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Anonymous No. 16585422

Considering antipsychotics are practically proven to kill a significant amount of neurons, and probably cause cognitive decay, how are they still legal to prescribe for trivial reversible mental issues? Let's not mention the Tardative dyskinesia it frequently causes (irreversible)

Anonymous No. 16585426

Nice, Any proof for that?

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16585455

Oi vey, that is antisemitic!

Anonymous No. 16585535

it makes the subject more agreeable to his surroundings improving capital creation, thus it is good

Anonymous No. 16585541


Because the people who control the industry aren't in the market for cures.. they are in the market for profit, and they make profit by creating dependents.

This is a very simple thing to understand.

Anonymous No. 16586005

Because we are ruled by psychopaths.

Anonymous No. 16588229

Tardative dyskinesia.. ive seen this side effect in medications for nausea, also potentially irreversible.

Anonymous No. 16588243


all these and it is an continuuing experiment on how to control peoples minds

they want to see which drug does exactly what and then apply it to larger population

"schizophrenics" are an excuse and nobody cares if they will be the test subjects

Anonymous No. 16588256

wat do with schizophrenia then?

Anonymous No. 16588283

In other words it makes subject more retarded.

Anonymous No. 16588285

This! So much this!

Anonymous No. 16588300

>turning someone into gullible retard is good thing
People like you are sick in the head.

Anonymous No. 16588304

well anti-psychotics are bad, ok, what's the alternative? other than migrating to mongolia and becoming a shaman

Anonymous No. 16588375

What about SSRI?

I've been taking 20mg paroxetine for about 8 months now.

Anonymous No. 16588508

>People like you are sick in the head.
That's more or less how society works.

Anonymous No. 16588642

Not to be a fearmongerer but...

Anonymous No. 16588651

if only there was some way that people could get peace of mind and work through their mental issues other than you know powerful drugs

Anonymous No. 16588693

Take it out of the DSM same as Homosexuality and narcissism.

Anonymous No. 16590576

>there was some way that people could get peace of mind and work through their mental issues
ok how do you "work through" your complete dissociation from reality, paranoia, audible, visual and tactile hallucinations?

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Anοnymοus No. 16592031
The life-expectancy decrease is due to the meds, not due to the disease.

Anonymous No. 16592034


Anonymous No. 16592118

ableism. Society literally doesn't consider people with mental illness to be fully human and has NO problem with any manner of torture or abuse as long as it's ostensibly from a doctor and intended to "fix" them

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Anonymous No. 16592188

Schizophrenia is as made up as the rest of psychology.
I know someone diagnosed as "schizophrenic"
Dude has a 170 IQ and his only problem is he's way fucking smarter than most of the world and everyone want's to drug him to keep him from talking about unification theory.

Anonymous No. 16592746

Thank god, the shorter mentally ill live, the better for the population. I've been growing up with a mentally ill sibling and she caused so much suffering to her ex, own children and our mother. It's so fucked up and disturbing that it's even allowed for her to still be roaming free

Anonymous No. 16592895

I must, because of environment take 3AP's and 2AD's. I'm having 140/110 pressure. Before medication I had like 110/70.

My cognitometrics scores have dropped.

It's all about money and fear, that's why they are prescribed, and I wish that industry to stop and reconsider.

Anonymous No. 16593786


My mom is super schizo and it's clear she's suffered massive cognitive decay from her meds over the years but idk what else to do. She's 60 and when she's unmedicated she literally doesn't sleep, wrecks her house, goes out and wanders and screams at top volume until her voice breaks. She's also in denial about her being schizo so I have to drag her to every appointment to get injected. When she's medicated she is happier but still doesn't reconcile this with having a condition.

Wish there was a better alternative because obviously these drugs are fucked but if left to her own devices she'd probably walk the streets until she was killed or put in a loony bin

I suspect there's more to her condition since I've never seen any schizo in such strong denial as her

Anonymous No. 16593816

I used to be in denial, then I started to hearing voices, having visual and tactile hallucinations. That made me realize really quick what was going on.

Anonymous No. 16594338

That's the same side effects of the drugs especially stuff like tactile hallucinations

Anonymous No. 16594344

Funny because i was completely healthy now i have this condition from a med that i took out of my own vollition that works in the same way i've had psychosis from it, tactile and auditory hallucinations. basically it made me a schizo to a certain extent.

Anonymous No. 16594774

I had paranoia, anxiety and mild psychosis before I took any meds

Anonymous No. 16595168

Not a problem i would rather have that over brain damage

Anonymous No. 16595272

cbd cures schizophrenia

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Anonymous No. 16595296

I'm on antipsychotics and 100% lost some IQ. I was never ultra intelligent, but I've gone from 110 down to 100 and I feel extremely forgetful especially since my dose was increased. I hate the term brainfog, but that is me 24/7. Completely zombified. Actually, compared to some zombies in movies/shows I'm even less able to use my brain (right then, I spent about 10 minutes blankly trying to find the word cognizant, left it unedited to show how dumbed down my brain has gotten).

