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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16587440

How do you approach an 18 year old version of a woman like this for a date? Does she expect a 160 IQ or is 120 and a trust fund good enough? /sci/ girls thread I guess

Anonymous No. 16587441

She's German, so you talk to her about wörk.

Anonymous No. 16587443

How does one become attractive to them, then? Just be more conscientious?

Anonymous No. 16587448

>How do you approach a woman
Step 1. Shower
Step 2. Wear non-dirty clothes
Step 3. Walk up
Step 4. Find reason to talk.
Step 5. Find reason to flex knowledge and comedy skills
Step 6. Ask for number.
Step 7. Stop asking /sci/ for dating advice when /adv/, /soc/, and /lgbt/ exsit
Step 8.???
Step 9. Success.

Anonymous No. 16587449

Wörk more, mein Kerl.

Anonymous No. 16587451

>How do you approach an 18 year old version of a woman like this for a date?
She is just as desperate as you. Just make sure she knows you want to get with her. Also having money will greatly help.

Anonymous No. 16588446

the armrest of her chair is damaged
that's embarrassing

i'm not going to watch her videos
until she gets a new chair

Anonymous No. 16588604

Kind of sovlfvl nglbros

Anonymous No. 16589008

Why do you
this or

Anonymous No. 16589021

>Why do you
>this or
I don't always write like that.
When I do write like that, it's because I want to make things more digestible.

(of food) able to be digested.
(of information) easy to understand or follow.
"her books convey philosophical issues in a lucid and digestible form"

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Anonymous No. 16589133

You just know she dig in with her nails while she uses the other hand.

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lisa p.jpg

sage No. 16589509

I know a guy who knows a guy who dated Lisa Piccirillo for a while. He's just an instrumentation ET that builds equipment for the physics department. They met at a staff party or something. I met her once, she was nice.

Anonymous No. 16589613

High IQ women prefer dumb men.

Anonymous No. 16589663

>Step 7. Stop asking /sci/ for dating advice when /adv/, /soc/, and /lgbt/ exsit
>/sci/ girls thread I guess
I would bet so much cash that there are no biological (real) women in here. Some may come and go but I'm willing to bet there are 0 women with this place as their home board or even one of their most visited boards.

Anonymous No. 16589665

das heißt ARBEIT nicht wörk

Anonymous No. 16589669


Anonymous No. 16589673

step 4 is the most difficult. theres never a good reason to talk to a girl that isnt some BS and if you aproach a girl on some BS she'll be instantly turned off. unless youre chad and handsome then you can say anything and she wont care.

Anonymous No. 16589678

I'm literally autistic and look like a 7/10 on my best days, and even I used get numbers when approaching women. I wore my favorite Batman hoodie when I approached my wife. A Batman hoodie, anon!

Anonymous No. 16589683

>I'm literally autistic and look like a 7/10
so you look good and being retarded means you can talk about any retarded crap without thinking