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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16587219

How are these types of changes at NASA going to affect the future of spaceflight?

Anonymous No. 16587231

Don’t be retarded. No one has ever been to space. It’s a place they made up to justify (((treaties))) and (((international cooperation))). Once Elon is done with USAID and the IRS, I hope he shuts down NASA too.

Anonymous No. 16587234

>If NASA isn't about my childhood, I am erased
In a normal world, she would have topped out as a grocery store cashier.

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Mid-21st Century ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16587263

Anonymous No. 16587297

>NASA is not about space, its about ME

Anonymous No. 16587420

Would NASA have done a feature like that on her if she were a White male? No? Then fuck off and stop being so entitled.

Anonymous No. 16587421

>Space isn't real, it was made up and is a vast global conspiracy spanning decades
>but the multibillionaire globalist who runs SpaceX is going to save us!
of all the dumb schizo things I've read, this is near the top.

Anonymous No. 16588077

NASA is not the future of space flight.

Anonymous No. 16588514

this lol

Anonymous No. 16588516

classic woman moment