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Anonymous No. 16586956

What's going on with our food and drinks? Does RFK have a point when he said it's poisoning us?

Anonymous No. 16586962

>retards are told for decades by doctors to avoid processed food and manage your weight as being overweight and pre diabetic fucks up your hormones and health
>information you can look up online for free has been available for decades about how bad shitty food is for your health
>retards don’t do this and continue to consume gallons of corn syrup
>”nooooooo how could this happen! It’s the corporations fault I’m chronically sick!”

Anonymous No. 16586982

>Does RFK have a point when he said it's poisoning us?
well, yes and no. small amounts of phytoestrogens are actually healthy for both men and women, large amounts not so much. if you want your test naturally jacked up to roider levels, guzzle elderberry juice and sesame oil instead.

bodhi No. 16587039

Monster is an Israeli company

Anonymous No. 16587070

That's only the case for adults. Children get their food chosen for them. RFK is therefore right about food stamps and school dinners - none of them should contain anything your doctor would not recommend.

Anonymous No. 16587073

Carbonic acid fucks you your teeth and guts.
Your stomach has neurons and excessive sugar absolutely fucks your hunger urgers and ability to manage notional intake.

Soda should be listed as a drug and only sold to people over 21.

The main problems are 80IQ's can buy processed food using EBT and are to lazy too cook and health education in public schools that teaches diet and exercise is non existent.

Bring back Home Economics but drop the economics and teach nutrition and basic cooking skills.

Anonymous No. 16587074

MDs know almost nothing about nutrition.

Anonymous No. 16587076

>anything your doctor would not recommend.
remember there are YouTube doctors out there pushing both vegan and keto. trust multiple meta-analyses on PubMed for diet advice, NOT WHAT YOUR DOCTOR SAYS.

Anonymous No. 16587078

Medical doctors don't know shit about nutrition and most of them are essentially reps for the pharmaceutical cartels.

Anonymous No. 16587081

Schools teach the food pyramid and "My Plate". There's not a lack of education, there's a lack of good information in the education.

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Anonymous No. 16587083

>food pyramid

Anonymous No. 16587235

The cause effect is all wrong, as usual with armchair scientists.
You drink moster BECAUSE you're a femboy with estrogens

Anonymous No. 16587246

fabricated screenshot with no link/website
phytoestrogens don't act like estrogen in the body from what i understand
i agree goyslop is bad & plenty of things are turning us gay, but this is a matter of incorrect war intel

Anonymous No. 16587248

Doctors aren’t nutritionists. Your basic bitch GP doesn’t know shit about food science

Anonymous No. 16587387

What's wrong with keto

Anonymous No. 16587394

Is there a singular info resource on goyslop and good nutrition?

Anonymous No. 16587444

>from what i understand
Thats your limitation

Anonymous No. 16587496

nice try, Moxyte.


Anonymous No. 16587504

I have no idea who that is, i've used the keto diet before and found it pretty effective for weight loss, wanted to know why that anon is making an implication that it's bad by putting it right next to veganism in his post.

Anonymous No. 16587517

the real /sci/ take is do it if medically indicated such as being a fat fuck, but stay away otherwise because it fucks your glucose metabolism:

Anonymous No. 16587568

No one got to that state eating the food pyramid. Notice added sugars at the very top in the use sparingly category.

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Anonymous No. 16587594


Anonymous No. 16587608

>he hasn't downloaded the entire database yet

Anonymous No. 16587609

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