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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16587661

why is it standard modus operandi in intellectual circles to belittle and make someone feel bad for not knowing something or displaying ignorance. it's almost as if the whole point of learning things for some people is so they can make other people feel bad, and then they wonder why they haven't actually accomplished anything noteworthy and people don't like them.

Anonymous No. 16587673

if by intellectual circles you mean university employees i.e. educators
then this is just not true

Anonymous No. 16587677

No, he means getting ridiculed for making dumb statements and then crying "no one taught me anything" when it's pointed out he's wrong about something that could have been discovered with thirty seconds of searching on Google. It's a zoomer disease to both be extremely confident in one's perceived correctness and have zero curiosity nor interest in research the truth of anything. OP likely repeated something really stupid he saw on tiktok, didn't bother to research or even give ten seconds of thought to as if it made sense, and then got laughed at when he proudly proclaimed it in a group of people smarter than him.
If you haven't been around zoomers much, you really don't know just how little the know about even the most basic things and lot little ability they have to learn anything on their own. But they sure love playing the "nobody taught me anything" victim card while playing on their phone and tuning out reality around them.

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Anonymous No. 16587783

>he doesn't know

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16587784

Everyone bar me on Earth is retarded. They all went through the same dumb education system. It's because of the system.

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16587785

You cannot know nuffin

Anonymous No. 16587786

information is power and historically it made for more personal gain if not shared. better understanding means you got some advantage in competitive setup. using it for personal gain is basic human behavior.

Barkon !8v8vr3ErDk No. 16587787

You know next to nothing bro, and so do the people you talk about.

Anonymous No. 16587936

>so they can make other people feel bad
Is the reason people become president of the United States or any high office.

Anonymous No. 16587939


Anonymous No. 16588155

why is everyone an antisocial dickhead "just google it bro" what happened to social learning and teaching, why do we have give and receive all our information from machines

Anonymous No. 16588161

the social reaction depends on what fact it is we're talking about, this discussion is too general to mean much

Anonymous No. 16588179

Because many nerds are vindictive and spiteful and derive their sense of worth from their intricate knowledge of a topic. Therefor they derive pleasure from bullying those who aren’t as autistically obsessive as them.

Anonymous No. 16588187

Because these people base their whole self worth on what they know and how smart they are.

Anonymous No. 16588200

Right , we just use knowledge to move in social hierarchies

Anonymous No. 16588415

they're scared of becoming less unique as a result of you knowing what they know

Anonymous No. 16588430

Reasons can be deeper than all of the above. Closing the gap between model and reality requires darwinian competition and selection resulting in survival of the fittest memes in an environment of relentless debate. Every word spoken or written and every image can bring humanity closer to the truth or further from the truth. That's why one has a moral obligation to speak, write and illustrate with the greatest possible validity, accuracy and reliability and one must hold another to the highest standards.

Anonymous No. 16588438

why? are you retarded or something?

Anonymous No. 16588457

If you keep your mouth shut, don't comment on topics you know nothing about, then no one will belittle you. But if you start talking nonsense about a topic and do it with confidence, people will feel the urge to destroy your fake confidence.

Anonymous No. 16588463

why should people put in effort when you've clearly not put in any yourself? this is why retards get pissed about their stack exchange questions being closed when they obviously didn't put any effort at all into it
stop being a lazy idiot and pick up a book

your intelligence is directly related to your value as a human
stupid people are worth less than smart people, this is just eality

Anonymous No. 16588479

>your intelligence is directly related to your value as a human
that's false. you have value if ze elites get some use out of you. else you're just a useless eater don't matter how smart you are. as far as they're concerned

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Stop guessing start learning No. 16588492

I dont get this ethier. Just like most here act like they know everything it's just an elitist attitude and mindset.

Alot of them are actually smart and people have told them their whole lives they are smart so they believe this view and look down on others who they feel (arbitrarily) do not meet their standards of intellect.

However you can't know everything. And hubris is why their is so much dogma in science.

Anonymous No. 16588496

brainlet cope

Anonymous No. 16589588

>your intelligence is directly related to your value as a human
Ok, but what do you mean by intelligence? For example, nerds will look down on someone who hasn't taken calculus. But not having taken calculus doesn't mean you aren't intelligent.
>stupid people are worth less than smart people, this is just eality
I'd rather date a beautiful, "dumb" white woman than an "intelligent" bug woman.

Anonymous No. 16589622

>why is it standard modus operandi in intellectual circles to belittle and make someone feel bad for not knowing something or displaying ignorance.
To make you go away. Isn't there enough ignorance out there in the world? Why do you have to bring it into someone's "intellectual circle", where people are trying to discuss stuff with others who are on their level?

Anonymous No. 16589645

He means being an obnoxious and autistic nerd with irrelevant niche interests who cites his IQ score to prove his vast intellect in lieu of demonstrable accomplishments. He doesn't mean anything like wit, cleverness, wisdom and philosophical depth, that actually increase a person's worth.

Anonymous No. 16589700

because education doesn't necessarily make people better ..or even smarter
>people have told them their whole lives they are smart so they believe this
but often they happen to be well educated only
(and that realization can comes later as a huge disapointment for people around them)