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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16586704

Genuine question:
we got every enciclopedia in ou pockets
every book
every mathematical equation
almost everything

why oh why are we getting dumber? is it that we don't know how? don't we have the attentionspan anymore? what is it?

Anonymous No. 16586729

we got access to all the knowledge
but also access to unlimited entertainment
guess which one 90% of people want

Anonymous No. 16586731

oh... /thread, i guess

Anonymous No. 16586767

A farmer 4000 years ago in the land of Sumer couldn't read or write. He only told stories and believed the words of his elders. Only a small percentage of the population was educated.

What is the difference with today? A baby born now or 4000 years ago is essentially the same baby, just because we have more knowledge doesn't mean the newborn will use it in its future.

Anonymous No. 16587118

you dont need to devote your life gaining knowledge, the phone stores it for you.

if anything devoting your life to education is WASTING it.

Anonymous No. 16587746

The answer is in your own post.
>every book
This is what happens when you don't follow Pareto principle.

Anonymous No. 16587753

ok controversial take here, but reading is not always a good thing.
because reading certain ideas, especially if they're formulated in certain ways, paves paths that are not useful but they affect your judgement and reasoning.
say you read something well structured that seems to make a lot of sense, and you "choose" (lol) to believe it because it resonates with some of your internal shit.
now you have narrowed your tunnel and you're filtering reality through that.
this can happen at various levels, forms some of your "intuition" and can work against you long term.
there is no "I choose what I keep" when you read. that's how propaganda works, it knows you have no real choice. informational hazards are also a thing, to support my claim.
you need to be quite sanitary in what you read. there's also a lot of predatory books out there, along with predatory people under the influence of predatory ideas, for thousands and thousands of years.
exposing everyone to everything makes the assumption that everyone should default to some underlying truth in all this mess, the more they're exposed to information. just because retrospectively it kinda seems that way with some historical figures.

Anonymous No. 16587788

This is why no one should read the big slop known as textbooks.

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16587789

Or the even bigger slop, the news. If you even watch the news you're retarded.

Anonymous No. 16587838

50% of the population is women
women dont care about how things work, women are too busy enjoying a care-free life of casual sex, casual drugs, having harmless fun and enjoying impunity about anything

the other 50% of the population is coomers who spend their lives providing free sex, free money, free attention to women, and the coomers spend a bit of their time fixing the daily problems of the whore who select them.

Anonymous No. 16588419

because people have their needs met
no need to learn anything new when your fridge is full of food and your rent is paid
most people act out of necessity, not intrinsic desire
people with passion are still learning in their free time
the internet is amazing for the 0.1% of users who use it to learn things that interest them

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Anonymous No. 16588535

Cause nigglets and niggas just want to see some jiggling tits and twerking asses.
Simple as.

Anonymous No. 16588678

take them.

Anonymous No. 16589425

you win the internet for today

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Anonymous No. 16589458

>why oh why are we getting dumber?
because you drink alcohol and don't know that you should smoke weed not recreationally, but as a sacred plant in solitude of your chapel focusing on solving the most difficult questions imaginable in the process.

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Anonymous No. 16589459

Most humans are dumb enough that they simply are not interested in all that knowledge, nor do they have the capacity to understand it.

Anonymous No. 16589822

This cat looks like she's about to deny your PTO and not give a shit until you attend a mandatory workshop

Anonymous No. 16589917

I feel like people just aren't learning to search for good knowledge, question their own knowledge, and incorporate new good knowledge.

The Internet is also filled with bs at every turn if you aren't careful. I think a lot of people still struggle with this (Joe Public, not a tech savant)

And then I also see a lot of "this was too dense for me" or "too detailed" or "too abstract" when it comes to learning about topics that have, you guessed it, lots of detail. It's like, when approached with dense topics, people look for the 'explain like I'm five" summary vs a curiosity for learning what the dense passage is saying —cutting their own self image short.

Average Joe lives life at a high level, and looks for high enough level information that doesn't impede too much on their self image and coincides with their bias. If algorithms show Joe exactly what he may want, then he'll perpetuate his own see where I'm going

Anonymous No. 16589919

Poor self image, unreliable methods to ensure information, low attention span, brain rot content, ai slop
It's no wonder

Anonymous No. 16589925

>incorporate new good knowledge.

Anonymous No. 16590193

Not sure I understand what your goal is here

Anonymous No. 16591695

Intelligence is genetic, more fundamentally, curiosity is genetic.
You could live in the world's largest library, if you don't want to read the books, it's not going to make you smarter.
Some people are just born inherently ignorant. Modern poor health probably makes it worse.