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Anonymous No. 16587183

Holy shit he's high as fuck.

look at his skin/eyes.

I thought people in rocket/propulsion stuff weren't allowed to do drugs and had regular drug tests?

Anonymous No. 16587188

Elon's not involved in rocket/propulsion stuff.

Anonymous No. 16587189

Guy can't stretch his neck without pissing you off?

Anonymous No. 16587200

Bro. Jack Parsons. JPL.

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Anonymous No. 16587209

His best buddy can give anyone any security clearance he wants. The President is the ultimate authority on security issues. I have no idea what Musk is taking but his body has been changing in unnatural ways in past few years that aren't just normal aging. He's going to end up looking like Penguin if he keeps on this path.

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Anonymous No. 16587210

Anonymous No. 16587226

The only thing he has in common with early space innovators is the Nazism

Anonymous No. 16587261

He’s rich and has the presidents ear. He can’t do whatever the fuck he wants the rules don’t apply to him. He’s basically the closest thing to a God

Anonymous No. 16587316

>shitty illumination
>too many people
Probably an autistic tick, that the worst possible environment for someone autistic that isn't good with social events.

Anonymous No. 16587335

he was running an uncontrolled descent into Mars's surface simulation, in his head.

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Anonymous No. 16587549


Anonymous No. 16587631

ADL cleared him and he's pro Israel.

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Anonymous No. 16587633

>They don't know Elon is high on chromosomes instead of just drugs.

Anonymous No. 16587660

He literally owns SpaceX, which is a rocket company. He is very much involved in the overall mission of the project and has been since the beginning.

Anonymous No. 16587681

Can't believe there are still people falling for the autism decoy. He's a sociopath. Go look at all the diagnostic criteria for Autism and for sociopathy. You'll find that sociopath matches up far better than autism. You've fallen for his PR's teams cover story to explain away his sociopathic behaviors.

Anonymous No. 16587692

It's probably actually both, but that's not *all* that's going on.

Anonymous No. 16587693

REminder that over 600 people have been injured in spacex factories, including

Anonymous No. 16587717

>Go look at all the diagnostic criteria for Autism and for sociopathy.
>People with both conditions may have difficulties with:
>starting and maintaining relationships with others
>feeling or showing empathy
>paying attention or listening to others
>daily functioning at work, in school, and in other areas of life due to relationship challenges
>But the underlying motivation for these symptoms is where things differ.
>Someone with Asperger’s may seem arrogant or self-involved because they’re compensating for their challenges with social communication. Someone with NPD may appear arrogant or self-involved because they feel superior to others.
Fucking pseud, stop talking shit

Anonymous No. 16587733

The DSM-VI should just combine both into "Elon Musk syndrome"

Anonymous No. 16587744

Elon won and you lost. seether harder. it's funny and we enjoy it.

Anonymous No. 16587790

Did you read what you posted and even try to apply them to what Musk actually does rather than what his PR team fooled you into thinking?
Autists have major sensory issues. Musk attends rocket launches, spends much of his time in factories, and other places that are extreme sensory overload environments.
Autists thrive on routine. Musk's life is anything but routine. He's always in some novel situation, meeting new people, and dealing with new demands.
How are you this stupid and able to get on the internet? Are you using an iphone?
The only thing that might apply to Musk is an inability to feel empathy but that's far more of a sociopathic trait than an autistic one. Autists have trouble accurately reading others, sociopaths like Musk can do it but they just don't care.
Seriously, step back, and give the criteria for both a good long time to sink in and then go back and look at what Musk does on a day to day basis and not what PR performances he gives at manufactured events, especially online.
You're being fooled by PR people smarter than you because you think all PR must be positive instead of just harm reduction. Making Musk look like an autist instead of a gigachad seems wrong to you because you don't understand he never could pass as a gigachad but he can pass like an autist in a world full of low intelligence normies like you who are easily fooled.

Anonymous No. 16587792

>Autists have major sensory issues.
>I speak for all autists
get lost retard

Anonymous No. 16587801

the ADL is antisemitic and wrong about everything

Anonymous No. 16587955

>Someone with Asperger’s may seem arrogant or self-involved because they’re compensating for their challenges with social communication. Someone with NPD may appear arrogant or self-involved because they feel superior to others.
>Fucking pseud, stop talking shit
I think you're the pseud for believing that made-up labels can accurately provide explanations.
I'm sure everyone with Asperger's appears arrogant and self-involved simply because they have issues with social communication (which is btw a circular argument since its their social challenges that causes them to have social challenges)
I'm sure whatever for-profit corp wrote that shit is interested in providing me with any studies proving that this is true?
>Autists have major sensory issues.
Sensory issues are commonly caused by prescription drugs. Wouldn't be surprised if that criterion was solely introduced to cover up adverse side effects in patients. I also fail to see how autism including practically every single issue makes it a valuable diagnosis.
>Autists thrive on routine.
That's false as everyone who has worked in a disability or care home can attest. Autists don't thrive on routine. Autists require routine because they don't do what they're told.

Anonymous No. 16587956

>Autists require routine because they don't do what they're told.
The introduction of a politically motivated criterion into the diagnostic manual is also an interesting example of how such diagnostics are simply representative of particular political interests. Autistics need "routine" because that's allegedly a part of their condition to require "routine" when in fact that routine is often forced upon them by their handlers in order to get them to do what they're supposed to do.

Anonymous No. 16587988

He doesn't look high (nobody is that bored when high) and even if he was, I wouldn't mind.

Anonymous No. 16588171

Like you, he's a midwit who thinks he knows way more about something than he actually does.

Anonymous No. 16588189

The ADL is pro nazi, and Israel is allied with nazis.

Anonymous No. 16588216

>Israel is allied with nazis.
Why wouldn't they, since Hitler made creation of Israel possible?

Anonymous No. 16588235

>He's a sociopath
So antisocial normalfag?

Anonymous No. 16588273

>some cia muppet won
Leftists losing is good but this is not good thing at all.

Anonymous No. 16588363

Bingo. Sleepy Ho and Kuntala we're ALSO retarded, they just had the deep state holding things together a little better and now that's all blown up and it's full chaos.