a Marxist perspective and then works its way from there. Analysis is surface level, we ask "why does X effect group Y" and the answer from the social scientist is because "X is a part of a social construct called Z" nothing deeper, we just live in a "cis white hetero-normative patriarchy" and no explanation shall be given on why it exists in the first place. No analysis of possible group strategy reasons for it, biological predispositions that could possibly cause it, or if differences between races in competence do exist. Because if we did actually do that analysis, we might accidentally give credence the evil bigots of the world. So better keep your mouth shut about those questions, and trust the (social) scienceTM.
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 15:32:55 UTC No. 16596427
>But what caused millions of men to suddenly end up this way?
testosterone is much lower in men compared to men from 1940s
this could also explain why 45% of men don't approach women, there is no drive to due to lower testosterone
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 16:41:56 UTC No. 16596485
left on its own life will explore a lot of random avenues. our structure is of high complexity, the environment affects us in complex ways as well, so inevitably you'll have a small number of individuals that don't fit in certain categories. the fact that they pop up doesn't mean they are useful for the group. that's not a blank statement, there are situations where "mistakes" proved useful, but so far they proved to generate a lot of issues and cost and waste of time with some political return for a small number of people, which didn't reverberate in the rest of society in any useful way.
random mistakes of nature is a different thing that whatever the fucked happened in the west, especially US. it's not about genetic issues rather induced mental ones.
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 16:50:53 UTC No. 16596497
that's fine. nowhere in this thread anyone implied that trans phenomena is a majority. but they still do exist
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 16:54:16 UTC No. 16596499
>but they still do exist
especially if you convince them they are. suddenly they kinda feel like it.
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 16:56:30 UTC No. 16596502
no they exist because they literally exist. no psyop or gaslighting needed
>freaks of nature
every single fucker on this space rock is a mutant one way or another
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 16:59:30 UTC No. 16596505
>It's like a new canon of lore to learn about.
it's a cult. They prey on the weak, socially isolate them from friends and family (moving for college, ostracising non-believers), peer pressure them into accepting new identities and then love bombing them when they do, encourage them to abandon any and all friends or family who don't accept their new cult identity.....
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 17:09:36 UTC No. 16596513
>no they exist because they literally exist
a very small part of them have genetic issues anon stop retarding
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 17:12:37 UTC No. 16596518
A genetically retarded male who fails to grow a penis and testes during gestation is not some magical "third thing", but a genetically retarded male who should be treated as such.
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 17:13:28 UTC No. 16596519
>It's no secret that MTF is vastly more common than FTM.
>he isn't banging 18yo "FTMs" on grindr
heh. don't know what you don't know, I suppose
sage at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 17:51:28 UTC No. 16596553
I have the ability to empathize. There is, however, no way to know whether my experience of happiness is the same as that of another.
>People "feel" a certain gender based on the differences between male and female social roles, and how men and women tend to act in society.
Exactly! It is external. Measurable, even if qualitatively. Many trans people insist upon an external reality based on qualia.
>the first being anatomical
Yes, physical. Objectively verifiable.
>the second being social
Again, external.
>...social that they have the subjective experience of being feminine...
I disagree that it is subjective. A man being happier with social female-ness or a woman being happier with social male-ness makes sense. But insisting, socially AND physically that someone is a "man" when she is in fact a woman, is an affront to reality.
I will call people by whatever name they want, but insisting that someone IS something he or she is not, makes no sense.
I think all societies forever required reproduction to be possible in principle with "woman". I get the argument about phenotypes, but I don't think that's what the word "man" or "woman" really means. It's not enough.
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 18:20:43 UTC No. 16596574
Yes. They are the most profitable minority in history. Every trans person is worth 200-400k to the medical industry.
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 18:22:01 UTC No. 16596575
Quote the opposite. Trans people became shoehorned and Astroturfed like no other minority has ever been before. This caused a reaction. Even people on the left are starting to get sick of the trans propaganda.
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 23:07:25 UTC No. 16596862
>Every trans person is worth 200-400k to the medical industry.
Source? And I don't mean some random journalist saying so
estrogen is very cheap, and a generic medication. Much less than $10k per year, and that's going through expensive prescription drugs. Lots of trannies buy grey market estrogen, which is like $100 a year.
