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🧵 Energy/Nootropic Supplements

Anonymous No. 16584827

Is there any scientific backing to Nootropics? Every time I dig into stuff I see shilled online, there's studies proving it's just placebo.

For context, I have OSA(~30 AHI), treatment resistant MDD, and TBI. Every treatment I've tried has failed; CPAP machine didn't help(currently trying to get a BiPAP), antidepressants, TMS, TRT, multivitamins, microdosing shrooms, blood tests dont show any deficiencies, etc. I take caffeine pills and smoke cigarettes just to barely stay awake through the day, but some days I just can't focus at all. I never have motivation; I have to force myself to do everything through pure willpower. I'm not fat, and working out isn't help.

My first time doing shrooms "cured" me for a few days but I went back down after smoking weed.

Anonymous No. 16584832

coffee and tobacco are nootropics. yes they are real.

Anonymous No. 16584854

Scienceᵀᴹ: Smoking weed depletes gluthathione, supplement glutathione and NAC.

Anonymous No. 16584857

Can you rephrase your post without acronym and tell us what you've "tried"?

Anonymous No. 16584907

I'm not a stoner. I just used to smoke occasionally with friends when they offered, but I'm never touching that shit again.
I have moderate/severe sleep apnea, treatment resistant major depressive disorder, and I was diagnosed with traumatic brain injury during depression testing but I have no idea what caused it and when.

Treatments that didn't help:
>continuous positive airway pressure machine(I'm trying to get a bilevel positive airway pressure machine)
>transcranial magnetic stimulation
>testosterone replacement therapy

Anonymous No. 16584909

Do you have troubles to focus? Or you just is very way down? You should maybe look at St.John's Worth(Hypericin)

Anonymous No. 16584910

Does selank and other peptides work? How do use it without having a troon nurse ask to mix X cc of Y and z mg of K into A.

Anonymous No. 16584911

Also I'm only 23. Been dealing with depression since I can remember. I'm convinced my brain got fried by ADHD meds growing up, but every psychiatrist I brought that up to says that's not possible.

Anonymous No. 16584915

Some days I have trouble focusing, yeah. But the complete lack of energy is persistent.
>You should maybe look at St.John's Worth(Hypericin)
Thanks I'll take a look at it. Do you happen to have any sources showing its effectiveness?
I'm a little wary of all the peptides and other research chemicals flooding the market, but I'll look into it.
>How do use it without having a troon nurse ask to mix X cc of Y and z mg of K into A.
If you're talking about injectable compounds, just draw them both into a syringe.

Anonymous No. 16584941

I mean I have no idea how to use peptides. Some say to dissolve peptide in isotonic saline then put a few drops in nose. Others say peptides might cause allergic reaction. Idk doesn't seem too effective.
On related note, there was a guy posting tons of empty bottle of cerebrolysin which he supposedly took over 2 years. If that shit really worked, he'd have been a trillionare by now lol.

Anonymous No. 16584950

>>16584915, it

It's like antidepressant but it also boosts dopamine.

You should also excercise...

Maybe something with mitochondria... Look at ECGC and PQQ.

Maybe just lack of histamine...

Phenylpiracetam is also good stimulant.

Anonymous No. 16585010

Hijacking this thread with no survivors:
28 year old male, generally healthy.
Background of slightly low blood pressure, past history of asthma that has been long resolved since over a decade and a half, mild dust/pollen allergies.
Usually I had slightly elevated hemoglobin levels, and for years I've had hemochromatosis - management thereof consisted of blood donation, twice a year kept it under check.
Two years ago I stopped donating blood after I started getting migraines out of the blue, odd for a male, but doctors blamed genetics (my grandma and two aunts have it).
For around 8 months I've hardly had any migraines, and the 4 attacks that did occur were very mild as to not even require any medication.
This coincided with a slightly low serum iron saturation (~17%) even when transferritin and ferritin remained over the middle of the normal range.
In the middle of that period I had another test where transferrin saturation went up to ~23%, and ferritin and transferrin went up in absolute values.
Last month I went back to swimming (had stopped because of migraine-induced vertigo a year before), once I started pushing my limits a bit, I kept getting really dizzy - especially on any postural change, including in the water still.
Following another blood test I find out my iron stores are basically depleted (less then 70ng/ml ferritin), 13% transferrin saturation and 236 mg/dl transferrin.
Hemoglobin, MCV...etc is all fine, though vitamin D is extremely depleted (8ng/ml).
But I'm already feeling the effects: shortness of breath, increased sleepiness/drowsiness, confusion, brainfog...etc
I am going to a gastroetreologist to rule that out, but I doubt it anyhow.
Mind you, my diet is quite balanced, I have a lot of veggies, and meat more than enough with variety.

