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๐Ÿงต Where are scientists when we need them most?

Anonymous No. 16585967

How does the mirror know this?

Anonymous No. 16585973

it's magic. Only astrology can explain this

Anonymous No. 16585991

It's quantum entanglement

Anonymous No. 16586017

>light hits egg
>light is reflected in all directions
>some of that light hits the mirror's surface around the piece of paper
>light is reflected from the mirror's surface
>our eyes catch it if at the right angle
my fiancee left me I am in great pain

Anonymous No. 16586019

Can /sci/ explain what causes some people to be like this?

Anonymous No. 16586023

Being born in the United States of America.

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16586025

Amerikuh, fuck ya. Comin' to save, to save the motherfuckin day now. Amerikuh, fuck ye

Anonymous No. 16586026

OP has misconceptions and misunderstandings about how light and mirrors behave, and is from suffering cognitive dissonance of the 1st hand experiences not matching up to previous beliefs.

But seriously tho, I don't understand what OP is confused about. How else did they expect it to behave? What else were they expecting to happen? What is their misunderstanding? Can they even articulate those thoughts? Do they even have those thoughts themselves, or are they simply mimicking/mirroring the TicToc video person like a 2 year old child does? How do you explain an answer to someone if they can't even formulate the question?

Anonymous No. 16586029


Rock has gone missing.

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16586036

U cozy?

Anonymous No. 16586040

easy to explain: ai generated videos

Anonymous No. 16586050

God I hate normies so much its unreal

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Anonymous No. 16586174


Anonymous No. 16586189

If you want real answers OP, ask this on /x. I'm not being sarcastic, /sci is the midwit containment board.

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Anonymous No. 16586209


Peek-A-Boo must have freaked these people out.

Anonymous No. 16586253

Black babies have trouble with peek-a-boo because the dad never returns

Anonymous No. 16586532

>these people can vote
explain to me again why we need democracy?

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Anonymous No. 16586541


Anonymous No. 16586549

I'm sure it's magnets

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Anonymous No. 16586554

>Can /sci/ explain what causes some people to be like this?
They can't, because most /soi/ posters are nonsentient autists with no self-reflection and no theory of mind. They can't imagine what it would be like to not have the necessary knowledge about light and optics and also mistakenly believe they figured it out for themselves. Ironically, the zoomer from the clip is more intelligent and scientific than the posters calling him retarded.

Anonymous No. 16586558

Light bounces around the paper you buffoon

Anonymous No. 16586564

who are you talking to, reddit?

Anonymous No. 16586565

Retarded women

Anonymous No. 16586566

How does light bounce off an object in every direction at once, such that it can be seen from any viewpoint?

Why is it so bouncy?

Anonymous No. 16586582

bouncy light theory postulates that the bouciness quotient comes from spacial elasticity of the surrounding substrate rather than any rubberistical quality of the light itself. "Bouncy Matter" is thought to constitute over 99.999% the mass of the entire observable universe though its exact nature is unknown due to it's propensity for rejecting all known methods of measurement.

Anonymous No. 16586585

sounds like a normal quantum physics theory to my ears

Anonymous No. 16586598

It's because how reflections work is not necessarily immediately intuitive, so you need to think about it for few moments. Those moments are just long enough for people to go "wait a minute", and you can make that situation funny by pretending to be genuinely confused. If you seek attention, you can make it into a video, and that's what causes people to be like this.

The far more interesting question is what causes some people to think they're superior to the jokers in these videos just because they understand the most elementary concepts of optics.

Anonymous No. 16586601

>It's because how reflections work is not necessarily immediately intuitive, so you need to think about it for few moments.
To the contrary: how they work is very intuitive, but that intuition is misleading. You won't figure out how they actually work by "thinking about it for a few moments". If you're genuinely ignorant about anything optics-related, figuring it out is a huge conceptual leap. You're extremely delusional for thinking you figured optics by "thinking about it for a few moments".

Anonymous No. 16586605

You know, you're probably right. I'm genuinely surprised to hear someone say anything sensible online these days.

Anonymous No. 16586615

I'd even go further and say this zoomie conducted a proper experiment and ended up asking just the right question. Imagine you were a caveman with no concept of light rays, the law of reflection or anything like that. All you know about reflective surfaces is that if you put something in front of one, it somehow "shows" you a flipped version of that thing as if it were the same distance but behind it. Based on this caveman logic, it's natural to assume that the mirror needs to "see" something in order to "know" it's there and do its trick. The idea of testing this assumption by "blocking the view" and seeing if the mirror still reflects it is a legitimate scientific experiment that gives you a huge clue that something else is going on.

Anonymous No. 16586619

A lack of theory of mind is what causes the video in the OP. If they had one, they could put themselves in the shoes of the man in the mirror and realize that he can see the object just fine.