Surgeries are expensive, but basically the most expensive facial surgery possible is like $100k, and the most expensive genital surgery is like $100k, so it would really only be possible to hit the $200k value if we're talking about the minority of trans people who get surgeries, then the minority of those trans people who do so with world class surgeons in america. Because the average tranny who gets surgeries is doing so in europe, asia, or south america where they're spending under $50k.
Plus, the cost of surgeries isn't actually going to big pharma, most of it is paid directly to the surgeon who is usually a private businessman, and the rest is hospital fees. The only part that pharma corps make good money from is the medication, but again estrogen is a cheap generic.
There's far more money to be made off of alcoholics, smokers, diabetics, etc., groups which are many times larger than the number of trans people. Furthermore, you can't turn on a television without seeing ads for fast food and alcohol, and then the next moment see ads for weight loss drugs or insulin, which are far more expensive than estrogen. And I doubt there has ever been a television advertisement for estrogen targeting anyone other than cis women in menopause. So the conspiracy theory that trans is pushed for big pharma to make money seems a bit unrealistic, when it's very obvious that certain other, much larger and more profitable groups are very clearly being pushed.
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 23:19:13 UTC No. 16596881
>There is, however, no way to know whether my experience of happiness is the same as that of another.
you're basically talking about cartesian doubt. If you think that you're a human and other people are human in the same way you are, then you can observe that the behavioral reactions you perform in response to emotions, i.e. smiling, are the same behavioral reactions that other people perform in situations where you would also be happy. You could technically deny that all people other than yourself have any inner experience, but there's no real reason to do so other than as a thought experiment. In practice, you're going to live your life assuming your feelings and emotions are the same as those around you anyway.
>Many trans people insist upon an external reality based on qualia.
yeah sorry but that's how 99.999% of people live. Empiricism is the basis of all science. If we can't trust in an external reality based on qualia, you're going to have to go back to cogito ergo sum if you want knowledge.
Anyway the point is that there is objectively verifiable anatomical brain characteristics of transsexuals, observed in patients who have never taken hrt and have not engaged in any medical transition. We have plenty of reason to believe that these people despite being born male, have real divergent brain characteristics which cause them to feel more suited to the female body and social roles than the male ones.
Furthermore, it seems ironic that while you're insisting on qualia and empiricism being unreliable and that the only truth can be the one known to yourself internally, that you would deny the same right to trans people who also insist that their internal reality is the correct one regardless of the physical world or of the opinions of others. Meanwhile the further empirical reality is that medical and social transition is shown to be objectively beneficial to these people.
Anyway you're not even talking about science, just sociology and philosophy.
Anonymous at Sat, 22 Feb 2025 23:26:47 UTC No. 16596887
Pornography and the pharmacuetical industry.
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Feb 2025 01:35:14 UTC No. 16596959
This. I bought into the "let people live their lives" thing for years. Then it was flags everywhere. Kids at drag shows. Drag trannies reading to kids at libraries. Fucking degen parade shittery in the middle of the day. I'm not sure if it's gotten worse or if I just fell for a marketing campaign, but I just don't fucking care what happens to them anymore.
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Feb 2025 01:40:26 UTC No. 16596962
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Feb 2025 02:02:03 UTC No. 16596977
>bought into the "let people live their lives" thing for years
then it's not a problem with you but with them. you follow that idea, they do not but the idea still holds
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Feb 2025 05:14:21 UTC No. 16597091
Porn + atheism.
You're queer.
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Feb 2025 06:15:03 UTC No. 16597110
3 of my 30 coworkers are transes
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Feb 2025 12:52:43 UTC No. 16597277
Circa WWII a former Harvard psychology professor published the comic wonder woman, self-admittedly as a psyop to being bdsm into the public view. Oh, and he had a wife and a girlfriend in a throuple. That girlfriend? Olive Byrne. Daughter of Ethel Byrne and niece to Margaret Sanger, two of the most influential feminists of the progressive era. Oh, and they both disowned Olive for being a degenerate.
What does this all have to do with the trans movement? The more degenerate behavior gets normalized, the more acceptable it is to engage in such behavior. The more acceptable it becomes, the louder they cry about their victimization complex. The louder they cry, the more acceptance they get. Until, eventually, the pendulum swings the other way.
