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๐Ÿงต Puzzles from intelligence tests

John Puzzle No. 16585484

I am compiling a list of puzzles typically seen on these so called high range iq tests you see on the internet and putting them in a scorable google form for the sake of entertainment.
I'm selecting from the puzzles that I solved, the ones that had interesting ideas and that were generally able to be solved just by observation, without guess work, the idea should just come naturally from the clues ( for almost all of the puzzles ).
I've split them into 4 sections:
1) verbal associations
2) atypical spatial matrix puzzles
3) atypical numerical sequences
4) bonus puzzles.

The bonus section is a free form section where I will add a variety of different puzzles that should be solvable with little to no knowledge ( could include math or even physics intuition puzzles )
Let me know what you think of them and feel free to send your puzzle suggestions that could be added to such form.

Anonymous No. 16586179


John Puzzle No. 16586349

7 what?

raphael No. 16586373

whats the point of this? most of this board is <105 FSIQ lol

Anonymous No. 16586458

Is this loss?

Anonymous No. 16586588

4, 3

Object completeness

Anonymous No. 16588506

they are cute

Anonymous No. 16588530

data harvesting glow worm

John Puzzle No. 16588676

You guys aren't remotely close to solving the puzzle from the pic. Don't just guess either, say full logic. The pattern is elaborate and the most difficult one from the compilation. Not something that can be approached with latent schizophrenia.
I assume the 2 people who gave 4 3 and 4 6 refer to the image in the post.

Anonymous No. 16588681

Seethe object completion is perfectly logical you're just dumb

John Puzzle No. 16588685

Shallow logic. It's typical that people online have no sense of what a good pattern is, you don't even know what the fuck you mean by object completion. For starters, what do they complete and why not have 64 instead of 46? What enforces the order?
Crazy how confidently retarded people on the internet will be even though they are completely out of their depths. You know, you could just try again, think of some better logic that ACTUALLY works and isn't some arbitrary stuff

John Puzzle No. 16588688

Ah, you are the 43 guy. So why not 34?

Anonymous No. 16588691

4, 3

object completion is the completion of objects relative to the whole image, in a progression


John Puzzle No. 16588702

First of all, there is nothing that gets completed at all, let alone in any order. You are invited to draw it out so I can make further fun of your cretinous solution.
How about you try the rest of the items. Let's see how far you get with your amazing reasoning. Lol
You don't have a rule for what defines completeness, what are the objects that need to be completed. Clearly you can see yourself that there are remainders and even if you just choose the components that can fit together, you will still have components that could belong to objects to be completed that never get completed.
Man, every time I post induction puzzles online some arrogant halfwit comes and shits all over them with their idiotic answers unable to admit that maybe they didn't spend enough time thinking or just are not clever enough.
My suggestion is that you try the other puzzles from the visual section as I picked them to train you to solve this item.

Anonymous No. 16588704

Low IQ

Object completeness count
0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 0

John Puzzle No. 16588713

Bro is tripping.
Ok, since you are incapable of writing any logic and since I can tell whatever you wrote is cretinous and just doesn't work, I'm just going to assume you have schizophrenia. You may continue yapping alone.

Anonymous No. 16588716

Seethe, you cannot rotate and combine shapes, clearly.

John Puzzle No. 16588717

Damn, you were right. I regret posting it here. I didn't want to post on r/cognitiveTesting because in the past I posted the solutions to some of the puzzles ( then deleted them) and r/gifted and r/mensa is full of pretentious cretins.
If you have any suggestion for where I can post these, then I'm all ears.
r/puzzles is not allowing these items either.

Anonymous No. 16588718

Leave forever you are unwanted

Anonymous No. 16588721

Nooooo that's the wrooooong patteeeeern you were supposed to use my autiiiiismmm not yoooooourss


John Puzzle No. 16588726

Cretin. Not all patterns are equal. You know that mostly retards come with the complain you have. First, show me you even see whatever batshit insane logic he has. Demonstrate it working, then demonstrate it isn't some arbitrary autistic arrangement that dismisses all 90% of the clues in the image.
Stop sucking each other's dicks because your ego can't take being wrong.
What, are you some postmodern liberal? Hurr durr, I can conjure retarded logic so it must necessarily mean that the intended solution is equivalent to mine.

Anonymous No. 16588741

Sucks to be wrong huh bitch? My patterns are superior to your patterns.

Anonymous No. 16588746

The images follow a particular trend as you go from left to right in each row. In the first row, the first image is two circles which are overlapping and the number of enclosed regions are 3 + 1(the region outside the circles but inside the square). The second image, has just one circle which is intersected with a line, but the line doesn't affect the number of enclosed regions. So, the number of enclosed regions is 1 + 1(again the region outside the circle but inside the square). The third image has just some intersecting curves and a line, so the number of enclosed regions is just 1.

John Puzzle No. 16588748

The author of the test I took the puzzle from confirmed my solution and if I put the 2 of them side by side, mine not only actually makes sense it actually uses the clues laid out in the image, doesn't just take arbitrary structures and ignores the rest. My solution is infinitely better than what you laid out and consistent with the other sequence puzzles that I compiled which maybe you should've tried first because maybe then by sheer luck you would have solved one of them correctly which would open your mind to how shallow your thinking was up to this point and would've saved you from embarrassment.
I get that you are just trying to piss me off at this point. It is honestly typical in places like this.

John Puzzle No. 16588750

Sorry, what item are you referring to?
What do you mean by each row? The item in the post image is a single row. Further more it isn't describing accurately what it is happening. Just vaguely related. Seriously, what are you talking about?