Doctor isn't too concerned, and I understand that only my bound iron/stores are depleted, but its fucking annoying - I finally feel what its like to have an NPC brain.
Halp anons.

Anonymous No. 16585527

My tiredness stopped when I started taking CoQ10 with Omega3+DHA,EPA

But you seen like you have different problems.

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Anonymous No. 16585529

Methylene Blue + Ashwagandha (cycle the latter)

Anonymous No. 16586202

Just be mindful that MB is a potent MAOI. I'm on it myself 3x/week but it's imperative to avoid high tyramine foods ~8h either side of dosing, and one has to be aware of potential interactions with other substances, especially seritonergics

Anonymous No. 16586391

Maybe you didn't tell them the whole story.

Anonymous No. 16586884

Thanks, I ordered a few bottles of Perika to try.
Added to the list, thanks. Do you happen to know a good source for
phenylpiracetam? It sounds very interesting.
>lack of histamine
Why do you think that?
What effects does it have on you?
I did. Every psychiatrist is convinced that ADHD drugs do not have long-term effects on brain development. They probably bury their heads in their asses because they prescribe ADHD meds to kids and don't want the guilt.

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Anonymous No. 16586939

Amphetamine causes delusions, whose essence is a problem of causation. "Winning" the argument that way makes their condescension explicit. In other words: if you can't be right you must be crazy which makes you right.

To elaborate on causation: if Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) becomes real, it's possible to still agree on the observable facts, but the protagonist has still gone crazy because their feelings and explanation are "wrong".

Anonymous No. 16587111

Maybe? If the science behind "gut flora" is accurate what you consume might have a bigger impact on the body.

Anonymous No. 16587238

>Is there any scientific backing to Nootropics?
Yes but its been over-run by people who care more about money than they do about truth and health.
A safe assumption is that 90% of them are either useless, or actively harmful.

There is also an interesting "duration paradox" in health, where compounds that harm the liver in the short-term, will appear to benefit health in the short-term, while destroying it in the long-term. Many, many compounds, herbs, spices, and drugs, fit into this pattern.

Anonymous No. 16588627

The 90% figure is over-stated. I've gone super-deep in the nootropic chemicals but also stayed away from many dangerous-looking ones. It's probably more 20% good shit, 60% ineffective shit, 20% dangerous shit. A few of them are legit anti-dementia drugs that have good evidence of preventing neurodegeneration, such as RFK Jr.'s methylene blue. (protip: non USP-grade shit is super toxic, though)

Anonymous No. 16588692

Look into the peptides SS 31 and Mots C. They restore mitochondria function and create more mitochondria. You can read reviews of them on reddit, lots of people say it gives them energy. Most people underdose it though, SS 31 is supposed to be taken at 20-50mg a day, and I think mots c is 10-20mg a day

You can get it cheaper from China from companies like Jenny Chem

Anonymous No. 16588708

Have you gotten your kidney values checked? Or done a protein piss test?

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Anonymous No. 16588712

you could start taking peptides and or nootropics (not meme ones that are glorified vitamins) like Semax, Cerebrolysin, Dihexa, Isrib, Epobis, Neboglamine, Tak 653, and Tropisetron to improve your memory, focus, creativity, motivation, mind clarity, and enhance your ability to understand problems. They also repair brain damage, including age related degradation, and increase reaction time + hand eye coordination.
You can take them intranasally as well to get more of it directly to your brain, which is especially beneficial for Cerebrolysin since the alternative is injecting it and the recommended dosing that way is 5ml a day which is a lot to inject. and have cerebrolysin + semax has Dihexa and isrib and have isrib has Epobis but it's not listed, you have to email them and say a friend told you they have Epobis, I confirmed this with someone who bought it from there and posted pics of it + his experiences with it on r*ddit has Tak 653, Tropisetron, and Neboglamine
Other good sources include,, and amino asylum
Heres where to get steroids
You need to get your account approved by the owners of to purchase things on there, just say you are researching the effects of UV light on degradation of chemicals and look up a bunch of lab and safety equipment on google and say you have that in the approval form.
If you're interested in reading more about these substances I'd recommend the nootopics, nootropics, and peptides subreddits

Anonymous No. 16588715

Another substance you should look into is called Emeramide. From what I've read it's some revolutionary drug that is very good at removing heavy metals from your body and is apparently quite safe, I've read no other metal chelator comes close to it in terms of effectiveness. It was developed by an anti vaxxer to remove mercury from your body that came from vaccines, which I've also read never leaves your body and instead just goes to a different part of it and causes problems there. Removing mercury and other heavy metals that may be in your brain would bring mental benefits to you.
This site was listed by the person I heard about emeramide from on here as a place that sells legit emeramide

Anonymous No. 16588747

NAC is also a fairly heavy-duty chelator:

With the amount Bryan Johnson takes, he's probably deficient in most of the metals he's not supplementing (protip: especially copper and chromium).