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Anonymous No. 16595312

go ask the doctor who prescribed them, you can find him on his yacht.
psychedelics are cheaper, safer and more effective.

Anonymous No. 16595324

Schizophrenia doesn't exist.
All humans can hear their own thoughts and others to some degree, its just really quiet sound waves, as thats all thoughts are in the brain. We have a homosexual problem in the west, and all the fucking hospitals are staffed with people controlling sleepers with their thoughts.

Anonymous No. 16595428

>not a problem
no, and apparently it is bad for it, except not too bad

Anonymous No. 16595441


Anonymous No. 16595681

>alongside their existing antipsychotic medication.
indertadting, I was told cbd in high quantities was hallucinogen, so I assumed that was negative right away

Anonymous No. 16596114

You can use CBD:THC ratio 6:1 and higher, if you have schizophrenia.

Haze(Sativa(HighTHC)) content causes psychosis. It depletes gluthathione, if you supplement glutathion or it's precursors, you can enjoy smoking without consequences longer.

There's also Cannabis Indica, which is anti-psychotic. Once you know nature of what you smoke, you probably won't get hurt by that.

Also I recommend checking out GTS-21.

But if you got your first risperidon, and you smoke haze on top of that, it would have worse effect than smoking haze without risepro.

Anonymous No. 16596127

pure cbd isolates are available on the market

Anonymous No. 16596148

I guess $40 dollars for soil and seeds is far much normal option, than to buy isolate.

Anonymous No. 16596231

if you order the stuff in bulk from a supplier it works out cheap
then all you need is a vape pen or an electric dab rig

basically you have to be at 0% thc while you're still hallucinating
then once you've stabilized you can get away with homegrown weed with low thc levels

Anonymous No. 16596246

Where I live only CBD is legal, but I doubt my doctor will ever recommend that. As he can't read English, he won't even have news about that.

Anonymous No. 16596256

>download a half dozen academic studies about the effects of cbd on schizophrenia
>run them through google translate
>print them out
>hand them to him
or find a better doctor

I never took any of the antipsychotics they prescribed me, so I don't have to worry about interactions or any of that stuff.

Anonymous No. 16596272

Well, even I didn't, but therefore judge ruled that I cannot decide for myself, and now I can't pick a doctor...

I wasn't even Hallucinating, ...

Anonymous No. 16596286


Long story short, I've had delusions, that I need no job and can make money on the interwebs, they diagnosed me schiz, and gave ECT, after that I applied for social security, which covers schiz where I live, I've got nice buck monthly, bigger than avg. monthly income where I live, usually people get like 1/3 of what I have, because they suck at insurance math.

That was in 2019, I borrowed money from bank, bought crypto. Having 0 on bank account.

So there's been court, about me having rights like access money or make medical decisions. I stopped visiting doctor, and had spend all the money, so they've told me I can't handle stuff for myself and put me in group home.

Now crosscheck my first delusion, that I'll make money in the interwebs with fact I was buying ETH for like $200 and BTC for like $5000 and BNB for like $10.

I stopped paying for the phone, I had exchange account setup to, not from my decision, but theirs, and now I am not legally able to get my phone number back.

I don't remember password for my hardware wallet, because somebody prescribed me 8x1.5mg of Haloperidol per day, on top of Invega shots 525mg. I'm now on different meds, but my memory is still just recovering (I'm doing some cognitometry myself periodically, and drop happened exactly there)

Should I be treated even with CBD? Because I think, only thing that that will make me need CBD would be rebound to normal after they'll stop giving me meds.

Because I am delusional after all, I can't reach my money, so I could just burn them with same effect.

Anonymous No. 16596323

anyways, I take zyprexa and smoke cbd buds on weekends that's it, but I wasn't doing it in a "medical" way, but for enjoyiment, mostly because actual weed literally makes me hear voices and paranoia, etc. mostly just voices and a feeling of danger on my head, but the good part is that I'm fully aware that I'm tripping so it's not out of control, but still, I rarely smoke weed for this reason, it's just not worth it

Anonymous No. 16596325

nta, but honestly, cbd is not meds, I smoke cbd every weekend and that shit doesn't do anything, what you SHOULD do is find a good psychiatrist that knows hot to "maintain" you with the smallest doses possible or no meds if a posibility, they all rather pump you full of meds so they can be at ease, but that's not really the way

Anonymous No. 16596395

High dose cbd (we're talking hundreds of mg per day) is only an option if you have the money for it. I think it may be out of your budget, and I don't think it's likely that your psychiatrist will endorse it or that your social security will reimburse it.

Anonymous No. 16596403

It's just to have while pills ware of if you can read with comprehension.

Anonymous No. 16596414

I apologize, but it's difficult to make sense of what you're saying in some places. Yes it would probably help in that case.
So they're taking you off the pills now?