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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16586238

You're not smart if you can't explain or teach complex topics into simple terms that even a low IQ retard can understand.

Anonymous No. 16586240

This is sort of true, but also not really. There are some topics that are just fundamentally technical to the point where it isn't really possible to convey the main ideas without significant technicality being introduced.

Anonymous No. 16586244


Anonymous No. 16586281

Vast majority of mathematics I've learned so far can be summarized in like a minute per problem, everytime I try to learn a new concept to solve a problem I fucking hate how it's a 10+ minute lecture of random bullshit or pages of bullshit in the textbook. Like nigger, just show me a similar example of how to solve the problem, I don't need a retarded lecture of BLAH BLAH BLAH or WORDS WORDS WORDS, just show me how to do the godamn problem, and I hate how textbooks don't give similar examples on how to do it.

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Stop guessing start learning No. 16586288

Why must I bend the knee to low IQ?

If you can't figure it out. That's not my problem.

Anonymous No. 16586433

this is just immature elitism. there's people specialized on other things that are useful. you can't do it without them, and you needed them to survive. making them understand some things should be some kind of common sense. you enjoy the perks of civilization but act like an idiot child towards it.

Anonymous No. 16586477

I don't get it, can you say it in a way I can understand?

Anonymous No. 16586509

Less a matter of intelligence, more a matter of eloquence and understanding the topic in question.

I can't think of anything that absolutely cannot be described simply, but simplification costs functionality somewhere. Trying to explain "the role of government" or "how computers work" might swing pretty hard between eldritch technobabble and preschool puppet shows.

big brain make everyone big brain

Anonymous No. 16586524

140 IQ
110 IQ

Anonymous No. 16586561

>You're not smart if you can't explain or teach complex topics into simple terms that even a low IQ retard can understand.
You're not smart if you don't understand why this is impossible.

Anonymous No. 16586562

>I can't think of anything that absolutely cannot be described simply, but simplification costs functionality somewhere.
Simplification costs understanding. You're just hiding the complexity elsewhere, usually behind broad terms that normies and tards think they understand, but actually only have vague and incorrect ideas about.

Anonymous No. 16586563

Fucking magnets

Anonymous No. 16586569

One "easy" example that points to where the lack of technicality causes problems is random matrix theory (which is very important for a lot of problems in probability/statistics).

The basic question asked by random matrix theory is "what can we know about a matrix of random variables based on its structure/form?" This question is pretty important even at a low level of statistics because whether or not a particular estimation algorithm will converge depends on the spectral characteristics of a random matrix.

In particular, you need to know whether there is a neighborhood around a valid feasible and optimal solution to the maximum-likelihood problem where all of the eigenvalues of the Hessian matrix are positive.

You can break the motivation down into somewhat simple terms (at least for people who've done some basic calculus and linear algebra), but I don't think it would be easy to explain convergence, convexity or what exactly you're trying to find without having done some of the basics of university level math. That's just to explain what you are even trying to figure out about these random matrices and why you want to figure it out.

To teach "how" you at minimum need some familiarity with real analysis at an upper undergraduate level, and a few key concepts from measure theory.

Anonymous No. 16586571

>One "easy" example that points to where the lack of technicality causes problems is random matrix theory (which is very important for a lot of problems in probability/statistics).
LOL. Man, most people don't even understand arithmetic or natural numbers. There's your easy example.

Anonymous No. 16586576

Well yeah, but I think you can explain most of the basics of arithmetic to someone without a significant math education.

For a while (before I figured out more of my life plan) I tutored at a community college and had students ranging from studying with elementary school level algebra to ODEs and the beginnings of real analysis. I think just about everyone has the capacity to understand the basic ideas of calculus and linear algebra, at least at a mechanistic level. I don't know if that's true for some of the higher level math topics that require those prerequisites to approach. It is true for some of them (I'd put the basics of Fourier analysis in that bucket), but I don't think it's true for all of them.

Anonymous No. 16586579

>I think just about everyone has the capacity to understand the basic ideas of calculus and linear algebra, at least at a mechanistic level
>at least at a mechanistic level
See, but this is exactly what I'm talking about. People can do arithmetic "on a mechanistic level" but ask then what '2' is and see how mad they get when they can't explain it and struggle to reconcile this with the conviction that they "understand" the topic. The other side of that coin is how they teach people enough that they can string together sentences involving vague abstractions, but then you ask them to solve a concrete problem and the poor victims of "simple explanation" don't even know where to begin. Good teaching isn't about making the inherent complexity of a topic magically vanish; it's about managing that complexity over time.

Anonymous No. 16587730

I could add up numbers on car plates in my head when I was 6 years old.

Anonymous No. 16587738

do car plates speak to you?

Anonymous No. 16587797

It's true, except I'd say it's more about comprehension than being smart. No one can explain some new quantum theory in simple terms, because no one really comprehends what the fuck is going on themselves.

