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Anonymous No. 16585408

How can we stop it?

Anonymous No. 16585409

Give Elon $100M and he will save us.

Anonymous No. 16585415

The real question we should all be asking is how can we stop people from trying to stop it?

Anonymous No. 16585420

Stop it?

Anonymous No. 16585428

Launch a rocket carrying a nuke at it and blow it off course?

Anonymous No. 16585429

he'll build some boomer-ass steel-bodied rocket that can't take enough payload

not just one, first one to fragment it and then dozen(s) more kilometers ahead in its path (and out to the sides) right after to pulverize the fragments.

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Anonymous No. 16585433


Anonymous No. 16585458

can it be redirected slightly to land on tel aviv?

Anonymous No. 16585470

NRA: need more guns

Anonymous No. 16585480

Hopefully Jesus will help.

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Anonymous No. 16585490

>How can we stop it?
leave it to me

Anonymous No. 16585503

It's a small asteroid. A few megaton bomb can instantly vaporise the whole thing

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Anonymous No. 16585505

We do what we did with
>pic related

Anonymous No. 16585511

Tell the people steering it to stop aiming at us.
What if someone is making the Reagan "alien threat" scenario take place?
This is the great reset. NWO

Anonymous No. 16585513

Should we? Wouldn't it be much cheaper to just evacuate a few shithole villages? The impact crater would be probably worth billions through tourism. Also why shouldn't we accept a multiple tons heavy sample "re"turn?

Anonymous No. 16585517

You have to be 100% you're able to make it miss Earth. If you simply change where it lands, you end up responsible for the damage it does there. Sort of a space version of the trolley problem but you don't know how many people are on either track, with the added option, of unknown probability, that you can stop the trolley.

Anonymous No. 16585559

Why fragment it? Just impart some energy so it goes on a new trajectory and misses entirely, the missile wouldn't even need to land a perfect hit, the nuke just needs to detonate close enough to give it a little push

Anonymous No. 16585561

India is good but out of curiosity is France also an option?

Anonymous No. 16585572

>How can we stop it?
Ideally we would want it to keep going. It's not the fall that kills you.

Anonymous No. 16585586

>The impact crater would be probably worth billions through tourism.
Beyond that, if it has a lot of rare earth minerals it might deposit ore worth trillions.

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santa denier mail....gif

Anonymous No. 16585590

>Dec 22

Anonymous No. 16585612

bro, it's a gift from god, we should deport all indians and pakis there first and forbid them from migrating anywhere

Anonymous No. 16585628

If you fragment it into small enough pieces, those individual pieces will each burn up in the atmosphere before reaching the ground.

Anonymous No. 16585650

They must make sure it does impact, correct the trajectory of the asteroid if needed

Anonymous No. 16585683

why not just have it miss entirely?

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Anonymous No. 16585738

>You now realize the entire asteroid is coal
India has NOT been nice online

Anonymous No. 16586100

That might be an option but it might not be. We'll know better when it starts heading back towards Earth.

Anonymous No. 16586109

more co2 in the atmosphere will make the air thicker and thus burn up the asteroid before it even hits the ground. greenhouses gas will unironically save mankind, greta btfo as usual

Anonymous No. 16586466

Take your meds and don't talk bullshit.

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Anonymous No. 16586490

>only 2.4% chance

Anonymous No. 16586492

Buy food for 3 years and huddle up in a mountain. Hide. When you come out the world will be yours.

Anonymous No. 16587418

this is not a 5 kilometer wide asteroid

Anonymous No. 16587428

Only the one?
Can we find some more? It might get lonely.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16588445

Depends on who you ask, but I’d start with the Nuremberg laws because I’d be willing to bet they’re still legal to teach

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Anonymous No. 16588494

stop it?

Anonymous No. 16589027

How can we steer it?

Anonymous No. 16589048

First we must actually redirect it to cause most damage to those shithole countries, than we need to get more dumbasses there, so it it'll have bigger number of shitskins dead.

Anonymous No. 16589056

Just let it hit, we are pretty much ready to get a reset.

Anonymous No. 16589165

>How can we stop it?
Why would you?

Anonymous No. 16589167

It's far too small for that.