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🗑️ 🧵 If Euler were alive today, he’d be Jewish

Anonymous No. 16586805

Prove me wrong (protip: you can’t)

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16587628

almost useful science and technology has been done by goys. Jews just give each other awards.
I will name the only 4 useful "jewish" scientists
Theodor Maiman (jew, built first laser)
Fritz Haber (jew, synthetic ammonia, fed 6 trillion niggers)
Heinrich Hertz (mischling and non-halachic jew, would not be accepted in Israel, radio waves)
Niels Bohr (mischling, halachically jew, first useful model of the atom, useful for chemistry)
All the other jews did work in useless fields with no use for anyone, like particle physics.

Anonymous No. 16587672

why leave out Bosch?

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Anonymous No. 16587674

negro please

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16588469

Because Bosch was just an industrialist that used Fritz Haber's process on a large scale. He didnt not discover the process.

Anonymous No. 16588474

Because Bosch was just an industrialist that used Fritz Haber's process on a large scale. He didnt discover the process.