Anonymous No. 16587816

Nobody can explain things that aren't real.

Anonymous No. 16587828

The less detail the more chance of misrepresentation and misunderstanding. It's like compressing music and images to smaller file sizes resulting in lower quality.

Cult of Passion No. 16587830

Like reducing the universe into a single equation...its just not precise anymore, all fuzzy n such.

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16587834

>Cult of Passion
Filtered, ignored and reported.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Cult of Passion No. 16587845

Youre too old to be acting like a spastic 13 year old...grow the fuck, faggot...youre a maladapted pseudo-tranny now.

This is why you cant stop lying, constantly. You speak from a woman, and this is why you cant figure out reality, because YOU ARE A PENIS-WOMAN NOW. Her seed...thats you. But since you dont express yourself as do so as a sub-masculine (adolencent boy).

And stop shitting up the board with nonsense, POST SCIENCE.

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Anonymous No. 16587875

Why? Do you need some tutoring OP?

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16587907

Tutor this
*Shows 7'' cock*

Anonymous No. 16587912

Chris-Chan, SonicChu, Rick, and Morty are all very disappointed and worried about you.
They know you are off your meds and they want you to get help

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16587915

You need the big med, bamboo juice.

Anonymous No. 16587922


Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16587924

Take the big med faggot

Anonymous No. 16587934

I can tell you never worked a job where you had to help people who were less off intellectualy than you.

Anonymous No. 16587946

How else do we get "Cult of Pretending to have a PhD", to take his medication

Anonymous No. 16587951

How are you today, Barkon?

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16587953

I'm good bro just chillin' btfo of people on mah sci

Anonymous No. 16588017

You really did destroy Cult of Passion

Anonymous No. 16588043

Field lines are just flywheels

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all I gonna do no....png

Anonymous No. 16588109

>put two flywheels against eachother
>they negate eachother and magnet can be turned off that way despite being permanent

Anonymous No. 16588139

Op is correct. You just think you're a lot smarter than you actually are.

Anonymous No. 16588162

Data can be stored in special grids called matrixes.
Data in matrixes can have relationships depending on the order you build those matrixes and what the numbers represent that you're using to build them.
Those relationships can be used to find patterns.
Those patterns can be representative of the behaviors of the things those numbers represent.
Those patterns can be considered a type of map.

For example engineers can use those maps to show how much force a bridge or building can withstand where the matrixes represent the strength of the concrete and Steel Beams.

Numbers are abstract imaginary representations of things in the real and follow very strict rules. The rules the numbers must follow get complex based on the real world things they're representing. There are categories of numbers depending on what you're trying to represent. The simplest numbers are natural numbers because they represent things you count like apples on a tree or fish in a fishtank.

Anonymous No. 16588165

The Cult of Einstein has stagnated quantum theory since the 50s.

Anonymous No. 16588167

injective module

Anonymous No. 16588215

> teach complex topics (to) a low IQ retard
In those terms nobody is smart, which is absurd. So, op is so retarded, that I doubt I managed to explain this relatively simple concept to him.
/thread, sage

Anonymous No. 16588219

You can teach a child math, without explaining any overcomplicated theory.

Anonymous No. 16588226

This thread

Anonymous No. 16588239

you just need to be able to elegantly summarize a topic in an accurate and insightful way.
pop-sci slop is a festering pile concepts that are explained poorly and in ways intended to make people think things like quantum mechanics are magic.

Anonymous No. 16588289

not if it's complex, and not if the child is retarded

Anonymous No. 16588298

math is simple

Anonymous No. 16588322

Then why did you bring it up? The op spoke of complex topics.

Anonymous No. 16588338

there's no such thing as complex topics

Anonymous No. 16588346

Begone, fascinating fascist faggot troll

Anonymous No. 16588357

Do you have autism

Anonymous No. 16588412

honestly true

Anonymous No. 16588550

sort of

Anonymous No. 16590250

Sorry to hear it

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Anonymous No. 16592048


Anonymous No. 16592064

if a low iq retard could understand anything, then low iq retards wouldn't exist

Anonymous No. 16592071

i can. i choose not to. educating you would lower my market position

Anonymous No. 16592103

If this was an attempt to explain random matrix theory, you missed the mark by a country mile.

I don't think I'm smart. In fact, most of my experience doing research is feeling like a retard while I bang my head against topics that much smarter people make look easy.

None of that has to do with the reality that some topics genuinely can't be taught without significantly technicality. See the above response who seems to think that explaining that a matrix could have random entries is approaching what random matrix theory is about.

Anonymous No. 16592635

First class specialists hire first class specialists.
Second class specialists hire third class specialists.

Anonymous No. 16594368

Infinity-cosmoii theory

Anonymous No. 16594371

don't go into elite academia
the whole business model there is to obfuscate what you do in your own departmental cant