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Anonymous No. 16585373

If men only need baldness on one chromosome to go bald then why do over 80% of bald men have bald fathers

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Anonymous No. 16585385

Why are you spamming the catalogue with your baldness angst. Quit crying like a woman and just get over it, you vain bitch.

Anonymous No. 16585697

well its obviously genetic since amerindians dont bald much. They also cant grow beards.
East asians are race mixed with whites, since ancestral times. Thats why they can grow spotty beards and bald much more than pure siberian aboriginals

Anonymous No. 16585772

your crappy race science is shit.
east asians are closer to negros than to whites

Anonymous No. 16585854

That's your belief. The Han believe they are a completely different species than non-Han. They do not believe they are related to Africans at all.

Anonymous No. 16586699


Anonymous No. 16586703

Envirnomental factors?

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Anonymous No. 16586710

Oh i get it
You will inherit the hair of your mothers father, thats a fact.
Daughters of bald dudes are not appalled by baldness and marry bald dudes.
Bowling ball society will turn into its own hairless race in less than 500 years, because we're to cool for powdered wigs(clown world) and appsrently women can pick and choose who they marry (clown worldx2)

Btw if youre really worried about it just get a wig, picrel is bald but that sexy wig made her one of the most prominent pornstars, until she said publicly its a wig and the dudes wanking it at home looking at the pixel images of fake tits were appaled by it.

Anonymous No. 16586745

You are so fucking cool funny and edgy.