What I'm getting at all this shit is psyopped from social science professors.
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Feb 2025 15:07:17 UTC No. 16597363
Transgenderism is a very old cognitohazard archetype.
It exists in relation to the consciousness that is created by the material nature of categories female and male.
Transgenderism is the psychological tendency of desire manifested by attaching itself to gender disconformity or dialectical contraditons.
In societies where there is energy avaliable for this weird and socially disruptive labour division of sexual organizations they might appear but rapidly kill is hosts.
The grand amount of literacy, pornography, internet exposure and grooming enablement is what has caused a boom in the vectors of reproductive infection it has.
Think of it as a "virus" that resides in the mind. A set of symbols and ideas that takes form to itselfreplicate in a type of psychology that will create more symbols and behaviours to replicate further this symbological superreality. and exploits all avaliable mechanisms to keep reproducing.
Now transgenderism, homosexuality, racism, Liberalism, Same as furry and other mental illnesses have large hosts in the way of potential energy. Readers that are exposed to their symbological nexi
sage at Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:12:51 UTC No. 16597779
>You could technically deny that all people other than yourself have any inner experience, but there's no real reason to do so other than as a thought experiment. In practice, you're going to live your life assuming your feelings and emotions are the same as those around you anyway.
I'm also going to live life assuming women are women and men are men, per my previous definition.
>yeah sorry but that's how 99.999% of people live. Empiricism is the basis of all science. If we can't trust in an external reality based on qualia, you're going to have to go back to cogito ergo sum if you want knowledge.
Yeah, I agree. 99.7% of people (and probably most of the 0.3% of trans people) would say that an individual is a man if male and a woman if female, based on the collective qualia of the 99.7+%. That's a better basis for approximating some ontological truth about who is a man or woman.
>We have plenty of reason to believe that these people despite being born male, have real divergent brain characteristics which cause them to feel more suited to the female body and social roles than the male ones.
I do not dispute it! I agree with you. I'm saying what someone believes and what is can be different. The vast majority of people, all with their own isolated internal experiences, have, for almost all history, viewed a trans man as a "woman" and a trans woman as a "man."
>insisting on qualia and empiricism being unreliable
I'm insisting that knowledge is probabilistic and we should adopt the meaning of two words determined by 99.7% of people, not 0.3% who dissent.
>that you would deny the same right to trans people
I'm not denying anyone any right lol. I'm a man. I could be experiencing internally what all women on earth experience internally. I'm just talking about it not making sense that some people INSIST they are (ontologically) something that the vast majority of people think is not the case. It's not about what's beneficial. Philosophy is the basis of science lol
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:19:22 UTC No. 16597784
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:35:30 UTC No. 16597802
>Porn + atheism.
+ anime
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:54:16 UTC No. 16597828
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Feb 2025 02:10:00 UTC No. 16597894
>High IQs, have stereotypically male hobbies or careers, show higher aggression, fantasize about being lesbian
you're literally just describing autistic people
their self-social identity is screwy because of the autism, and so they are prone to 'feeling' female, if that ends up being instilled into them at all institutions. kind of like how "nice guys" were always instilled in television. combined that with the fact that modern industrial society is extremely alienating and the transgender movement provides a very emotionally coherent and convincing culture and society, where the bar for acceptance is very, very low, and you have the main reasons.
furthermore, there's intense funding efforts by pharmaceutical corporations and hedge funds or other investment firms because of the jacobin elite that do not care about transgender people, but did care about eliminating American gender values because America Evil. it is, honestly, and extremely typical story in this country post-FDR.
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Feb 2025 02:13:33 UTC No. 16597896
Autogynephilia=Emasculation Fetish. Putting on girls' clothes being humiliating to the male brain.
Women=No Emasculation. Sorry, not possible.
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Feb 2025 02:38:22 UTC No. 16597911
>>16584744 >/sci/ >no one actually listens to science it's almost as if centuries of scientific research is to transgender identity was destroyed by a guy named Hitler it's almost as if repression of transgender people is a modern phenomenon and society is finally progressing to a point where more people feel comfortable enough to be "out"