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Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16586061

Schizophrenia is caused by civilization, and it's imperfect build and stupidly unfair nature; people are distracted and mentally deformed by it. Some genetic types can't handle civilization, this is no discredit to their genetics but more so civilization.

Anonymous No. 16586068

>Then: haunted by demons
>Now: stalked by three letter agencies
It's almost like schizophrenia is genetic and society determines how the schizophrenia is expressed.

Anonymous No. 16586079

you see, schizos are literal shamans in mongol society, at least that's what I got from watching docus on it

Anonymous No. 16586195

This isnt such a far off take.
I know for a fact that for my illness the most important reason by far was society's apathetic and inhumane treatment of individuals be it in school or any other group really. Stupidity, incredibly stupid social games, need for dominating the relationships as opposed to actually talking to a fellow human being like he is equal to you. Doing everything it takes for money and power and overall being shitty people. That is by far the thing that troubles me the most and why i got ill. Its like the illness of society transmuted onto me because of my opposition to the sickness and unfairness cause im a pretty sensitive guy.

Anonymous No. 16586200

Watch a video with Jerry Marzinsky. He was a psychologist who worked in a prison with schizophrenics and he noticed the odd pattern that their "voices" were extremely hostile towards Jesus/the Bible/God/church/priests and were extremely interested in murder mysteries, homicidal ideation, etc. Eventually Marzinsky concluded that they were dealing with demons.

Anonymous No. 16586208

I tend to buy into Gregory Bateson's double bind theory, having first read about it about a month ago.

Anonymous No. 16586280

Christianity and its jewish lie of an almighty angry god who can read your mind led to the development of paranoid schizophrenia.

Its why catholics, prots, and orthodox get "demons" that tell them to go to child raping priests to expel the "demons". The "demons" actually work for the priests to enslave souls into their cults.

Anonymous No. 16586282

>double bind

The Bible is the best example of a double bind. It is innately and logically incorrect.
>our god is le love
>but he hates your "sins" based on laws made up by dick slicing bronze age kikes
>your "sins" are forgiven but you must confess them to a child fucking priest who calls himself father

Anonymous No. 16586283

>le world is le ending
>for 2000 years
>its totally not just a lie
>every year the schizochristians will claim another man is an antichrist
>u must love everyone including your enemies
>u must forgive child abusers and feel guilty about your own sins

Absolutely vile false religion.

Anonymous No. 16586284

eh, biased sample, since he mostly dealt with inprisoned schizophrenics, which leaves the extraneously large ammount of non-inprisoned schizophrenics out of the picture

Anonymous No. 16586285

Probably bc those schizos got abused by religious authorities. "Demons" are a jewish invention for gods that their nationalistic god was opposed to.

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Anonymous No. 16586290

The scriptures, despite their intertextuality, are self evidently false. You can find as many contradictions as you can connections.

Catholics will even claim that demons are actually "allowed" by their "god" to make you be more "sanctified". Thus they are basically telling you that they use demons to mind control you and force you into their beast religion of Sol Invictus.

Anonymous No. 16586293

>wash urself in le magical water
>eat le magical cookie and drink le magical wine
>or ur gonna go to hell little boy
>follow the 10 commandments
>no idol worship
>also worship this dead man suffering on a cross of wood and metal
>meanwhile they cover up child rapists for decades

Shit tier cult total hypocrisy and spiritually wicked.

Anonymous No. 16586297

My favorite new claim by the filthy papists is theyve claimed that jews dont have to follow their cult, only gentiles.
>love of money is the root of all evil
>dont store up treasure for yourself
>meanwhile the catholic church is extremely rich and has all kinds of treasure

Rules for the cult slaves, luxury and big grand pagan temples for the leaders.

Anonymous No. 16586299

There is a God that exists, but he does not care about which wicked ass cult you follow. Such a god would show favoritism, and thus be a false god. Hell is a lie invented by cult leaders to scare you into service and to ignore their history of hypocrisy and abuse.

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Stop guessing start learning No. 16586301

>Schizophrenia is caused by civilization.

Man I used to think this, until my parents brought home a retarded German shepherd. This dog was not normal and was a Hassel to deal with.

The dog didn't have smooth movement and twitched around alot. And would have this weird high pitched back.

It couldn't socialize with other dogs ethier It would be always trying to attack other dogs.

I hated that dog with a passion. My parents finally had enough and gave it to someone else.

Anonymous No. 16586329

>demons are actually "allowed" by their "god" to make you be more "sanctified".
If the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist, what happens when lesser demons fuck it up and give evidence for he supernatural?

Anonymous No. 16586374

demons make people speak in languages they don't know and have superhuman strength. in some rare cases there's levitation. whatever they are, they're real

Anonymous No. 16586382

is that wrong tho?
You are basically saying ‘i can’t handle greedy people’
Well people are greedy, if you can’t handle them then you can’t handle life. what are you proposing?

Anonymous No. 16586396

watched a documentary on modern africa.
One Village, priest was fat, everyone else looked malnourished.
It’s like a lens into the last thousand years of history.

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Anonymous No. 16586450


Anonymous No. 16586553

I can handle life on its own, but i have to minimise exposure to wretched people cause that messes me up. I have many interests and im fine with living by myself, at least for now.
I can see through their sociopathy, schizos are good at that. So that just kinda makes me not wanna be a part of whatever they're doing

Anonymous No. 16586560

That's a good take that the average person won't understand, which is important for societal change.