Anonymous No. 16586623

Not sure if kidding or genuinely a turbo-autist but kekt either way.

Anonymous No. 16586635

This is literally what you learn in elementary school. The video just shows the quality of amerishart education system.

Anonymous No. 16586636

>This is literally what you learn in elementary school.
Unfortunately, elementary school also teaches you to be a mindless NPC as described.

Anonymous No. 16586647

what is taught to a group is not the same as what is learned by the individual

Anonymous No. 16586672

The mirror knows where the egg is at all times. It knows this because it knows where the egg isn't.
By subtracting where the egg is from where the egg isn't, or where the egg isn't from where the egg is (whichever is greater), it obtains a difference, or deviation.
The projection subsystem uses deviations to generate corrective ray castings to show the egg from a position where it is to a position where it isn't, and showing a position it wasn't, it now is.

Anonymous No. 16586675

Mercury poisoning (vaccine induced retardation)
You can heal aspergers with fasting and sauna

Anonymous No. 16586677

Stop posting my pictures
I dont know you

Anonymous No. 16586875

Mirror knows this because mirror is an entity with huge brain

Anonymous No. 16586886

each mirror is but a shard of the One Universal Mirror, a single reflection of the True Glass.

Anonymous No. 16586909

Anthropomorphizing inanimate objects is a sign of mental retardation.

Anonymous No. 16586911

yes, mirrors only exist because planet mirror

Anonymous No. 16586912

Common core has created a generation of niggers.

Anonymous No. 16586915

Broke up with my gf 2 days ago. I am also sad.

Anonymous No. 16586921

what did she do?

Anonymous No. 16586952

She's more concerned with arbitrary politics than me, I suppose. That's what I get for dating a leftist.

Anonymous No. 16586963

>dating a leftist.
yeah. dont do that

Anonymous No. 16586975

Learned my lesson. I just have more time to study for cadaver anatomy and biochem now.

Anonymous No. 16586977

best thing. throw yourself into those cadavers and forget all about the living.

Anonymous No. 16586986

they are going to be freaked out even more when someone asks them why the mirror image seems to mirror left to right but not up and down

Anonymous No. 16587006

Pretty much. We do dissections every Wednesday, so I'm gonna spend my time just memorizing what I need to before hand.

Anonymous No. 16587618


Anonymous No. 16588344

It's because they are so used to tiny pocket rectangle having to use sensors and a central processor to collect data on and show the world around it, which let's face it, they treat like inexplicable magic anyways that they have zero clue that an object can have light bounce off of a mirror and into their eyes to show an image to them that is not immediately visible to the mirror, which they view as like the process of a phone's camera that takes in an image it is exposed to and screen, which displays the image the camera was exposed to.
In other words, they think mirrors are supposed to work like phones, because they have only a surface level intuition of one (the phone) and zero understanding of the other (a reflection).
So, of course in their minds, put an obstacle between a mirror and an object and you shouldn't be able to see the obscured object in the mirror because the mirror shouldn't be able to see the obscured object.
And if you think that sounds like absolute dumbest thing you've ever heard, welcome to american education.

Anonymous No. 16588484

This is great

Anonymous No. 16588489

The mirror knows where the egg is because it knows where the egg isn't

Anonymous No. 16588583

I read a couple abstracts on this and they all say that the tests must be flawed lel

Anonymous No. 16588587

back to tiktok retard

Anonymous No. 16589160

I need to know!

Anonymous No. 16591106

The vast majority of people are emotionally and intellectually immature meat sacks just coasting through life oblivious to their world and acting on impulse because they didn't receive even the most basic wisdom and values from their equally retarded parents. It's a viscous cycle of NPCdom.

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Anonymous No. 16591183


Anonymous No. 16592865

This can't be real

Anonymous No. 16596961

Some people do not express any curiosity, are highly ignorant, allergic to learning and challenge and very much preoccupied with their most basal needs or instincts.
Those are the people who do not learn these fundamental principles of how our world works, even though they were most likely taught about it early in school.
Curiosity is a large part of what defines humanity. It is a requirement for intelligence. And it is for this reason that posters make fun of people who seem ignorant to basic fundamental principles of the world.
In fact, if you lack this grounding knowledge, this foundation of what can be, then the only way to find truth is through consensus, blind trust in other people like yourself.
This emotional illation of personal truth is the cause of much evil in the world today, for it yields the minds of the weak to the truly evil, who outnumber the good because of this.

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Anonymous No. 16596970

I had some dumb misconceptions myself too
>once water reaches 100C it becomes steam and steam cant go above 100C because it has escaped the pot at that point
>cant think of others right now oops

Anonymous No. 16596975

>Common core
you are placing the blame in the wrong place
I think it is more about social media and smartphones
common core is actually a good thing because it teaches literally the underlying concepts rather than some mechanical recipe to mindlessly copy with zero understanding