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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16585378

On May 12, 2009, the Space Shuttle Atlantis was captured in silhouette against the Sun during mission STS-125, en route to service the Hubble Space Telescope. This rare event was skillfully photographed by Thierry Legault using a solar-filtered Takahashi 5-inch refracting telescope and a Canon 5D Mark Il digital camera. The transit lasted only a fraction of a second, making this shot a testament to precise timing and expertise.

Anonymous No. 16585397

He probably spammed thousands of photos to catch this, he didn't just time it perfectly with one

Anonymous No. 16586905

That's what fast shutter speeds are for.

Anonymous No. 16586988

that's just a midge crushed on an orange

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Anonymous No. 16587032

This. We're getting chorizo'd.