Anonymous No. 16588978

I don't know where you live, but if you use duckduckgo, you can still find RC's or nootropics vendors... Use "<product> price <localcurrency>" pattern in search engine that is not AI slop but still depending on keywords.

Anonymous No. 16588981


Abnormal doesn't mean bad.

Also there was study that showed, more synapses literally and smaller some from METH use, but I can't find it now.

That's meme, AMPH cause focus, that's made of ignoring what's going on around you, and that's pretty much dangerous somehow, but low doses really are safe.

Anonymous No. 16588997

>lack of histamine
I didn't remembered histamine was neurotransmitter, when I had copy of neuropharmacology book, it was there on some pills, but I didn't realized it's a neurotransmitter.

But ask AI about histamine role in sleep and you'll know.

Anonymous No. 16589002


Maybe this will interest you too. Get well soon.

Anonymous No. 16589334

>That's meme
It's not a question of probability because >>16584911 believes they were harmed. Instead of validating the individual, which might do something to fix their illness, you misinterpret my argument as being against amph in general.

Anonymous No. 16590194

Thanks anon, will definitely look into it as long as the prices are more reasonable than the links you sent
I recognize some of those compounds but that's a lot of stuff to look into. Thanks.
Sounds interesting. I don't recall any issues with heavy metals in my blood work, but I'm not sure if I even had that checked. Will definitely read up on it some more, thanks
Thanks. Are you familiar with any forums I should look into that discuss sources seriously with minimal shilling?
That seems to be about methamphetamines which could have completely different effects than amphetamines no? I did read some studies that show amphetamine use during brain development can lead to depression later on, but I don't think I've seen any study explaining why.
Definitely sounds interesting, I already happened upon it and have it on my list already. Thanks fren
I'm not looking for validation, but I do wish my psychiatrists at least took the possibility seriously and helped me look at a solution from that angle instead of just trying generic blanket depression treatments that didn't even slightly help. My last psychiatrist was more eager to try BPD medication even though I have no mania lol

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Lyophilized vials....pdf

Anonymous No. 16590233

Here's the price list for This is only for the lyophilized, ready to inject pre vials. It doesn't list SS-31 on here but I was just told by a rep that the pricing for SS 31 is $165 for ten vials that are 10mg each. I was also told there was going to be a new pricing lost on Friday which should include more of the stuff they sell

Anonymous No. 16590234

>there was going to be a new pricing list on Friday

Anonymous No. 16590280

This is a good link to read through. Author is a schizo dickhead but there's good information on EMF damage caused by things like phones, and supplements that prevent EMF damage with studies to back it up

Anonymous No. 16590362

Thanks for the spoonfeeding fren. Definitely appreciated.
>SS 31 is $165 for ten vials that are 10mg each
So according to your dosing recommendation, I will be injecting 2-5 vials a day, which comes out to $33-82.5 per day? The low end is tolerable if it really does fix me, but the high end is nearly unaffordable for me unfortunately. Also while not illegal, I'm sure some eyebrows will be raised if I'm importing 60+ vials of research chemicals from China every month. Also I'm assuming it's 10mg/mL? That's quite a bit of fluid to be injecting daily.
I know this thread is about a pseudoscience-adjacent topic, but let's keep the schizobabble to a minimum please. Although I definitely do appreciate the good intentions.

Anonymous No. 16590364

You're welcome, get well soon.

Anonymous No. 16590513

> I will be injecting 2-5 vials a day
>eyebrows will be raised if I'm importing 60+ vials of research chemicals from China every month
Buy them all at once. You could do a 60 day cycle which is the length people take these 2 peptides to reverse early to mid stage kidney disease. There's also no guarantee customs will go through your packages.
>Also I'm assuming it's 10mg/mL?
It's dry powder so you mix in however much bacteriostatic water you want. You could do .2ml, that should dissolve 10mg worth of powder

Heres the video on reversing kidney disease with the 2 peptides if you're interested

Anonymous No. 16590690

Alright so for now, here's what I'll be trying on the supplements side:
>St. John's Wort(Nature's Way Perika; 3x 300mg
>Lithium Orotate(Pure Encapsulations Lithium Orotate; 10mg AM + 5mg PM
>B-complex(Seeking Health B Complex MF;
>L-Methylfolate(Carlyle L Methylfolate; sorry about the shitty archive): 15mg
>L-Tyrosine(Now Supplements - L-Tyrosine; 10x 750mg
>EGCG(NOW Foods Supplements, EGCg Green Tea Extract; 2x 200mg
>PQQ(Nutricost PQQ; 20mg
>Manganese(Source Naturals Manganese; 10mg
I think what I'll do is start off with SJW, then add an additional supplement every day. I will post updates here daily, in case anyone else can benefit from me pissing money away.