Anonymous No. 16588751

imagine being this much of a pussy

nobody likes you

Anonymous No. 16588752

Nobody is clicking your link, fuck off back to plebbit

John Puzzle No. 16588753

Are you 2 losers done? You can fuck off from my post if you don't like it.

Anonymous No. 16588755

You're worthless and your pattern recognition is dogshit as shown by your reply methodology

John Puzzle No. 16588757

"Reply methodology" hahahahahaahaha.
Holy autism.

Anonymous No. 16588762

Low IQ

John Puzzle No. 16588770

Hey man.
It isn't me who can't solve the items, now is it?
Now go try the simpler ones and learn so that you may not appear like a butthurt schizlord.
Do you think my intent is to fight here with people? Do you think I posted the compilation for that? No, but if you aren't going to put a modicum of effort and just assert that you solved the puzzle with an objectively shitty solution, then expect to be contested.
The puzzle in the post image is the last one from the visual section there is a tutorial that is subtly taking place and the penultimate problem is a subproblem of the last problem put there as a helper item.

Anonymous No. 16588772

Nobody is clicking your link you fucking NIGGER

John Puzzle No. 16588774

I literally just got 2 submissions. Cope and seethe. Pretty sure way more clicked.

Anonymous No. 16588776

You're scum

John Puzzle No. 16588778

Just take the L man.

John Puzzle No. 16588781

I am a little fucking bitch.

Anonymous No. 16588782

>data harvesting

Literal scum

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John Puzzle No. 16588784


John Puzzle No. 16588785

Do you have schizophrenia?
Data harvesting? For what? I mean sure, but what is it so sinister about it, cretin?
Don't worry, you won't be abducted, nor inducted into any secret group. You're too fucking stupid

Anonymous No. 16588788

No clue bud, but you can't have it.

Go fuck off to plebbit

John Puzzle No. 16588789

Wah Wah Wah

Anonymous No. 16588792

bitch ass nigga

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16588880


Image not available


fidn teh missing ....png

Anonymous No. 16588885


Anonymous No. 16589824

Anonymous No. 16589829


Anonymous No. 16589845


I don't mean to denigrate the test itself but, the word association segment alone has multiple correct answers that can all be well-justified subject context and interpretation.

Almost every IQ test uses some form of multiple-choice to abate this ambiguity and to ameliorate the quality of the test because one answer can be definitively justified as 'more correct' than others. A good analogue may be something like the Miller Analogies Test, Reynold's Adaptable Intelligence Test,Weschler Intelligence Scales, Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, etc.

John Puzzle No. 16589910

I do get your point, but It does happen that most people who try, if they think deeply about their answer, do arrive at the intended one. I took the items from existing tests and some shared around in puzzle communities. You can let me know which items you find ambiguous. I did consider scoring multiple answers and I don't mind changing the answer key if the provided solution is comparable in strength or conceptually the same as the intended one.

With the visual ones I guarantee there should be no such ambiguity.

Stanford binet doesn't and Wechsler don't have multiple choices for their verbal items, they have scoring guidelines.
Anyways. I don't mean this to be an IQ test.

John Puzzle No. 16589932

The answer he provided is wrong. It's not even a hard problem.

The correct answer is 3. Number of intersections = number of curved components.

Overlaps make it harder to see which are the original curved components, but it works perfectly.

This puzzle is easier than 60% of the spatial items from the test I assembled

Anonymous No. 16589935

no surprise as SE has always been a shitty site.. it's somehow even worse than reddit.

John Puzzle No. 16589941

on reddit someone would solve it and someone else would go on a rant about multiple intelligences. On SE some mathematician would complain about the lack of rigor completely missing the point of an induction puzzle, then give a wrong answer.

Anonymous No. 16590051

This is not true, there is a bell curve in and of itself regarding finding multiple solutions

You are in midwit hell for insisting upon the intended solution

Anonymous No. 16590054

And in regard to "intended" solutions, we all know the art is superior to the artist, and that often artist intentions ought to plainly be ignored

Anonymous No. 16590113

Not doing your homework

John Puzzle No. 16590327

Are you confused about my claims?
Did you miss the part where I said I consider adding multiple acceptable answers. I just can't add multiple choices because that trivializes the puzzles.
I've administered similarities on wais 4 and 5 and often enough people get the guideline answer as it is written there without too much thought.
I guarantee that it isn't that big of a deal that there aren't answer choices here. Im tired of these midwitted complaints to what is essentially a puzzle compilation and not an IQ test. I guarantee your solutions would be inferior to what is considered intended here and that you lack the intuition for what makes a good pattern.

Your complaint mainly applies to the verbal section, the numerical one is even harder to mess up and that is proven by the test statistics ( same for verbal usually ).
Even if this was treated as an IQ test. An intelligent person will not miss too many of the intended patterns and since this would apply to everyone, they would have the right rank.These puzzles have been scrutinized by many people. I'm not just posting some shitty ones.They have been battle tested. Spare me your subjectivity crap. I may believe that there could be better solutions to at most 3 of the verbals and 2 sidegrades for the numericals, but you will not be able to find any for the spatials nor anyone here.
Why don't you show your alternative answers here?
I'm experience and while I've seen and came up with better solutions than some authors, it is still more often than not that the intended solution is a top or practically the best solution, or at least something most people arrive at. Now, this selection is of the better such puzzles.
"Art is superior to the artist" is such a low hanging fruit counter argument which just proves lack of experience with this context.
If you do provide better answers or even equal to the intended, then I will discuss your solutions with some friends and then add them to the answer key

Anonymous No. 16590935

Didn't read, kill yourself