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Anonymous No. 16585001

I'm really fucking bad at math and everything related to it. I can only do the 4 basic calculations and maybe solve basic algebraic problems, and even then I'm absolutely not efficient at these tasks (takes me a long time to do).
I cannot comprehend geometry except the most basic concepts as well.
Is there any way to fix this or am I doomed forever to be a brainlet?

Anonymous No. 16585013

just take adhd pills and acetylcholinesterase inhibitors and you will be fine.

Anonymous No. 16585064

Deep breaths to cut down the anxiety (in for 4s, hold for 4s, out for 4s, hold for 4s), then spend extra time studying.

Anonymous No. 16585323

>and you will be fine
no then you'll be all f*ck*d up for sure
i loathe this evil website

Anonymous No. 16586998

Skip the vids.
Do every interactive exercise, start from kindergarten level.