If these prove ineffective(which I assume they will), I will move on to the peptides.
Oh, I misunderstood. I was under the assumption that the powders were already reconstituted. That sounds much more reasonable.
Do people generally not take it for life? Just short cycles?

Anonymous No. 16590693

remember anon, every "nootropic" that doesn't require a prescription is a placebo meme

Anonymous No. 16590739

EGCG can mess up your liver so watch out for that
>Do people generally not take it for life >Just short cycles?
Short cycles
Most nootropics don't require prescriptions because they're research chemicals and haven't been regulated because the people that write the laws don't know about them

Anonymous No. 16590746

>anon is injecting himself with experimental chemicals from China to become smarter
I kneel.

Anonymous No. 16590747

>the people that write the laws don't know about them

it's actually the people WHO write the laws, but you have the general idea. you can just look at Trump or Sleepy Joe or Mitch McConnell or RFK Jr. and see the dopamine skill issues at the tip of the Alzheimer's iceberg.

Anonymous No. 16590751

Yeah, I'm assuming that will be the case. Doesn't hurt to try supplements, though. Ive been suffering for as long as I can remember, risking another month or two for the potential of finding a safer & more readily available solution is worthwhile imo.
I thought EGCG was only toxic above 800mg/day?
>Short cycles
So a single short cycle could potentially fix me? I like the sound of that much better than taking shit every day for the rest of my life.
And stronger.

Anonymous No. 16590792

>I thought EGCG was only toxic above 800mg/day?
I've read an anecdote on reddit from a guy who was drinking green tea daily (he didn't specify how much) for 6-8 months and when be got his blood tested his liver values had doubled from his previous test
>So a single short cycle could potentially fix me?
Potentially. It worked for those kidney disease patients in the vid I linked earlier so it might work for you. Mitochondria dysfunction is linked to lots of problems

Anonymous No. 16591690


What chemicals?
I'm going to inject the same chemical so I can have a conversation with this crazy person.

Anonymous No. 16592927

My theory is that anything that boosts brain performance is bad for the heart.

Betaine, choline, TMAO, and homocysteine appear to progress disease, starting with the gut micro biome / blood axis. So if you take any supplements that boost TMAO or you have bad gut bacteria, you’re probably causing some kind of damage. A lot of nootropics send bloodflow to the brain and increase choline. The choline especially is associated with disease progression. We know that excess animal products cause disease. They increase choline, TMAO and homocysteine. Regular diet gives enough choline to function.

Caffeine is also another one. Over 80mg causes arteries to not adapt to blood flow. They get a slight bump in blood pressure. That’s not good over time.

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Cult of Passion No. 16592935

>My theory
Pssh...yeah, "theory"...pfft...

Anonymous No. 16592949

I FUCKING KNEW you're degenerate, but snorting celluose is whole new level of degeneracy.

Anonymous No. 16592957

Caffeine pills are roughly half binder which is soap scum, not cellulose.

Anonymous No. 16592999

And why should I trust your theory especially when you say shit like
>excess animal products cause disease
Do you have any practical solutions that align with your theory? Because honestly I'd rather die of a heart attack at 50 while enjoying life than live as I am now.
>they get a slight bump in blood pressure
Meh, my blood pressure is already high and the testosterone isn't helping. Multiple doctors couldn't locate the cause so I'm on ACE inhibitors and daily vasodilators.

Yevgeniy Pillman No. 16593048

When I said "get help" and "take your meds" I meant professional help.
Please get help, you illiterate moron.

Yevgeniy Pillman No. 16593084

Cult is mentally unhinged retard to the point it boggles belief. He is next to ChrisChan on the level of mental retardation and stupid beliefs. I wish he would get help

Anonymous No. 16593229

>Take amphetamine derivative
>Have a sort of brain fog
That's a very common side effect of stimulants and amphetamines. I used for about a year and a half and it took almost a year to cut through the brain fog, though it wasn't exactly a brain fog, it was almost as if thinking was hard, so I just wouldn't do it.

Some people who used to tweak never recover from it and always seem a little scatter brained. ADHD meds are this generations Lead Paint. It's almost the same behavior in former addicts and people with lead poisoning

Anonymous No. 16593614

Don't worry about too many nootropics gamers; just lift weights and trust in Jesus Christ. ICXC

All you need is Rhodiola ngl.